HerrBearen's son has leukæmia

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HerrBearen's son has leukæmia

#1 Post by Swift » Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:45 am

I found out about this from the 'Quest for More Glory' forum.

http://www.questformoreglory.com/forums ... st&p=26402
Almirena wrote: On Sunday, 9th October, HerrBearen (whom many will know from the GK forum, and he's appeared occasionally in the QfG and KQ forums also) told us this:
Most here know that I'm BEARIC's dad. I've some bad news. Eric/BEARIC has been admitted into the hospital with Leukemia. We found this out yesterday. He can be reached at INOVA/Fairfax General hospital room 566 BLUE Wing at 17037766056
On 10th October, he updated us with the following:
Thanx folks. Eric has what is known as T-Cell Acute Lymphoplastic Leukemia or T-Cell ALL. He'll be undergoing intensive chemo, radiation and an experimental Compound 506U78 treatment in the hospital for the nesxt 2-3 weeks. This type of Leukemia hits 15% of children and adults who have Leukemia. The mortality rate is 1 out of 4.... or 75% live.
His treatments will be going for 2 years.
Tuesday 11th October:
This whole ordeal is beginning to wear me out mentally and emotionally. So much to do to get assistance, traveling here to the hospital, updating people, phone calls, people at the door from church to help prepare the house for Eric's return home, forms to sign and read, conferences with the doctors and nurses, casual conversations with other parents, limited access with this Abominably Old Lifeline of any type of internet access, no IM to work with, concerns about going back to work in 3-4 hours, getting Cathy over here tomorrow morning just so that I CAN go to work, finances.... ad infinitum ad nauseum.
Wednesday, 12th October:
When you've gone through as much as I have, you learn how to react and think when the Winds of Trouble blow your way. The most important thing to do is speak your feelings and be not shy or bashful to ask for a shoulder to cry on, an ear give listen, a voice to speak up, a hand to hold, arms to catch hold and caress, squeeze, hug. The loneliest person, is the one who says nothing and refuses the company of councel. The fool refuseth to hear the wise.
Those who mock sincerity, will soon be shamed.

I only did what I knew to be the most successful weapon and tool in my continuing journey through sobriety. I spoke up and cried for help. What's better, is that those that asked me to bend an ear in their direction and allow them to cry on my shoulder.... are flocking to help comfort THIS BEAR. Thanx for the compliment. (o:3

At 8:00am Eric begins the most intensive week of his treatment.
Friday 14th October:
As for Eric, he's doing great with the chemo thus far and might be allowed to return home Monday, if he doesn't get a fever or infection. As nice as it sounds, though, the house is not ready to receive Eric. Nothing has been cleaned, sanitized or repaired.... let alone, having the first attempts to clean the place up... by Cathy or Sarah (Eric's mom and sister, respectively). I'm not only at Eric's bedside and away from home, but, when I DO get the chance to get home, there is not enough time to do any cleaning or repairs, as I must update through IM's, email, phone and in person. Hit the road to get to work or back here and pick up supplies on the way. I wouldn't want to wish a fever to force him to stay here for the original 2-3 week stay... but, going back to that unsanitized house in his condition could prove fatal.

This also applies to camping or even visiting Eric here at the hospital. This is the 7th night I'm camping with him and the last time Cathy came here to visit him was on Tuesday. I'm sorry, but, there is only ONE "Robert The BEAR Beatty". There aren't any clones to do multiple tasks, be everywhere ALL of the time, fully charged with energy from food and rest... to do what is necessary for Eric's health and recovery. I'm speading myself way too thin and am really getting stressed out. I'm going to ask the nurses to check my blood pressure.... who cares if it's added to the bill. It would be better than dying from stroke or heart attack, in the hospital, right under their noses, yes?
Thursday 20th October:
As of this moment, "Home" is the Ronald McDonald House here in Falls Church, Va right behind the hospital. It's a relief to be out of the 5th floor stockade, but, I'm required to stay with Eric until someone comes to relieve me.... so that I can go back to work, clean house, meet with DSS and other authorities. Eric is sleeping soundly. He looks like he's glad to be out of that 15x15 pillbox.
The situation is really tough for Robert (aka HerrBearen) and his son Eric (aka Bearic). It seems that no one in his town is helping him - people promise to help or say things like, "If there's anything we can do...", but balk at actually DOING anything.

Added to that is the financial situation.  On 23rd October:
Also, some of the first statements are coming in. This one was for 14xx.00 with 950.00 allowable claim and 550.00 not allowed. This was only for the 8th of October. I'm going to dread seeing the other bills/statements.
Since I don't think any of us live close enough to HerrBearen to help with the sanitising of the house, etc., I ask that you do what you can practically. Of course give prayers and good thoughts, but to be honest, he's got lots of those happening already. And so far the practical help has been very, very short. If you can help by donating - even if it's just a little bit of money - I think that will be a validation of prayer and good thoughts. "Faith without works is dead"... so please, I'm serious. If you can only afford a couple of dollars, that's something. I know that HerrBearen cannot even begin to express how devastating this is for him - the emotional beating he and his son are taking, and then all of the practical nitty-gritties they've got to take care of.

