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#26 Post by Klytos » Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:13 am

Bonehead wrote: 6-
9 - People who hang shit on asians. I have a lot of small businesses in my area that are owned by asians (mostly Korean's) and they are awesome people who work hard. So back off you redneck halfwits.
People who make fun of southerners. I mean honestly, they should have won their independence.
Huh, what you talking about?
Chels wrote:2) people who bash me for being Christian and straight edge. I understand that there are people out there who don't believe in God, but why get mad at me because I do? Also, why is it not okay with those people that I don't need drugs or alcohol to be happy?
3) High School. I can't wait till I graduate, people are so cruel to eachother. I can't believe how much people stab eachother in the back.
2) I never understood the whole christian verbal bashing that goes on. If someone gets mad at you cause you believe in God, it's because they really do and they feel guilty about believing it or something. Or they're assholes. 'Course you don't need drugs or alcohol to be happy. Sex does that for free. :lol (small joke there, see if it gets edited...)

3) It doesn't get any better once you're out of high school, trust me. Though women tend to get nicer and less bitchy.

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#27 Post by Blackthorne519 » Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:29 pm

chels wrote: 2) people who bash me for being Christian and straight edge. I understand that there are people out there who don't believe in God, but why get mad at me because I do? Also, why is it not okay with those people that I don't need drugs or alcohol to be happy?
Hey, I don't need drugs and alcohol to make me happy. They just happen to further enhance my already cheery disposition.

Well, I can say that people get angry at you because you believe in God, because they just can't fathom a jealous diety that hangs out in the sky and actually gives a crap about a bunch of useless mammals that have risen to be the dominant speicies on a giant rock orb floating in space. In all honesty, they're just pissed because they don't have the ability to block out reason and logic like you.


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#28 Post by chels » Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:22 pm

I don't block out reason and logic, believe me I've sat through numerous talks and videos in Earth Science about the big bang theory and how the world is going to end by being covered in the oceans and by being engulfed by the sun and we're all doomed because we're going to drown and be burned alive at the same time. I just don't believe in that. I know God hasn't been proven to exist but the big bang theory hasn't been proven either. I prefer to go by the book that's been around for thousands of years than the theory that's been around for much less than that. Just because I don't believe in a theory that man came up with, doesn't mean I block out logic. In my mind, God knows more about reason and logic than anyone on this planet does.

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#29 Post by Blackthorne519 » Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:17 pm

Hun, I didn't intend to start a debate here; I was joking around.


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#30 Post by chels » Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:38 pm

I apologize Bt. I misunderstood your post.

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#31 Post by Steffi Evenstar » Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:21 pm

now let's all hug and make up!

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#32 Post by Bonehead » Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:47 pm

Bonehead wrote:

6- Quote:
9 - People who hang shit on asians. I have a lot of small businesses in my area that are owned by asians (mostly Korean's) and they are awesome people who work hard. So back off you redneck halfwits.
People who make fun of southerners. I mean honestly, they should have won their independence.

Huh, what you talking about?
I was refering to the "Redneck halfwits" comment

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#33 Post by Uhanimar » Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:16 pm

chels wrote:I don't block out reason and logic, believe me I've sat through numerous talks and videos in Earth Science about the big bang theory and how the world is going to end by being covered in the oceans and by being engulfed by the sun and we're all doomed because we're going to drown and be burned alive at the same time. I just don't believe in that. I know God hasn't been proven to exist but the big bang theory hasn't been proven either. I prefer to go by the book that's been around for thousands of years than the theory that's been around for much less than that. Just because I don't believe in a theory that man came up with, doesn't mean I block out logic. In my mind, God knows more about reason and logic than anyone on this planet does.
i agree with you to a certain extent....i think that the big bang is a load of donkey poo, but if we don't refuil our sun we are all going to burn alive....

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#34 Post by Klytos » Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:35 pm

I was refering to the "Redneck halfwits" comment
And I still don't know what the hell you're talking about with southerners or whatever. South of what? Independance from who? Should I know about this? Is this some American history thing I should care about?

In Australia, at least the parts I'm from, a redneck is someone who is stuck in the distant past, is racist and swears a lot. I would be a redneck if I was a racist. My only redeeming quality.

