Does Quest for Glory 5 Suck?

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Does Quest for Glory 5 Suck?

Yes. 3D was a bad idea for Quest for Glory.
Yes it's awful. It looks like an old 80s claymation video.
No votes
It Blows because of the bad voice acting.
No votes
It's the most horrible Quest for Glory game. No reason needed.
Yes. It's a pile of junk because of the GUI which is complete butchery.
No votes
It's a pile of horse dung that still has steam coming off of it because (Please Explain)
No votes
I'd have better luck getting a rabid pack of badgers to jump through hoops than getting my hero to do something in the game.
No votes
There was a Quest for Glory 5? It must have sucked really bad because I never heard of it!
No. . . I'm just pulling your leg, YES it sucks!
No, but doesn't fit in with past Quest for Glory games.
Total votes: 25

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Re: Does Quest for Glory 5 Suck?

#26 Post by Erpy » Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:49 pm

Yes, it should be safe to teleport from non-generic screens.

The crashes in the dragon battle are a result of a sound issue of some sort. Specifically, the sound heard when the dragon breathes his flame. I've heard that disabling the sound during the last part of the battle bypasses it. For me, that didn't work, but pressing escape as soon as the dragon starts breathing fire and letting the animation pass did work. Unfortunately, that also borders on cheating since it severely limits the damage done by its flame breath.


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Re: Does Quest for Glory 5 Suck?

#27 Post by CrazyStalker » Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:08 pm

I liked it because I actually like regular RPG games, but it was a bad thing that they lowered a lot the "adventure game" part of the Quest for Glory series.

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Re: Does Quest for Glory 5 Suck?

#28 Post by adeyke » Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:28 pm

Well, I did play it again, as a Paladin. I'm again stuck at the end, this time right before the coronation ceremony. With Win95 compatibility, the dragon-defeat movie won't play. So after I defeat the the dragon, nothing happens. I can walk around, but no one does anything and the game doesn't continue. Without the compatibility option, the movie plays, Erana says a few lines, and the game crashes. So frustrating.

One other thing about this play-through: the Paladin buff sounds are really, really annoying. Having a major buff to your strength is a good thing, especially since stamina is essentially free, so the buff is always maintainable. The incessant droning associated with it, however, is awful.

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Re: Does Quest for Glory 5 Suck?

#29 Post by Mitch » Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:12 pm

I found QFG5 to actually be very fun, I thought the graphics weren't that bad and the voice acting was ok.

Although it can't compete with 2 or 4, it's still a good game worth trying and has a worthy ending. (even tho I could never complete it because of the Cinematics not working! >: )

That was the only downfall for me.

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