HerrBearen has a Paypal account. If you also have a Paypal account (and most of us have), you can donate just by going here, logging in to your account, clicking on to Send Money, and entering the email address of the person to whom you're sending money as:


If you'd like to email HerrBearen, you can do so at that email address, too. Just email him at rrbeatty@starpower.net to send him an email and find out how Eric's doing.

Thank you.
Please help out in any way that you can. Thank you.

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#2 Post by Gronagor » Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:35 pm

I'm really sorry to hear this.
This type of thing makes one's own problems seem so small.

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#3 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:03 pm

trult the winds of change have struck that family. I'm very sorry to see that happening to an obviously great bunch of people.  :(

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#4 Post by Brainiac » Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:23 am

Gronagor wrote:This type of thing makes one's own problems seem so small.
Indeed; news like this makes one realize just how petty some things we consider to be major problems really are.  I'm sure everyone reading this can agree with that.

I haven't brought this up as I'm not really good with verbalizing (or writing) about the really big events in life, but my best friend from high school is dealing with his own family cancer troubles.  His mother was diagnosed with malignant melanoma not too long ago.  She had more than 20 lymph nodes removed, about seven of which were found to be cancerous.  Fortunately, it has not invaded her brain.  She is about to undergo major radiation treatments, as well as chemotherapy and possibly a few experimental treatments as well.  He's heard several stories like this one now and, while I suppose it's a dark sort of comfort for him and his family, he's said that, in a way, it is good for him to know that there are others dealing with the same troubles, the same pain.  He feels it somewhat lessens the burden.

I've done as much as I can to help him, in support and finances (should they be needed) and even talking to a few oncologists I've met through my work at Cincinnati Children's, but I know that I'm on the outside and there are some things I can't help him with.  I hope that he and his family come through all right...and I hope for the same for HerrBearen and BEARIC.

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#5 Post by Vildern » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:33 am

I'm so sorry to hear that, Swift.

Indeed; news like this makes one realize just how petty some things we consider to be major problems really are.  I'm sure everyone reading this can agree with that.
You don't need to be gravely ill to be allowed considering your problems as "major".

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#6 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:48 pm

that's all said and true but it does make whatever large problems you have seem smaller.

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#7 Post by Vildern » Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 pm

All problems compared to dying are smaller, so was there a point in mentioning it in the first place?

It's like saying, compared to the sun, all light bulbs produce little light.

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#8 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:56 pm

true but Human life is so much more fragile then a light source. I think this is a discussion not belonging here and a time of prayer so I'll try not to argue points here.

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#9 Post by Brainiac » Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:31 am

Vildern wrote:All problems compared to dying are smaller, so was there a point in mentioning it in the first place?

It's like saying, compared to the sun, all light bulbs produce little light.
Heh, that's true; you've definitely got a point there, Vil.  I suppose what I meant was that it's just a reminder to others that we shouldn't get so concerned with the little things, you know?  Some people need something intense like this to recognize that there are larger problems in life then whatever petty issues they're currently dealing with.

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#10 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:40 am

:| My Girlfriends best friend was expected to die last night! He's had a muscle disfunction since he was born and wasn't expected to live a year but now he's 14 or so and the news is quite sudden. She's taking it well as she is 15 and has lost 2 of her best friends to accidents. I just didn't know where to post this but I needed to let it out somewhere. I got the news last night and we were told he probably wouldn't make it through the night. I've been comforting her but there's only so much one can take. Please keep little Ricky in your prayers.

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#11 Post by Spikey » Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:43 pm

Vildern wrote:All problems compared to dying are smaller, so was there a point in mentioning it in the first place?

It's like saying, compared to the sun, all light bulbs produce little light.
I'm sorry but life and death are not as simple as that. Death comes for everyone, but problems that seem in the far future can easily be done away with for the time being. What Brainiac meant is that it sometimes seems much closer when you hear about something like that, and that you start to see current problems in a different light. When that thought comes to mind, it's worth mentioning it.

Also, you speak from a world inside your own window. A lot of people perceive that dying is the ultimate solution / salvation. Another thing why it is worth mentioning when you come to the realization that this is not the case for you.

Just my 2 grains of salt.


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Triumphant return

#12 Post by Brainiac » Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:23 pm

Now I remember why I missed you being around so much Spikey; you're far more eloquent with things like this than I am.  Nicely written.

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#13 Post by Gronagor » Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:55 am

The main problem with this type of thing isn't the point of dying. This type of problem can break that family psychologically, financially and any other way you can think of. I know of some families who never recovered and probably never will.

If it was a case of simply dying, it wouldn't be such a big issue (other than being sad for a while).

Basicly, this sort of issue can be considered as 'all the problems you could possibly have bundled into one.'

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