The Animals!

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Re: .................................

#26 Post by Ghost_Rider » Fri Jun 03, 2005 3:06 am

FatherGhostface wrote:Humans are everything I hate... >:

Ok, so move to a farm, live in a barn with the cows and eat hay, or go live in the forest and never talk to anyone again.   :p

I think everyone knows what you are getting at, but I don't think people appreciate your tone or insults.  Unless of course, you are being totally sarcastic; but I don't think that is the case here.

I don't like the idea of how veal is made - cattle being held in boxes, unable to roam the fields and graze before they are slaughtered.  There is a fair amount of domestic animal abuse as well.  People beat dogs and cats.  But to those issues I say just don't buy or order veal when you're out, and on the other issue, if you see people abusing animals then report it.

Personally I like a good steak, and I like hamburgers, chicken, turkey, and once in a while some ham or porkchops.  Doesn't mean I think mistreating animals is OK.

In the wild, animals eat other animals.  It's just part of nature.  So, why can't humans eat other animals?  We're animals too.

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Re: .................................

#27 Post by navynuke04 » Fri Jun 03, 2005 3:21 am

Ghost_Rider wrote:In the wild, animals eat other animals.  It's just part of nature.  So, why can't humans eat other animals?  We're animals too.
That's pretty much the point I was trying to make with my initial question... ;)

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#28 Post by FatherGhostface » Fri Jun 03, 2005 3:37 am

Am I everyone's favorite punching bag! And FYI "Ghost Rider" I have always insulted people! I'm a sour puss! I always have a glaring look, I'm always sneering at people at school. I barely talk to anyone at lunch time. I always am grumpy. I never say Hi to anyone if they say Hi to me, not even adults. I'm a quiet lonley human-hating "13" year old (going to be 14 in August) who likes to draw and eat as much birthday cake as he can get! In fact I eat too much and yet it's done nothing to my body (slim fit)! And I care for animals and just want them to be safe away from a gun rifle or a hunter's knife for pete's sake! I have a group of friends at school, and we're so different that you could compare us to the Seven Dwarves! Which would make me grumpy! This is the way I am Ghost Rider! And I am not changing for you and or anyone!

Now if you need me, I'll be away here at my new website-dark cloak forums here:

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#29 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Fri Jun 03, 2005 4:14 am

unless the term diaper was used no one said change. However my initial question is "How do animals go extinct?"

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#30 Post by Blackthorne519 » Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:33 am

As ego-centric as we like to make ourselves, species were going extinct before we even showed up.  That's life; the history of the planet goes way beyond the measly 50-100 years we can potentially live.  Woo hoo.

FatherGhostface, I was once a lonely human hating 13 year old too.  But that was 1991, and the internet didn't exist.  I had a modem, but even people on BBS's hated me.   Now, I'm grown and everyone still hates me.  That's okay.  I just go to the bathroom, poop, and forget about it.

On the serious side, you're a talented artist and you're obviously a thinker at 13; something tells me you're going to do fine for yourself as you grow over the next few years.


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#31 Post by Vildern » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:27 am

Well, my brother and almost all my friends are vegetarians.

Once, my brother told me why he became vegetarian. He was working in a farm, and there was this cow there that he very much liked. Every day, he would feed it, and spend time with it.

One day, however, he came to the place, when it was supposed to be, and couldn't find it... He was investigating the area, when suddenly, he came upon the cow... dead... one step before becoming food and being sent to your plates.

Horrified and sorrowful of the terrible sight, he swore he'll never touch meat again. When he told me this, I began to think about becoming vegetarian too.

But -

Many people who become vegetarians need to take additions of vitamins (in pills, for example), which I really don't want to mess with.

And, my family eats meat... it's the main thing in every holiday. When I lived with my mom, she always had meat in the fridge... I think that in order to become vegetarian, I need to be away from meat for a certain time, because when I see we have some in the fridge... it's looks soooo good and tasty... quite irresistible if you are hungry.

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#32 Post by Erpy » Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:51 am

I attempted to eat one of AGD1's frozen veggan TV dinners. It was...  ... less than good.
I ate a couple of them as well while in the US and I thought they tasted good. Then again, I quickly think something tastes good. :)


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#33 Post by Da_elf » Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:04 pm

Hey JayWar. dont forget when they wax the dophin or wrestle the eel or stroke the one-eyed burping gecko (that one made me laugh) hehe

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#34 Post by Ghost_Rider » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:48 pm

FatherGhostface wrote:Am I everyone's favorite punching bag! And FYI "Ghost Rider" I have always insulted people! I'm a sour puss! I always have a glaring look, I'm always sneering at people at school. This is the way I am Ghost Rider! And I am not changing for you and or anyone!

