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I can't call my Saurus!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:23 am
by max_black0
I just got a new laptop, Which means I've just re-installed QFG2 and started over. But I've run into a problem with my saurus.
I've been attacked by a terro-saurus twice, both times the saurus threw me off and I ran away. However after that I was never able call out him. It just keeps saying "No one seems to be listening."

So what am meant to do once my saurus throws me off and I'm lost in the desert, Wandering around looking for him isn't working.
As I said I've tried clicking the mouth/Talk cursor on myself, but I don't seem to be able to call out for him.

Re: I can't call my Saurus!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:16 pm
by DrJones
You can't call your saurus unless you set the difficulty bar to the lowest level. It's on the options tab.