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#35 Post by Blackthorne519 » Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:22 am

Yes, I believe Bonehead is being ethnocentric about the American South, and forgetting he is in a world forum, where our Civil Ware (1861-1865) was little more than a pindrop to other nations.

People who live below the Mason-Dixon Line in the United States (a line of demarcation between northern and southern states, for more info use 'google') are deemed southernes and have a stereotype for being "Rednecks". Again, use google.

Last edited by Blackthorne519 on Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#36 Post by Swift » Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:42 am

In no particular order:

1. racists
2. ethnocentrics
3. liars
4. cheaters
5. jealous people
6. bullies
7. manipulative people
8. sexists
9. prejudiced people
10. sadists

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#37 Post by Uhanimar » Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:52 am

Swift wrote:In no particular order:

1. racists
2. ethnocentrics
3. liars
4. cheaters
5. jealous people
6. bullies
7. manipulative people
8. sexists
9. prejudiced people
10. sadists
Go you swift!

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#38 Post by Ghost_Rider » Sun Oct 31, 2004 3:18 pm

Well I don't know if I can think of 10, but I'll just start listing them off here:

1) Rapists. The scum of the earth, I say hang 'em all.

2) People who drive like idiots - especially ones that always cut in or go zipping across four lanes on the highway with NO SIGNAL. If they don't end up killing me one day, they will kill some other responsible person.

3) Cars with those annoying mufflers/exhaust that makes that buzzing noise. They seem to think this makes their car sound cool or powerful. All it does is make noise, and annoy everyone else - and does not enhance the performance of the engine. To go with this, those huge fins that they sometimes put on the back of the car to go with the noise-maker muffler. Funny thing with those is, it just creates drag, not downforce, and makes your engine work harder and burns more gas. Gas isn't cheap these days! :\

4) "Spaced out people". I don't know if they're on drugs or what, but I just can't stand that blank stare I get sometimes - or can maybe not see it, but can envision it over the phone.

5) I don't like liars either. I guess that would be pretty much all politicians! Half the stuff you hear on the news is just another pile of lies. You can't believe anything you hear these days, and that really sucks, doesn't it?

6) Drug dealers - they do a great job of ruining kids' lives

7) TV, for the most part. Cool idea, just over-priced and most of the stuff on it is CRAP. It is mind numbing, and I think it eats away at our IQs. Of course, there are some good programs on, the ones you can actually learn something from.

8) People who can't take a joke. There is offensive stuff everywhere you turn, you just have to ignore it.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but that's enough ranting for now. :)

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#39 Post by Gav » Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:31 pm

"Sports Sports Sports Sports...Bart get to ride in the front, cuz he's a good guy at sports!"
I prefer to go by the book that's been around for thousands of years than the theory that's been around for much less than that.
Hehe. That same logic gives me reason to side with the new theory. But I'm not here to start a stupid debate about stupid religion, so I'll move on.

Just for the hell of it - people I dislike:

- Completely over-the-top, holier than thou type persons who, despite arguably noble intentions, just suck the life out of interesting and humourous threads.

- People who, despite clear deficiencies in their cognitive abilty, including (but not limited to) their spelling and humour, try to recruit people for various roles in their game making "teams".

- People like me who completely rock and make accurate, valid, and annonymous observations about people on the forum. I'm sure there's a reason to dislike us.

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#40 Post by Charlemagne » Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:22 am

chels wrote:I just don't believe in that.... [T]he big bang theory hasn't been proven either. I prefer to go by the book that's been around for thousands of years than the theory that's been around for much less than that.
Yikes. I could really go to town on some of these topics... but for the sake of peace around here, I won't.
Blackthorne519 wrote:Yes, I believe Bonehead is being ethnocentric about the American South, and forgetting he is in a world forum, where our Civil Ware [sic] (1861-1865) was little more than a pindrop to other nations.
Good point, Blackthorne. I wonder how many nations are represented on these forums. And personally, I find the Spanish and Greek civil wars much more interesting, anyway. :)

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#41 Post by chels » Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:50 am

Gav wrote:
Just for the hell of it - people I dislike:

- Completely over-the-top, holier than thou type persons who, despite arguably noble intentions, just suck the life out of interesting and humourous threads.