You're not my favourite punching bag, there's many others higher on my list.   :p   I prefer real-life as well, can't physically punch anyone online.

So that's the way you choose to be in real life too... that's fine, it's your choice.

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#35 Post by FatherGhostface » Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:03 am


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#36 Post by GamerGal » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:31 am

I can understand and empathize with FG's sentiments regarding cruelty to animals.  Just this week, I saw three drivers deliberately hit small animals - a baby opposum, a baby skunk, and a small aquatic turtle.  I could do nothing to save them!

I can honestly say I "hate" such people.  But, on that same road, I met a kind human being, who helped me guide two gaggle of Canadian Geese to safety.  Both sets of parents were frantically trying to find a way off the road, to get to the water beyond the fence.  Each had a brood of about    8 goslings with them.  The babies were panicking; the parents were trying to keep them together, as they were running in every direction ... I herded one set to the side.  Just as I was about to try to help the other set, I could hear a truck coming down the road.  I was frantic, thinking that this driver would run them (and possibly me!) down.  Instead, the driver slowed down, turned on his hazard lights, and helped me guide the other set to safety.  It was such a relief to see both sets of parents quietly tending to their babies beside the water!    

So, although there is a lot of cruelty, it was reassuring to find another decent human being, who didn't slam his vehicle through them!  FG, not all people are bad, so it is best not to generalize!  (After all, you're human, and you're a nice guy!) I admire your courage to speak up for the animals .... they have no voice but ours!   :)

While I deplore cruelty to animals, I do eat meat!  However, I prefer to buy it from a small family farm, where I know the animals are treated humanely.  The meat is healthier because the animals are fed a natural diet; live in uncrowded conditions; and are not stressed the way their counterparts in huge Agri-Corporations are.  They go through a natural cycle of life, give birth and stay with their young; graze and live stress free lives, until they are slaughtered.  Their life ends right there, but it is done quickly and humanely.

Being a vegetarian is a personal choice.  I myself eat very little meat.  The meat in the supermarkets is cheap, because the methods used by the Agri-Corporations keep the overhead down.  It costs the family farmers more to raise the healthier meat.  If people insisted on higher quality meat, and ate less of it, and had to pay more for it, there would be less waste.  And fewer animals would be slaughtered.  

Some vegans are very extreme (and pretentious), while others are truly animal lovers and feel it is wrong to eat meat and contribute to cruelty.  In addressing what BT said, I agree that animal testing of cosmetics is useless and unnecessary.  In addition, most of it is repetitive.  Medical research is also frequently repetitive, and it is often unreliable.  

Thalidamide was found to be "safe" when tested on animals, but countless infants were born with no arms and legs due to this "safe", animal-tested drug!

Science has advanced, but not far enough.  They have to find better, more reliable methods of testing ... a rat is not a human being!  neither is a rabbit, or dog, etc!

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#37 Post by Heimdall » Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:21 am

In response to GamerGal, I agree that unnecessary cosmetic testing on animals is wrong.  If the US is like the UK however, the cosmetic testing on animals should be highly regulated and extremely restricted, for the reason you mentioned; most of the chemical solutions used in cosmetics now are already tried and tested, and so do not need to be retested.  Computer simulation models and various other forms of technological testing also mean that less experimentation needs animal test subjects.

However, I'm not sure I agree with you entirely regarding the medical experimentation on animals in general; firstly, although their are misleading results, such as the Thalidomide, a substantial amount of life-saving treatment has not been.  This is because, although as you say, a rat is not a human, our genetic make-ups and dispositions have been found to share similarities; our treatment for certain kinds of cancer (including chaemotherapy) was devloped through work with rats, heart bypasses were first proved a successful in a primate, if I remember correctly, and diabetes treatment was first tested on, and our insulin comes from pigs.  For this reason, I feel that vivisection is something of an unfortunate necessity.

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#38 Post by Klytos » Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:35 am

I once hit 27 cane toads with my car. It was fun.  :D

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#39 Post by GamerGal » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:42 pm

Heimdall wrote:In response to GamerGal, I agree that unnecessary cosmetic testing on animals is wrong.  If the US is like the UK however, the cosmetic testing on animals should be highly regulated and extremely restricted, for the reason you mentioned; most of the chemical solutions used in cosmetics now are already tried and tested, and so do not need to be retested.  Computer simulation models and various other forms of technological testing also mean that less experimentation needs animal test subjects.

