Does anyone have the classics?

This forum is for discussion about the Quest for Glory II remake. Hints, tips, opinions, etc.

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Does anyone have the classics?

#1 Post by AlastorBosch » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:56 am

Heh heh. I get giddy as a school boy just holding them; I picked up Hero's Quest and Quest for Glory II MIB a few years ago on Ebay. They typically stay in shrink wrap in a box, though I knew this guy from years ago - huge Sierra/Disney nut, who kept all his games out on display. HQ came with both 5.25 and 3.5 disks, the manual and FACS booklet, one of those old hint books with the red decoder, a note from Guruka Singh Kalsa, and the warranty cards. There's a Prodigy sticker on the front of the sleeve -I'm not sure if that was an offer that came with early editions of the game or what, but I don't dare pull it off, for fear of tearing the sleeve. QFG II came with similar accoutrements, though it has no stickers or whatnot. I don't have any of the others MIB, but I do remember seeing QFG3 in some Mom and Pop software store back in...what was it...1993?

As an aside, I also have MIB, Conquests of the Longbow and The Immortal (though that's not Sierra. EA if I recall).

To the mods, sorry if this is in the wrong board. Since it concerned QFG, I thought it ought to go here.

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Re: Does anyone have the classics?

#2 Post by loh_key » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:07 am

My brother came back into town for a few weeks this summer, and we got together at our parent's place. This was probably about 6 weeks before QFG2VGA was released. After a few drinks, we decided to go digging through our old stuff in the garage, and found a large rubbermaid bin containing, among others, Castle of Dr. Brain, Under a Killing Moon, Return to Zork, Space Quest 6, The QFG Anthology, and finally, battered and beaten and held together with tape, Quest for Glory 2.

Man, I know you can get a brand-new one on eBay, but I'm telling you, finding our old copy from well over a decade ago was like finding the holy grail. Matter of fact, I think Conquests of Camelot was in that bin as well. ;)

We all use laptops now, so the original discs didn't work, but we did have the Anthology CD. Booting it up was like going home. We were 10 and 8 again, and I have the good folks at Sierra (and our parents, for not throwing it in the garbage) to thank for it.

Now, we have AGD to thank for a lovely remake that stays faithful to the original, while expanding it and tying it to the other series.

Now, it only I could find my original copy of Space Quest III..........

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Re: Does anyone have the classics?

#3 Post by Dragonfang » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:13 pm

I still got the original copy, bought in bargain bin some 10 years ago. Not much of a collector's item. The box is opened and I ripped the map in two :\

I didn't made play with this copy for too long, since not long after I got the first Anthology.

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Re: Does anyone have the classics?

#4 Post by MeshGearFox » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:31 am

I have a three-bin tupperwaer container for my old PC game collection. Which is large. Thankfully, collecting old PC games isn't and expensive hobby because, for some reason, most places don't really charge more than two buck for a jewel-case only game from the early nineties.

The poor fools.

From Sierra, thoooough...

King's Quest 5
King's Quest 6
King's Quest 7
Shivers 2
Space Quest 4
Thexder 95 (Okay seriously this is the most underrated thing ever)
Betrayal in Antara
Lords of the Realm 2
Lords of Magic: SE
Most certainly a bunch of other games I don't remember. Sierra was prolific!

Oh, and I just order QfG4 on eBay like, Sunday. It'll be here eventually.

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Re: Does anyone have the classics?

#5 Post by GloomSaber » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:55 am

I played the first quest game as long as I can recall because my cousin let me borrow them(King's Quest 1-6, Police quest 1, and Space quest 1). However, when I was in my tweens/teens, I have bought all the Quest games I have played before at various outlets.

