The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

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#1401 Post by Brainiac » Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:23 pm

Angelus3K wrote:Good point Brainiac, although not much is known about FFVSXIII.
Nope, though only slightly more is known about XIII proper.  Supposedly there should be plenty of new info at the upcoming Square Enix Party.  It keeps getting harder to abbreviate these titles, though. :p

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#1402 Post by Angelus3K » Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:02 pm

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#1403 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:06 pm

Angelus owns the tenth one sold!

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#1404 Post by Broomie » Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:00 pm

We sold about 6 PS3's today at work. And 3 got returned straight away because they all decided that they didn't want one. Maybe that or nobody was bidding on their PS3 on eBay. The PS3 as a whole is a great machine and can play really well, but I'd rather wait a year before actually getting one. Not because of the price but there will be more games for it as well!

My brother is going to buy one tomorrow though, and he seems pretty psyched about it... especially since he's getting a 10% discount.

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#1405 Post by Alliance » Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:52 pm

The PS3 is a terrific piece of hardware. There's only a few exceptional games out there right now (namely Resistance,  Motorstorm, and Call of Duty 3 )

More importantly, though, Oblivion is coming to the PS3. That truly psyches me out.
Also, the idea of updating all of the system's capabilities via a firmware update is great. That means if something is wrong with your firmware, you can download the latest release, for updates on new features and such.

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#1406 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:38 am

Well Call of Duty 3 is out on everything already and so is oblivion so I fail to see the bfd. although it is cool that the PS3 "launced" in Europe.... tsk tsk Angelus... spell check  :rollin

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#1407 Post by Boogeyman » Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:26 am

The PS3 is a horrid piece of hardware. It is big and ugly, unlike the small, compact Wii.

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#1408 Post by Angelus3K » Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:58 am

Yes lets judge a book by its cover shall we...

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#1409 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:00 pm

don't forget judging by topic spelling! in the words of Maddox "You lost your chance Sony we're dating your hotter younger sister Wii, even your fugly older sister 360 is starting to look more attractive than you right now" The reason I didn't get a PS3 is mainly price. I got a wii AND a 360 for the price of a PS3 and currently I enjoyed the two of those more. The only reason one of my friends is looking into getting the PS3 is because his PS2 broke and he has 40 games he can't play. Klytos has the same problem but they took that out in Australia.... Australia launch = 80 reps and security guards and....... 40 units sold. That and the fact I could find it on the shelf a week after launch and most units sold went right on to Ebay for those outside of North America tells me something about the demand for the product.

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#1410 Post by Angelus3K » Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:32 pm

Well I bought a PS3 and a Wii and will enjoy those more than a 360... whats your point?

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#1411 Post by rugged » Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:09 am

I think his point is that the PS3 is very expensive compared to other consoles. For him he sees more enjoyment  out of having the variety between an xbox360 and a wii then he would out of having just a Ps3.

Obviously that is not going to be the same for everyone though and it comes down to personal taste. Personally if I had the choice of getting two consoles I would choose the Ps3 and the wii however I don't have that much disposable cash and for me the best trade off will be to get a wii. I am not a huge Xbox fan

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#1412 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:31 pm

you have both is like the equivalent to me having all three if you compare price. you having the wii as well is to me a basically if I had another 300 dollars (no idea in pounds) floating around. On top of Sony's current conundrum of exclusive titles running away and no one buying their product after PS2 and PSP sodomized the market is that a lot of retailers have sent letters to Sony saying they will stop stocking the PSP if the price is not dropped as they are not selling well do to the fact that it's a really expensive DS.

At this point I'm also willing to wager that Guns of The Patriot will be released on either wii or 360 most likely the 360. The only thing that ever would have made it PS3 only is the gyro that makes the aim when you're on your back and that can easily be fixed with an analog or even the Xbox's own gyro Other than that it comes to brand loyalty and at the end of the day Konami won't go bankrupt for Sony. As it stands almost every single Metal Gear title:
Metal Gear
Meatal Gear 2
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Sold 3
has been moved to either nintendo or Xbox or both. the only exceptions being Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and Metalgear Ghostbabe which were never on Sony and aren't part of official story line. Konami has seen that although the Acid series is getting rave reviews it's selling dismally due to the lack of market as there aren't many with PSP and all that's heard about it is it has a slight "feature" with ejecting cartridges.

Would I ever buy the PSP or the PS3? certainly. Would I spend the combined 800 dollars on them no I wouldn't... would I pay say 500? make it 450 then maybe.

Therefore. Only exclusive I want = coming my way anyways

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#1413 Post by Alliance » Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:03 pm

Yeah, I see your point. Right now, there's not too many exclusives yet.
However, the PS3's potential is still being tapped.
For instance, there was a firmware update that came with a new feature, called folding@home. What it does is it downloads a data packet from Standford's research center, and does calculations. It then sends it back when the work is completed. Why? Because it helps Standford with researching various diseases. That's something you don't see on an ordinary console.

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#1414 Post by Angelus3K » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:23 pm

It all comes down to your personal preference and wallet.

I prefer Sony games, I'm loving Resistance and Motorstorm and for games like DMC, MGS, EA stuff etc which are multiplatform, I'd prefer to play them on a PS3.