- People like me who completely rock and make accurate, valid, and annonymous observations about people on the forum. I'm sure there's a reason to dislike us.
I must say that your "anonymous" observations are very interesting however, I'll save the argument over the accuracy of such observations. But I must say that people who mislabel someone just for stating an opinion they don't agree with and who like to start arguments are also on my dislike list. By the way, that was an anonymous observation. :p

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#42 Post by Gav » Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:47 am

Chels, listen, I really have no desire to get on the wrong side of you. After the line about religion, I said nothing that referred to you. So, if you have decided that perhaps "holier than thou" was in any way related to you, I can honestly say that it was not.

(I can only assume that you questioned the validity of my observations if you believed they applied, in part, to you)

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#43 Post by chels » Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:55 am

I have no desire to argue either, Gav. It seems, that I'm still getting used to the way that some people post around here. My apologies to everyone.

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#44 Post by KKuhlman » Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:49 pm

In no particular order:

1.People who treat animals poorly - Don't like 'em, will never like 'em, and I hope they get struck by lighting.

2.Backstabbers - No need to explain this..

3.Telemarketers - Who doesn't?

4.Religion/s - As my signature slightly hints.. I only rip some humor out of it.. But I don't attack people who believe for believing as long as they don't attack me for not believing. I respect their choise and I expect that they respect mine.

5.Disco music - Don't get me started about this one...

6.Spam mail - No need to explain.

7.People who think that they are better people than others - They need to be kicked back into the reality..with a red hot steel plated boot..

8.Reality TV shows - Don't get me started about this one either..

9.Windows 98 - Try it and find out.

10.Idiotic drivers - If you want to drive 100km/h on a 40km/h roud, then do me a favour and set your course to the nearest tree...

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#45 Post by Steffi Evenstar » Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:58 pm

10.Idiotic drivers - If you want to drive 100km/h on a 40km/h roud, then do me a favour and set your course to the nearest tree...

a-frickin'-men ... although people who drive too slowly are hella annoying too ... my commute to school takes me on a two-lane road, where i inevitably get stuck behind some old person who drives 10 miles below the speed limit, and when i can finally pass them, they glare at me like i've done something wrong. bah..

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#46 Post by Blackthorne519 » Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:07 pm

Charlemagne wrote:
Blackthorne519 wrote:Yes, I believe Bonehead is being ethnocentric about the American South, and forgetting he is in a world forum, where our Civil Ware [sic] (1861-1865) was little more than a pindrop to other nations.
Oh, for Chrissakes! I spelled "war" "ware"! Jesus. I need to get better at editing myself! I mean, I'm mercilous to some folks!


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#47 Post by KKuhlman » Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:21 pm

Steffi Evenstar wrote:where i inevitably get stuck behind some old person who drives 10 miles below the speed limit, and when i can finally pass them, they glare at me like i've done something wrong. bah..
I know what you mean, a few weeks ago we got stuck behind some old geezer who drove more than 40km below the speed limit..
We wondered that should we call the police about him, or call a hearse in case he has died behind the steering wheel or just give him the international handsign meaning "Go get some driving lessons!"..
We ended up glaring at him..

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#48 Post by Patzman » Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:21 pm

1 - War for "more peace" :\ like for more profits, more cach, more petrole.
2 - Liars... like...
3 - ...GW BUSH
4 - Telemarketers
5 - The guy who say "We sell at CocaCola, more time of available human brain" (Patrick Le Lay, PDG of TF1, French TV).
6 - Censors, Propaganda on TV, restrictives liberty laws.
7 - Real TV shows... or TV in all.
8 - Rapists (Them make me headhache)
9 - Nasty driver who stick us on buttocks on the highway, and who drive as jerks.
10 - Trolls (no comments)

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#49 Post by Uhanimar » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:43 pm

Patzman wrote:1 - War for "more peace" :\ like for more profits, more cach, more petrole.
2 - Liars... like...
3 - ...GW BUSH
4 - Telemarketers
5 - The guy who say "We sell at CocaCola, more time of available human brain" (Patrick Le Lay, PDG of TF1, French TV).
6 - Censors, Propaganda on TV, restrictives liberty laws.
7 - Real TV shows... or TV in all.
8 - Rapists (Them make me headhache)
9 - Nasty driver who stick us on buttocks on the highway, and who drive as jerks.
10 - Trolls (no comments)

everything on there especcally liers*cough*like bu*cough*sh i agree with....

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