Another improvement to KQ1VGA

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Another improvement to KQ1VGA

#1 Post by VAL 3000 » Thu Nov 15, 2001 8:22 am

You probably still have that list of the 9 or 10 suggestions that I gave you, well here's two more options for you. I'm not sure if I already mentioned the first one or not.<br><br>1) It would be very good if you made the "King's Quest" logo sparkle on the screen where you're presented with the four buttons ("Start new game", "Continue Game", "Introduction", "Credits"). As well as that, you could make the crown keep rotating.<br><br>2) Why would you need to display both the title and subtitle twice? You display it after the Tierra logo, then again when the menu appears.<br><br>VAL-3000<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Another improvement to KQ1VGA

#2 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Thu Nov 15, 2001 10:52 am

1/ Good ideas, but they would make the game download larger than it already is.<br><br>2/ Every VGA KQ game has that short intro scene with the fanfare at the beginning. The second screen is the same title screen as seen in the SCI version. Authenticity I guess. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Another improvement to KQ1VGA

#3 Post by Frogman » Fri Nov 16, 2001 10:36 pm

who cares if it makes the game bigger, if it makes it better? You shouldn't ever sacrifice quality for size. And how much larger would that make the game? 1MB or less, I would think. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Another improvement to KQ1VGA

#4 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Sun Nov 18, 2001 3:11 pm

Every MB counts. We spent quite a while optimizing all the little things for KQ1VGA version2.0, in order to cut a few MB OFF the total download size. I don't think making the crown spin or having the title sparkle increases the quality of the game in any way, and it would just be one of those aesthtic things that are taken for granted.<br><br>Don't despair, though.. the the KQ2 title is already sparkling! <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Another improvement to KQ1VGA

#5 Post by Milan Easton » Sun Nov 18, 2001 5:07 pm

Yea, really. People already complain enough about the large download size. And worse yet, we're the ones that have to pay for the larger download size. After months of creating a game for no cost or credit, it just doesn't quite seem quite right that we would also have to sacrifice more of our money so that people can download a larger game just to see a couple of sparkles here and there. And personally, I, and I'm sure many others, don't think that these sparkles would increase the quality of the game.<br><br>Anonymous Game Developer #1 <p></p><i></i>

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Future projects

#6 Post by Fribbi » Sun Nov 18, 2001 10:40 pm

Since you are now getting to realize and understanding what I said about this remaking games is ok to have fun with everyone here, but it cost money, "Nothing is free in this world". How many remakes games are you going to work on and hold up on this host for your fans. And if you do a new original games will it be free here on this host or do I have to buy it in computers stores. I never buy anything on the net as you already know AGD girl #1. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... >Fribbi</A> at: 11/18/01 4:43:12 pm<br></i>

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Re: Future projects

#7 Post by Neocron » Mon Nov 19, 2001 6:30 am

Fribbi,<br><br>The fact that Tierra puts money out of our own pockets to put our projects on a host is just more evidence that we are committed to doing this with no thought of reward. Yes, nothing is free in this world, but the sheer enjoyment of remaking a classic title like King's Quest and seeing others enjoy what we have done is payment enough.<br><br>Of course, we will make every attempt to put any original game we create up on the internet for download for free. However, with original titles, we will be able to pursue other distribution avenues. <br><br>The point here, Fribbi, is we are in this for the enjoyment of it, not for compensation or recognition or anything of the sort. We are committed and united under a common goal. <br><br><br>Neocron<br>Online Community Director<br>Tierra Entertainment <p></p><i></i>

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Another question from your reasonable fans´fan Fribbi

#8 Post by Fribbi » Tue Nov 20, 2001 2:43 am

I can understand that well enough what you are saying.<br>I really enjoyed to paint arts and make music even if it take a lot of times and energy, for everybody here on this site for free. But sometimes I get that feelings ,somehow, I have been robbed. Have you guys never felt that same too with your projects ? I love to make arts and music for you so don´t get a wrong idea about me. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... >Fribbi</A> at: 11/19/01 8:44:00 pm<br></i>

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Re: Another question from your reasonable fans´fan Fribbi

#9 Post by Neocron » Tue Nov 20, 2001 5:05 am

What is there to feel robbed about? You are a VERY talented individual, with a gift for not one, but two different and distinct forms of artwork. Every artist that I have ever had the pleasure of working with has always viewed his/her artwork as it's own reward. <br><br>The only reason I can think of for you feeling robbed is if you somehow aren't recieving the fame, popularity, and/or compensation that you feel you are entitled to. In this regard, I would ask you to look inside for these things. I am not an artist by any strech of the imagination, but whenever I create something, anything at all, be it a story to a piece of computer-generated artwork, I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. For me, that's all I need to feel good. <br><br>So, look inside, my friend, for that which you seek. =)<br><br><br>Neocron<br>Online Community Director<br>Tierra Entertainment <p></p><i></i>

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I speak the truth now !