When Kaybee toy store was around in the Bay Area, they had quite a few Quest games, which I or my eldest sibling purchased. I remember buying Space Quest 4 for 15-20? and Space Quest V for 5-10?, though I have return SQ5 because it was not a CD vers (I was not aware Sierra have not made a cd ver of the game)

Thanks to my sibling purchasin random Sierra games at the store, I was introduced to Quest for Glory and Freddy Pharakas; The good thing about Kay Bee is that the PC titles they had in the clearance section were first editions, meanin that they had the box and the old documents.

The games I got and know where they are placed at:

*Quest for Glory 4 CD ver with box and manual(first Hero's quest game I was introduced to)
*Sierra's greatest hits Quest for Glory 4 cd (wanted to try QG1-5 and could not find my other copies of shadows of darkness, so I bought a 3rd on ebay. A bit pointless now since I have recovered my misplaced games)
Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude (LOL)
Dragon Fire (I had to get the "recent" European reprint on an online auction since it was a few years ago where the US version of the game was hard to find and went for 50 bucks on ebay)
*Quest for Glory Anthology with no box and all manuals are on the cd [I bought this at a computer show for 2 or 5 dollars(I don't remember) since I have never played the 2nd and the 3rd one; this was the version before the anthology with the dragon fire demo]
*Vivendi's KQ collection (got it at Target for 3 bucks a few months ago)

Games that are missing:

Space Quest 6 cd(forgot I have this and I doubt this is broken though I would not be suprised since my dad used to break a lot of the puter games that belonged to my siblings and I whenever me and my 3rd oldest sibling fought; he blamed video game violences was the reason my brother attacked me)
Freddy Pharakas CD(box and evertyhin')
Leisure Suit Larry 6 CD(bought on an online auction and is misplaced , but not broken; I bought this a few years back because I have never experienced the voice version; l have only played the disk ver since that was the one that came with the first sierra Lsl collection)
Leisure Suit Larry Love for Sail (same as above)
King's Quest 7 (dunno where the Cd of it is at, but since I have the recent collection, it doesn't matter.)

With the expection of Space Quest 6, I did not count the other Sierra games I owned but broke because of what happened above. Those games were Leisure suit Larry Greatest hits and missez and Police Quest anthology from the mid 90s.
Last edited by GloomSaber on Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:29 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Does anyone have the classics?

#6 Post by Schloss Ritter » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:19 am

I got most of my Sierra games in the 15th anniversary collections or the next iterations in the mid 90s, and also picked up some standalone games...

Freddy Pharkas - Sierra Originals CD
Gabriel Knight - drawn in by the big name voice actors, hooked by the great story and everything
GK 2 - as soon as it came out
GK 3 - ditto
King's Quest 1-6 - in 15th Anniversary collection
KQ7 - lost
KQ: MOE - resold
Leisure Suit Larry 1-6 - Collection Series (1997), sold previous collection due to non-talkie LSL6
LSL7 - loaned out, never got back
LSL Casino - too bad the server went down long ago
Outpost - got disc for $2, still haven't played
Phantasmagoria - bought new, now missing
Phantasmagoria '2' - ditto
Police Quest 1-4 - Police Quest Collection (1995)
QfG4 - Sierra Originals, $2 bargain shelf, same time as Outpost and $2 GK disc
QfG5 - $10 at used bookstore last year, with manual and two identical quick reference cards
Space Quest 1-5 - 15th Anniversary collection
Space Quest 6

I also have from companies acquired by Sierra:
You Don't Know Jack Vol 2 - Berkley Games
Red Baron (1.5, including A-10 Tank Killer 1.5) - Dynamix, another $2 find
Aces of the Pacific - Dynamix, $2
Aces Over Europe - ditto
Last edited by Schloss Ritter on Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Does anyone have the classics?

#7 Post by Goilveig » Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:47 am

Hmm, I have:

QFG Anthology
King's Quest 1
King's Quest 2
King's Quest 3
King's Quest 4
King's Quest 5
King's Quest 6
King's Quest: Mask of Eternity
Gabriel Knight
Gabriel Knight 2
Gabriel Knight 3

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