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Did anyone know this about QfG1 VGA?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:11 pm
by gizzywiz
I asked a question in the general fourm about a glitch in QfG1VGA effecting the import of QfG2.  So far no one replied.

However, did anyone else know this trick?

1.  Choose a stat at 0 that you will NOT use (lockpicking as fighter)
2.  Add 5 points to stat by spending 15 points
3.  Use the "page up" key (9 on numerical key pad) to add 1 point to stat.
4.  Now you can keep taking 5 points away causing the useless stat to be negitive and giving as many points you want for all other stats.

I have never encountered a problem with this cheat (except in the stat screen, but no crashes).

When importing to other games the negitive stat comes back as positive (making a fighter who can pick locks in above example).  If the base code for importing in the remake is the same as in QfG2 then it will most likely work too.

Also if any stat goes above 100 any improvements of the stat will reset it to 100.

Lastly, NEVER DROP VITAL STATS, unless you want to lower start stats for a challenge.

So did anyone else know this?