#10 Post by Fribbi » Tue Nov 20, 2001 6:11 am

Now I am going to explain what I meant with this word "robbed". <br><br>I am proud of my works that I have sent to this site too and your works on your game project too. But if someone tries to make forgery of my arts (like if that is going to happen) or remakes of my original music I will feel like I have been robbed. What I meant with this "robbed" in a another word is your talents. AGD girl admitted to me in some E-mail she sent to me that her goal is to make every proud and happy with the Tierra works and make Tierra a real company. And she admitted to my too, to do that she and other in her team should concentrate on a new original games. But if you will spend each time on remaking a games you are then wasting your talents for others games creators instead using that for on your own products. Tierra are doing a great job keeping the fans of Sierra happy again with their old games of goodies from Sierra.But remember this, KQ and QG games are Sierra product games not Tierra. Tierra are just working for Sierra and that is not a lie it is the truth. <br><br>Sierra is just stealing you talents for their own products. That is all I can say now to you guys and girl.<br><br>If your teams make a original games it will then be a <br>Tierra games. Just thing about what I said.<br><br><br>Fribbi Fans´fan<br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... >Fribbi</A> at: 11/20/01 12:16:18 am<br></i>

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Re: I speak the truth now !

#11 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Tue Nov 20, 2001 11:06 am

Hey Fribbi, well.. part of the reason that we're making these games and remaining anonymous is as a tribute to Sierra. We don't look at it as Sierra "stealing" our talents, because we've made a concious decision to use our talents to remake Sierra games for the time being, rather than original titles. We're remaining anonymous, due to the fact that we don't want credit for remaking them, and due to the fact that they ARE indeed Sierra's games. We're just the messager, redilivering these old games for people to play again, so to speak.<br><br>We will definalely be making original games at some point, but if Tierra becomes a company, then we can no longer remake old Sierra games. Sierra themselves said that there are many old SCI and AGI games that would have been remade if not for the failure of KQ1 SCI to sell well. The failure of this game, meant that the ideas for future remakes of old games (such as KQ2) were cancelled. So remaking the old Sierra games, which nobody ever got a chance to play, is something that needs to be done first, rather than mixing them with our own projects. The final reason is that remaking a game that's already layed out for us saves us a lot of time (from writing our own story and developing our own characters, and allows us to jump right in and touch up the creative and artistic side of the game, the part that we enjoy. So it's good experience and will help make our original future projects even better!<br><br>To be honest it's kind of annoying when people say "ahhh I wish they'd make something original!" Because there are plenty of teams on the internet who are making original titles. Tierra has decided to dedicate itself to remaking classic games, and we stand by that decision. We're well-aware of the fact that we could be making an original game, but we have our reasons for not doing so. If people want to play an original game, there's SFLAH, Destiny, Hero6.. Those teams are remaking brand new games. It's a simple solution, really. If you want remakes, go to Tierra. If you want an original game, check out one of the other fan projects. Remakes are just Tierra's niche. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: I speak the truth now !

