General Technical FAQ

Report bugs or find solutions to hardware problems regarding KQ1VGA and KQ2:RTS.

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Anonymous Game Creator 2
The Prince of Shapeir
Posts: 8890
Joined: Tue May 08, 2001 4:12 am
Location: Phobos

General Technical FAQ

#1 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:32 am

Will you release the source code to your games?
The games are made with an adventure game engine called AGS. AGS is not an open source project. Additionally, we will not release our AGS code.

Will you port your games to Linux or Mac?
AGS only compiles games for Windows and DOS. Currently porting the games to other operating systems isn't possible. There is a Linux port of the AGS engine, but we do not have the time or resources to make a ready-to-play Linux download available or to offer official support to others who may wish to do so.

Will you be switching to a different programming language/engine for future games so that they may be ported?
No. Changing engines or programming languages at this stage would take us back a long way in the development of these games. Besides, AGS is the most fully featured adventure game engine available. You should be able to get the games to run under a good DOS emulator.

I can't download your games (or add-on packs)!
Servers can go down from time to time, but we've recently updated our mirror system to ensure that all links are active and error-free. It may be a problem with your ISP. We also recommend that you use a download manager such as GetRight so that you can resume your download, but make sure that you aren't using segmented or accelerated downloading.

I get a CRC error (or other errors) when trying to install the game.
Unfortunately, this problem usually means that the file has somehow gotten corrupted during being downloaded from the internet. If you experience this problem, try running the install program again. If the problem persists, sorry, but you'll have to download the game again.

I can't hear any sound or I receive an error message saying that the game was unable to initialize the sound.
Make sure that you have the latest version of DirectX installed. Go to the game options, and if 'Default DirectSound Device' is selected, change it to 'Default WaveOut Device,' then try running the game again.

I receive a message saying "Unable to initialize 320x200 mode."
Try changing to 320x240 mode in the options menu from the launcher, or by running setup.bat. If that doesn't work, try changing to 640x400 mode. NOTE: Running in 640x400 mode will slow the game down considerably, and may cause the music to run out of sync. It should get the game running, however.

I just can't get the game to run under Windows... is there another way?
This is from the Adventure Game Studio Knowledge Base: "AGS-DOS 2.13 now includes the ability to specify a AGS-Win EXE file on the command line, and it will play the enclosed game. For example, if you have downloaded 'KQVGA.EXE' you can type: 'ACDOS KQVGA.EXE' (without the quotes) and it will run the game."

The game has frozen! How do I return to Windows without rebooting my system?
If the game has locked up, press CTRL, ALT and END simultaneously to return to the Windows desktop. You may also press CTRL, ALT and DELETE.

I found a bug in one of your games. Where can I report it?
You may report bugs either directly here in our Technical forum, or, as a last resort, you can email us. But please make sure you are running the latest version of the game and have read through this page before doing so.

I downloaded the speech pack, but the music drowns out the voices!
On several computers, the voice pack seems to be too faint compared to the music in the game. To work around this, play with the Wave-Table and Line-In settings, as well as the Volume Control and Wave settings on your Windows desktop. Eventually, it should get to a point where the voices are just about perfect, but it takes a bit of time to perfect. What we recommend is that you start the intro of the game up, and then click Alt+Tab to take you back to Windows (or you can run the game in windowed mode). Change some settings, then go back into the game and see if it helped. Keep toying around with the settings like this until there is a good music/voice ratio in the intro, and then you can rest assured that the voices will sound good in the rest of the game as well.

There is no difference between 320x200 mode and higher resolutions. Shouldn't selecting a higher resolution give me better-looking graphics?
The short answer is no. The game was designed at 320x200 resolution and that's the only way it's always going to look. Changing the resolution to something higher is NOT recommended unless you can't get the game to run at 320x200 and desperately want to play. 640x400 is literally overkill, since 320x200 is all you need to see the best graphics that the game has to offer.

When I click the buttons on the Menu Launcher, nothing happens. How do I set the options, view the manual and readme file, or play the game?
For some unknown reason, the Launcher won't run on every computer system in existance. If you experience this problem, you can still access all the features of the game.

To change game options: find the directory where the game was installed (default: C:\Program Files\AGD Interactive\Game Name) and run the winsetup.exe file.

To view the Readme.txt file: find the directory where the game was installed (default: C:\Program Files\AGD Interactive\Game Name) and double-click on the Readme.txt file.

To view the game manual: find the directory where the game was installed (default: C:\Program Files\AGD Interactive\Game Name) and then double click on the Manual.pdf file to view it.

To play the game: find the directory where the game was installed (default: C:\Program Files\AGD Interactive\Game Name)) and run the game's .exe file.

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