Nintendo Revolution help usher in adventure genre comeback?

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Nintendo Revolution help usher in adventure genre comeback?

#1 Post by madara » Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:12 pm

As the days get closer to E3, more and more folks seem to be mentioning how Nintendo's Virtual Console for making smaller downloadable projects could really have a comeback for some older style games. Even bigger is the fact that the first game unveiled last night, Red Steel, a FPS game went into very detail explanations about just how amazingly precise the new Rev wand controller is for 3D space. Just thinking simply it could completely replace the archaic hot flashing point and click spots with more intense puzzles solving by actually interacting with the environment. Maybe we have to wait for voice recognition as well but I think this sounds like the biggest step yet for new breed of adventure games. At the very least we can only hope Beyond Good & Evil 2 is not too far off in the future.

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#2 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:26 pm

I used to be one that was so into looking into the next system and deciding what I was going to get to be such a big thing but this time I'll probably wait unless I get one for christmas or something becuase my parents tend to do that. This time around I think it'll be close between Rev and PS3 but I doubt I could make a choice untill they're out and I've seen them both. If Metal Gear Solid 4 is PS3 only and Final Fantasy's are mostly there as well I may be forced into the PS3.

On the whole Adventure games aspect of the revolution though I'm going to predict that although most of modern day adventure games probably will be there it'll still never be the same market we had before I was born and in the early 90's and I think we'll all have to realize that AGDI and Himalaya along with Infamous adventures and Hero6 (and many more) are the only ones working for what we really want and most of the projects are remakes anyways. Although it's a nice thought that adventure gaming could come back with this technology we have to understand that it's probably just a pipe dream. Of course I can't say this for certain.

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#3 Post by Vroomfondel » Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:53 pm

While I don't believe that the Revolution will bring back adventure games, it is one hell of a system! I'm definately buying one when it comes out.

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#4 Post by madara » Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:46 pm

Thanks for the thoughts and replies.
I really like some of the ideas being tossed around by creative forum users all over the internet about how adventure games could interact in totally new ways with the Rev free hand remote and we can only hope developers like Vivendi, etc are two steps ahead of us. After all they paid alot for those properties, no reason to keep letting them collect dust. Al is not getting any younger either and they need to involve the original minds behind these to get the core of the game right! Sorry Al, hehe.

At the very least minor fixes up and very low cost risk on Nintendo Virtual Console would be very doable. Though I love to see  ambitous projects liking making full use of the lastest cell shading and very interactive free hand 3D controller like actually pulling a lever, moving a bush to find something without a hot spot flashing, truely interactive puzzles and combines. And that is all basic common ideas from joe like me.  At the very least it would go along with the staples of plot, characters, character development and dialogue and possibly bring in a new crowd while replacing the old point and click flashy hot spots that got old so long ago. I really hope this opporunity is not missed.

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#5 Post by madara » Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:37 pm

Abit more info is leaking on the technologies of the Free Hand Controller that Nintendo has with its new coming Revolution system and its rumored use of complete 3D space and voice recognition. So folks are suggesting   being able to physically feel as you move the lever in the cave, move the crate and reach to pick up the bar under it. Objects not out in plain sight but you could move a bush or look through debris and then combine items realisticly with proper handmovements. Tie in possible voice recognition and you have the game as interactive if not more then back when we gave our own text commands but this time we think up the conversations or words that will interact with npcs, objects, etc.

How you play by combat or by stealth, more intelligent thought provoking ways and being rewarded as such I would thing would actually fuel new like minded adventure fans. This still has me very excited and I am glad to see a few posts everyday about what this system could do for adventure games all over different forums. E3 is only few weeks away, keep you folks updated and lets keep our fingers crossed that those sitting on hot properties are already aware of this(looking at you for one, Vivendi)and are testing out the waters and using the original creators to also make sure that the foundation is solid with good characters, story and settings.

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#6 Post by Vroomfondel » Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:28 am

The Rev is looking awesome. Red Steel and Misery sound like awesome titles, and I especially like the virtual reality esque control system.

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#7 Post by madara » Tue May 09, 2006 3:50 pm

45mins until show! Cant wait

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#8 Post by Vroomfondel » Tue May 09, 2006 10:22 pm

On a semi-related note, did anyone notice how Sony's new controller for the PS3 incorporates a motion sensor? How cool! How innovative! Isn't it great how creative the Sony guys are?! [/sarcasm]

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#9 Post by MusicallyInspired » Tue May 09, 2006 10:43 pm

My how the cards fall....

err....that's an expression right?

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#10 Post by Vroomfondel » Tue May 09, 2006 11:30 pm

's far as I know!

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