#12 Post by Neocron » Tue Nov 20, 2001 11:21 am

I understand what you are saying, Fribbi. And all I can say is all things have an order and a time. Remaking the classic Sierra titles we enjoyed years past serves a dual purpose. <br><br>1) It allows us to remake some truly classic titles for a new generation of players that would otherwise have never had an opportunity to play them<br><br>2) It allows us to hone our abilities so that when it comes time to create an original title, we will be able to do so with the proper tools in our belt and the knowledge to use those tools properly.<br><br>When I was growing up, I didn't start off riding a bicycle. I started off on a tricycle. Gaming wise, I started off simple and then moved on to more complex games as I mastered the basics. This is one of the main reasons why we are remaking the classics, as I'm sure Milan has mentioned to you. <br><br>Each and every title we put out, be it a remake or an original title, gives us more experience in making a game. And the more experienced we are, the better games we'll put out. I need only to look to KQ2+ to prove my point in this. Without risk of spoiling the surprise, I can honestly say it doesn't even hold a candle to KQ1VGA. And this is because the development team has become a little better with AGS. The artists have honed their abilities just a little more. And all these little things add up into a very big thing. <br><br>As for the remakes not belonging to us, you are right and wrong. You are right in that any title we remake will still belong to the company that originally made them. However, ownership isn't everything. Any one of the talented individuals that works on any of these remakes can use them as examples of their work. The same can be said of an fan that does artwork based on a beloved game character or a writer than writes a fan-fiction that continues a game where the game left off. The company that created the game still owns the copyright, but the fans themselves contribute to the game in ways that the company would have never dreamed of. <br><br>Look at the various games today that have a thriving MOD community. There are literally legions of everyday joes just like you and me creating new levels and content for their favorite games. Some MOD's have even been so good as to be picked up by the company of the original title (Counterstrike, anyone?) The game that the MOD's are for are still the property of the company that made them, but the fans that made the MOD's have contributed to the legacy of the game title. <br><br>That is how I think of Tierra and our remake projects. We aren't trying to claim ownership of any of the titles that we are remaking. We are simply contributing to the legacy of each game title. And in the process, we are learning more about making games. We're also learning more about working as a team, and we're learning more about each other. All of these things contribute to making a quality game title. <br><br>But rest assured, one day we'll surprise you with an original title that will be unlike anything you could have ever imagined. And, despite the cost to us, we will continue along the same path that we have traversed all along. Our goal will remain the same as it always has been. <br><br>And more importantly, we are making games for the love of making games. We are making games because we all share a common interest and a common love. That interest and love is what binds us and keeps us strong. And that interest and love will be what ultimately will make us a legitimate company. <br><br><br>Neocron<br>Online Community Director<br>Tierra Entertainment <p></p><i></i>

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Tierra Entertainment Reviving Past Adventures from Sierra

#13 Post by Fribbi » Tue Nov 20, 2001 11:38 pm

Ok I am sorry I was so negative yesterday. You are right about this remaking games. I know it is really fun working on those game. I know it comes from your heart and you want to share your works to everyone so you can be proud of yourself, Like I am doing with my stuffs I have been sending to to you.<br><br>I know you are all beginners on this game developments who loves old Sierra games and are trying to give old Sierra games who was near death because of their *timelines a new hope. <br><br> I know this is good experience for you all. What I meant about "Sierra is stealing your talents" is this. Sierra knows about you works. It give me a big thought why they have not sued you after this. Maybe they are using your works to raise up their company again. When I heard about the old King Quest games from Sierra itself was going to some gametoplist again because of your remakes of KQ1 VGA, why did Sierra not reward you for that. Well they should reward for your works but reward from the fans of Tierra is also a enough for you all, right.<br><br>*Times has change so much with the games. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Tierra Entertainment Reviving Past Adventures from Sierr

#14 Post by Neocron » Wed Nov 21, 2001 12:09 am

Why should they reward those who they do not even know? The main reason why we are anonymous is because we don't seek or want any kind of reward for our remake works. Our goal in these remakes is not for reward or compensation.<br><br><br>Neocron<br>Online Community Director<br>Tierra Entertainment <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... Neocron</A> at: 11/20/01 6:10:00 pm<br></i>

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Wery Cristmash everybody.

#15 Post by Fribbi » Wed Nov 21, 2001 3:56 am

OK OK ENOUGH ABOUT THIS. I can finally understand what is your real goals is with this remakings. It is just your hobby and your works from your joy to give a joy to everyone.<br> You are just like the elves and dwarves who works for the Santa Claus. Ho ho ho.<br><br>Fribbi is a red nose reindeer la la la la ,or something like that. he,he lol <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... >Fribbi</A> at: 11/20/01 9:57:35 pm<br></i>

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Same to you.

#16 Post by VAL 3000 » Sun Nov 25, 2001 5:14 am

That's well and good. But I don't understand a couple of things.<br><br>1. You said that you wouldn't maske the KQ logo sparkle or the crown rotate due to the massive download size it would take. Yet, you stated earlier in this thread that you are making the KQ2 logo sparkle. Add to that, the extended storyline and the more locations that you put in the game. That would take more than about 30MB - the same download size as KQ1VGA. If you worried about the download size, then what's the point in adding in the extras? You might as well remake KQ2 without the extras.<br><br>2. You said in the KQ2 FAQ that you would rename the title "King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones", but I didn't see any stones in the original.<br><br>VAL-3000<br><br> <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Same to you.