Obviously I got the Wii for the Nintendo games and I can afford all of that, so for me its perfect.

I always said I was going PSWii lol

For me there would be no point in getting a 360, PS3 pwns it in everyway for me.

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#1415 Post by Broomie » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:27 pm

The PS3 is good... it's damn good. I just played Resistance: Fall of Men in HD and the detail is fantastic. Yet when I say I'd rather play the Wii, I'm not singling it out. All three are great consoles, and each one has great potential. It's amazing how I used to think badly of the PS3, and have a small vendetta against Sony for it's treatment of the PS3 and it's fans. Yet, I actually played it and it's a great console. Sure, the price sucks and of course you're probably saving $600 on a simple Blu Ray player which could have easily not been added to save production costs and retail sales but you're getting a great system. Give it a year and sales will boost, I tell you that.

The PSP though, is still absolutely awful. (for gaming anyway) We haven't sold one of those for a long time.

What would be interesting though is if Sega were to make a new console... the odds are more slimmer than Kate Moss but I know what my personal favourite would be.  ;)

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#1416 Post by Alliance » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:30 pm

God, if Sega made a system, that would be amazing.
I still have memories of the short-lived Dreamcast.

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#1417 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:13 pm

they've stated they're never making another but it is officially my favorite company considering when you look at Dreamcast it was competing with PSX and N64 and it's almost a PS2. Here's something I found for your enjoyment Angelus.

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#1418 Post by Angelus3K » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:57 am

We'll see who had the last laugh, I wouldnt be so cocky ;)

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#1419 Post by Klytos » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:38 am

That's brilliant QFGFan. Classic stuff.

If I was to be objective about it, I'd say that the PS3 will pick up sales towards the end of this year, assuming they have some kickass titles come out between now and then of course. And the price will drop too, so that'll help sales. I think one of Sony's problems was to let the 360 and Wii get so much of a market share before they released the PS3. It's hard to convince someone to part with $1000 when they've already got a 360 and to be honest, 90% + of the games are the same.

And let's not get into a debate about the PsP, it's a piece of shit.

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#1420 Post by Brainiac » Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:19 pm

You know what the saddest thing about the PSP is?  There are finally enough games for me to justify getting one (I require a minimum of five interesting titles) and they're all remakes.  Not one is a brand new property.

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#1421 Post by Angelus3K » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:26 am

I agree PSP is highly under developed for.

I still use mine 5 days out of 7 though. i.e. When I'm at work lol dont know what I'd do without it!
Chart-Track has confirmed to that UK consumers snapped up 165,000 PlayStation 3 units in the two days following the console's launch.

That makes PS3 the fastest-selling home console in history, beating the Wii - which shifted 105,000 units during its launch weekend - and Xbox 360, with 70,000 sold.

Both Nintendo and Microsoft struggled to meet demand with their consoles, leading to stock shortages - but Sony previously stated that the UK would get around 220,000 of the 1 million PS3 units allocated to Europe for launch.
Anybody wanna post the 28 days later thing again? I think I missed it the first time.

On second thoughts forget it. I'll stick to the facts rather than something a script kiddie whipped up.

EDIT: Here's Deb playing Motorstorm!!

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#1422 Post by Broomie » Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:32 pm

Chart-Track has confirmed to that UK consumers snapped up 165,000 PlayStation 3 units in the two days following the console's launch.

That makes PS3 the fastest-selling home console in history, beating the Wii - which shifted 105,000 units during its launch weekend - and Xbox 360, with 70,000 sold.

Both Nintendo and Microsoft struggled to meet demand with their consoles, leading to stock shortages - but Sony previously stated that the UK would get around 220,000 of the 1 million PS3 units allocated to Europe for launch.
Anybody wanna post the 28 days later thing again? I think I missed it the first time.

On second thoughts forget it. I'll stick to the facts rather than something a script kiddie whipped up.
Dude... it's just a games console. Why would you let something like that get to you? I applaud the PS3 for selling so well and beating the Wii, but the only reason that is is because the PS3 was overstocked. There was such a high demand for the Wii that Nintendo couldn't ship enough to Europe (amonst other places). If they had the same amount as the PS3 consoles, then they most likely would have beaten PS3 sales due to the high amount of pre-orders of the Wii that haven't even been met yet. But that didn't happen, but it shouldn't really bother anyone.

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#1423 Post by Angelus3K » Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:41 pm

Of course its just a games console but people still find anything they can to bash it lol.

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#1424 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:59 pm

ya, I waited in a line of people in January for a wii and PS3s were on the shelf a month before then. Wii's are still hard to find even now but I'd bet my left nut NO my RIGHT nut that Wii will out sell PS3 in the end and even in this year if enough are manufactured. You also have to thinkabout that huge recall that sets nintendo back more. Crazy thing though I got the replacement strap and just for a test I put the original "faulty" strap on and hucked my wiimote as hard as I could 5 or so times and swung it around and everything... nothing happened. I then attached the strap to a three pound dumbell... after a second huck it broke. people must have been not only swining quite hard but letting go of the wiimote as well. If you're too retarded to hold a channel changer you shouldn't be allowed to play nintendo

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#1425 Post by MusicallyInspired » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:07 pm

Yes. People are incredibly stupid. But the sad fact is that those are the people companies have to market to.

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