Al Emmo, Himalaya Studios, & AGDI

This forum is a place to talk about AGDI games and projects.

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#26 Post by navynuke04 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:02 am

I'm not saying that.... We've had multiple people ask to donate money. We can't legally accept any donations for our work here. However, one could consider buying the game a form of donation. They just get a game thrown in for thanks.

I've played Al Emmo though, and it's a great game. Great writing, great voice acting, great humor. It'll definately be worth buying and playing regardless. My point was that even if you don't want the game, but you want Himalaya to continue, you should consider buying the game to help support them.

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#27 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:42 am

I'm not suggesting that people should buy the game just because we made it. Naturally, nobody would want to buy something that wasn't worth the money they were spending on it.

However, I feel confident in saying that the game will be far more stable than the state most modern games are released in,  and that I think it'll be an enjoyable playing experience.  Nobody should feel forced into buying it though. If you want to buy the game outright as a sign of support - then great, that's appreciated. If you feel skeptical and want to try the demo first - great too, that's what demos are for. I'm not gonna start demanding that people purchase the game or anything like that;  all I'm saying is that great care has been taken to make a good quality and stable product, so at least give the demo a try before determining whether you'll buy it or not.

JustLuke29: Ain't that the truth? Making an original game is definitely a good learning curve and we're getting more used to accepting the good with the bad now, since when we first began.  Regardles of whether the comments are flattering or not, we're able to use people's collective advice to finetune things in the future. For example, your comments provided some insight that it may be the lack marketting which is responsible for causing such feelings about the game/character prior to its release.

Heh, and funnily enough, I always thought Steve Buscemi would make a good voice actor for Al... if we could have afforded him.

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#28 Post by Milan Easton » Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:55 am

I can wholeheartedly say, buy the game because it rocks!  But I would know.  I've played it and I love it :D

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#29 Post by daventry » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:16 pm

:) Do we buy El Emmo or do we download it.
Last edited by daventry on Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#30 Post by Erpy » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:38 pm

We'd like you to buy it. :)


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#31 Post by daventry » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:38 pm

:lol :lol :lol

So when it comes out, will it be shipped out and go to Stores like normal Games, or do i buy it over the Internet. :)

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#32 Post by Erpy » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:19 pm

You'll have to purchase it in our online store.


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#33 Post by daventry » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:05 pm

You have an Online store, where. :eek

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#34 Post by adeyke » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:14 pm .  Since the game hasn't been released yet, there's nothing available for purchase, though.

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#35 Post by navynuke04 » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:13 am

The store will be opening before too much longer to start accepting pre-orders.

There is a good review at ... lEmmo.shtm

Also, I'd like to invite everyone to register an account at the Himalaya Forums. It's a good place to ask questions related to the game.

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#36 Post by daventry » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:31 am

Hmm, no im not gonna buy a Game from the Internet, im just gonna wait and download QFG2VGA when it comes out.

Thank you.


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#37 Post by Alistair » Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:14 pm

Wow, what a bizarre thread.

The first thing that springs to mind is, I'm overwhelmed. I've been very critical of the AGDI's (and other associates, eg Erpy) in the past (for various things, and on forums noone that visits this place has probably ever been to, so I won't bother rehashing that).

As much as some of their comments ring of self-importance and arrogance (and, without meaning to cause too much offence, very, very PR-ish), it still very much impresses me that both they replied in detail (at least, AGD 2 did), and wrote some very interesting, and even honest things- for example, AGD 2 admitting to overhyping QFG2VGA, etc. It takes someone with 'character' (get it? QFG? ;P ) to do that.

Additionally, I made the assumption that this place was not a discourse, but rather a dictation, as far as conversations went, if you get my drift. I must keep an open mind! With infamous projects like KQ9 and heinous companies like Vivendi dominating the spotlight it's too easy to be cynical about our beloved community and its' state.
Might even link to this thread on my forums. Good to see lively debate, anyway.
Heh... just remember that if Al Emmo doesn't go over well, and profit isn't made, the chances of more games being made is dimenished considerably. Even if you don't buy the game because you want the game, it is a good way to say thank you and to support the AGD's. They have done a lot of hard work that they have yet to be compensated for. As they say, remakes don't pay the bills.
That's a really bizarre comment for someone who works so hard in the area, NavyNuke. Does that mean if I recorded an album, my Sierra music site should be rewarded by Sierra fanss purchasing it, because I spend a hell of a lot of my time working on Sierra stuff for fans, at no profit to myself except minimal praise?

Also, the logic of 'if Al Emmo is received badly then buy it anyway because then we can make more games' seems obviously flawed- surely if it isn't well received, other games made by the same people with the same humour/adventure style, albeit a different setting, would be equally unpopular (this isn't prejudging Al Emmo's popularity, I'm just following NavyNuke's logic).

I would think if you want peope to support the AGD's, start a Paypal donation or bank transfer donation. Surely there's millions of people ho'd do it in a second.

Besides, it's a choice. If they can't pay the bills (and it's an issue), get a job. I make the same choice as they do, and I don't ask people to pay for my (copyrighted by Vivendi) work.

Damn, there's so much more I want to say, especially in reply to AGD#2's posts, they're excellent. Ah well, maybe when it's not 2:45am.

- Alistair

P.S. A Western or desert set game that's not mentioned here, and radically different to the usually mentioned Freddy Pharkas (which is amazingly good IMO, not 'abominable' as someone said earlier) is.. Shivers 2.

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