#17 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Sun Nov 25, 2001 10:17 am

1/ Is because with KQ1, we've already optimized the game to get it to a minimum filesize. We're not sure yet how we're going to go about hosting KQ2, but the game will be HUGE. Bassically, we're just adding stuff to it first, and then we optimize it later. Also, KQ1VGA is finished, so we want to concentrate on KQ2 and add all our improvments there:)<br><br>2/ Exactly! It's all part of the new plot... <p></p><i></i>

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I do not thinks so !

#18 Post by Fribbi » Sun Nov 25, 2001 10:31 pm

You said kq1 is finished does that mean you have finally used my translations on the kq1 vga remake. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: I do not thinks so !

#19 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Sun Nov 25, 2001 11:00 pm

Not yet, We're still waiting for the feature to be implemented into AGS before we can go ahead with making the translated versions. <br><br>I meant that the game itself is finished. There will be a couple of new things in version3.0 of KQ1VGA, such as being able to control Graham with the arrow keys and a few other minor bug fixes. But other than that we won't be adding anything else to the game (besides translations). There's got to be a point where you can say the game is a finished product and stop adding new features to it, no matter how tempting it may be:) <p></p><i></i>

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To: Terria

#20 Post by coasternd » Thu Jan 17, 2002 6:21 am

I wouldn't mind at all if you put your games in stores (orginal ones not the remakes <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ) because your work is so professional. I'll Pay anything under $40 if your company makes it, just as long as I don't buy it over the net. I've tryed my hardest to produce an adventure game but it just hasn't worked out for me, DeLamon Interactive (i can't stand adventure game studio, DOS <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :p --><img src= ... tongue.gif ALT=":p"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ). A company called Praxis Started making a game called Sim Golf and the company Maxis (Sub company to Electronic Arts) asked them if they wanted their game to go world wide. Now that little in home company is in an office building. I'd love to see you all become big. I know your in it for the fun of it but you should get somthing out of it. I wish the BEST of luck to you Terria. Oh and why did you make QFG II before QFG I????<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... asternd</A> at: 1/17/02 12:28:17 am<br></i>

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a Tierra CD

#21 Post by Relight » Fri Jan 18, 2002 12:53 am

Coasternd, Sierra already made a VGA remake of QFG1, so Tierra didn't want to duplicate that effort. The reason KQ1 was remade again, is because the Sierra remake only updated from AGI to SCI, and not to VGA.<br><br>Definitely. Their goal is to makes these games, because like us, they love it. I don't know if they could sell it, because of the (C) stuff with Sierra. But after a few games, I'd love to buy a copy and have a collection of Tierra games on a CD. I was thinking of this last night. Of course, I could just burn the CD myself so I can make a master copy of the games, but if Tierra do it, they will get a bit of compensation for their efforts. To avoid (C)... I don't think they can put it in a store (an original game, yes, but not sierra remakes). But they could have on their website, Tierra collection #1 the first 3 games or something... Minimum donation $5 to cover CD-R and shipping, plus whatever else you want to give, to help them a bit with their hosting... Still tricky with the (C) I guess, but it could be like "well, it's already free for download... we're not charging for the game, only for a cd-r and shipping... to help those who can't download such big files." <p></p><i></i>

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Re: a Tierra CD

#22 Post by coasternd » Fri Jan 18, 2002 3:30 am

Humm I didn't know Sierra remade it. Do you just go to the store and buy it or is it an online order thing or what. Thanks for the info. Let me know were I can get it. I've never played QFG1,2,3,4...<br><br> <p></p><i></i>

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Re: a Tierra CD

#23 Post by Frogman » Sat Jan 19, 2002 1:05 am

The remake could have been quite a bit better, I wouldn't mind seeing Tierra re-remake the EGA version.<br><br>You could find the game in the Quest for Glory Collection, but Sierra doesn't sell it anymore, so your best bet would probably be downloading off the net (which is illegal, in case you care) at some abandonware site.<br><br>But I did buy the Collection set about a year after Sierra quit making it in a Software Etc. They also had Police Quest, KQ, and Space Quest Collections, which I unfortunately didn't buy. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: a Tierra CD

#24 Post by Relight » Sat Jan 19, 2002 3:32 am

yeah i unfortunately did not buy any other collection either except the QFG one. <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Another improvement to KQ1VGA

#25 Post by coasternd » Sat Jan 19, 2002 4:38 am

Thats stinks! It shouldn't be illegal if they don't sell it. It really P.O.s me when company's do that. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: --><img src= ... ns/mad.gif ALT=">:"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Maybe I can get it on e-bay of somthin. How is it compared to what Tierra might have remade it as. is equal or less? Oh and are the graphics equal to the Remake Tierra is doing to QFG-II? Let me know! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>

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