However, I'm not sure I agree with you entirely regarding the medical experimentation on animals in general; firstly, although their are misleading results, such as the Thalidomide, a substantial amount of life-saving treatment has not been.  This is because, although as you say, a rat is not a human, our genetic make-ups and dispositions have been found to share similarities; our treatment for certain kinds of cancer (including chaemotherapy) was devloped through work with rats, heart bypasses were first proved a successful in a primate, if I remember correctly, and diabetes treatment was first tested on, and our insulin comes from pigs.  For this reason, I feel that vivisection is something of an unfortunate necessity.

Thanks for a well-thought out response.  I am not opposed to all medical testing, but much of it is repetitive, and sometimes quite inaccurate.  However, as I said, medical science has advanced a great deal, but we still need a better methodology for testing.  With the advances in stem cell research, medical testing may be carried out on isolated cells, to find alternative treatments, thereby eliminating the guesswork of testing on animals.
Klytos wrote:I once hit 27 cane toads with my car. It was fun.
Trolling, are we?  I see someone is in desperate need of attention ...  :\

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#40 Post by Vildern » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:53 pm

Klytos wrote:I once hit 27 cane toads with my car. It was fun.
Heh, better driving over the real creatures... :p Sticks don't splatter blood, after all.
Last edited by Vildern on Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#41 Post by Heimdall » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:55 pm

GamerGal wrote: Thanks for a well-thought out response.  I am not opposed to all medical testing, but much of it is repetitive, and sometimes quite inaccurate.  However, as I said, medical science has advanced a great deal, but we still need a better methodology for testing.  With the advances in stem cell research, medical testing may be carried out on isolated cells, to find alternative treatments, thereby eliminating the guesswork of testing on animals.
Yeah, I agree, I'd be much happier to see more work put into stem-cell research.  I've never really understood the moral objections to embryonic stem-cell research in particular.  More embryos are destroyed in infertility treatment than in the research, go figure.  ;)

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#42 Post by Pidgeot » Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:10 pm

Vildern wrote:
Klytos wrote:I once hit 27 cane toads with my car. It was fun.
Heh, better driving over the real creatures... :p Sticks don't splatter blood, after all.
You might want to read this Wikipedia article.

However, I believe it is actually considered a GOOD thing in Australia, as it helps to keep the population under control.

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#43 Post by Broomie » Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:13 pm

GamerGal wrote:
Klytos wrote:I once hit 27 cane toads with my car. It was fun.
Trolling, are we?  I see someone is in desperate need of attention ...  :\
I also see someone needs to do some research before making a comment like that. ;)

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#44 Post by Vildern » Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:01 pm

Other names

Marine Toad
Marine ToadThe Giant Neotropical Toad is also known by the following names:

Aga Toad (German, origin unknown)
Cane Toad
Dominican Toad
Giant Marine Toad
Giant Toad
Marine Toad
Sapo gigante (Spanish)
South American Cane Toad
Spring Chicken (in Belize)
Sapo Cururu (in Brazil)
Huh, so he was driving over real toads.... my bad :p

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#45 Post by Alias » Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:28 pm

I love animals, I believe they should not be killed for fun. I dont mind them killing for food though. No matter what vegetarians do animals will be killed like it or now, I just do my best to support them.

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#46 Post by Blackthorne519 » Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:15 pm

Human egocentrism always makes me laugh.

"I love animals; I'll support them."

Who says the animals aren't supporting you?  Without them, we'd be dead - and we wouldn't have all we do.  Acting like you're better than them - THAT'S the pretentious behavior I see in many vegans and vegetarians.  If you're so damn advanced, get over yourself.


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#47 Post by JWar » Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:26 pm

GamerGal wrote:Trolling, are we?
No, toading, he says it, right there for you to read. Don't feel too weird, it happens to all of us. You feel the pressure to respond, read a comment and overshoot the wanted response.

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#48 Post by Klytos » Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:23 pm

Yeah, toads suck. They're a bloody pest. Most animals I can deal with, in fact I love some of them.

Interesting fact : Australia is the only country in the world where it is legal to eat our national animal! (If that's wrong, I heard it at the Melbourne comedy Festival so....)

EDIT : The Kangaroo is case anyone was wondering.

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#49 Post by Broomie » Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:12 pm

Interesting fact : Australia is the only country in the world where it is legal to eat our national animal! (If that's wrong, I heard it at the Melbourne comedy Festival so....)
Thank God for that, I really wouldn't feel like tucking into Bulldog and Chips.

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#50 Post by Heimdall » Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:36 pm

Bromios wrote:
Interesting fact : Australia is the only country in the world where it is legal to eat our national animal! (If that's wrong, I heard it at the Melbourne comedy Festival so....)
Thank God for that, I really wouldn't feel like tucking into Bulldog and Chips.
Isn't our herald animal the swan? ;)

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