The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1951 Post by MusicallyInspired » Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:59 pm

I've never played them so I don't know what all the fuss is about.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1952 Post by Angelus3K » Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:10 pm

If you kids are down with this, Street Fighter CE is now playable in your browser!!

Erpy you are damn lucky this doesnt have online play (yet)!! ... ghter-2-ce

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1953 Post by Brainiac » Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:30 pm

The (in)famous Zelda timeline is officially nonexistant.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1954 Post by Erpy » Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:44 pm

And now the guy who made up the whole timeline argument is starting a petition. Trust the comic book guys of this world to raise hell over something that most sane people wouldn't even bother giving a second thought over.


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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1955 Post by Brainiac » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:26 pm

I admit to being a bit of a stickler for canon, but even I wouldn't go that far.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1956 Post by Blackthorne519 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:01 pm

Seriously, I read that... and thought....

DUDE. VID-E-O GAME! GAME! FICTIONAL CHARACTERS! FIC-TION-AL CHAR-AC-TERS!!!! The creator said it's a different Link each time, it's a different story! END OF STORY! NOT YOUR CALL! AGGGGGHHHHH!!!

Then I regained my senses and finished writing my treatise on who shot first: Han or Greedo.


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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1957 Post by Lady Pyro » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:24 pm

Uuuuugh it's things like this that make it embarassing to be a nerd. Who cares if there's no timeline? Why do thing have to connect? if this gives Nintendo the freedom to do another game without being restricted by some nerd's personal canon, I say kudos! I hope they don't bend to pressure the way comic book publishers ALWAYS do.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1958 Post by MusicallyInspired » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:45 pm

Heh, for years Miyamoto has been saying that there is a timeline but he doesn't want to share it. Then he lets out certain bits of information about the timeline that all contradict eachother. I think he finally just decided to let it out (conveniently) that there was no timeline because he had no idea in the first place (even though he said otherwise) and couldn't figure one out.

That's what bugs me.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1959 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:12 am

Yea never cared for video game time lines. Tried to with Castlevania but it's so complicated with two things. 1.To make it accurate you have to take out some of the games and some historical Dracula history. 2. With the ones based on future events how can you keep the story accurate without being a psychic.

Therefore whats the use of time lines they almost ruined a lot of series with time line crap.

Though it didn't start as a game look at Batman after changing directors after the Tim Burton Batman movies they screwed up the story. Thank god they started over at Batman Begins but hey even Batman with all the comics,movies,cartoons and games there is no way to make an accurate time line with exception with the theory Batman The Brave and the Bold cartoons brought. Alternate universes. :rollin

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1960 Post by Lady Pyro » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:21 am

Well thanks to DC's 10 year reset button, you kind of can make an accurate Batman time line, it just involves a lot of consideration from the various 'crisis' story lines. Also in the DC universe, alternate realities aren't a theory but a fact (considering various members of the Justice League and Society are open members of destroyed or distorted versions of Earth)

You want impossible to follow but 'real' ties? Try the Summers family tree (as in Scott Summers aka Cyclops of the X-men). I've seen flow charts that can't make sense of THAT mess.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1961 Post by Brainiac » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:14 pm

seraphimdreamer777 wrote:Thank god they started over at Batman Begins but hey even Batman with all the comics,movies,cartoons and games there is no way to make an accurate time line with exception with the theory Batman The Brave and the Bold cartoons brought. Alternate universes. :rollin
Yeah, as LP mentioned, The Brave and the Bold is hardly the first conception of multiple universes in comic book stories. Marvel embraces the concept wholeheartedly; DC not quite so much (despite recent changes).
Lady Pyro wrote:You want impossible to follow but 'real' ties? Try the Summers family tree (as in Scott Summers aka Cyclops of the X-men). I've seen flow charts that can't make sense of THAT mess.
If your family tree does not branch... :lol

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1962 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:35 pm

That guys' Zelda timeline does actually make sense though and I accept it as cannon strictly on the basis that it makes more sense than the actual story. Some games have to be linked in one way or another. OoT and MM for instance and Windwaker with Phantom Hourglass.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1963 Post by Lady Pyro » Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:03 pm

Brainiac wrote: If your family tree does not branch... :lol
Full! I Meant full charts! :lol See, this is why I shouldn't post before work. I have brained the dumb at 5 am.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1964 Post by Brainiac » Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:28 pm

Ever wondered just how much gaming shapes someone deeply involved in the industry like, say, Ken Levine?

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1965 Post by Brainiac » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:28 pm

Some of you may remember me mentioning Activision is suing over the release of Brütal Legend. Well, Double Fine has decided to counter-sue. I await testimony by Dethklok to make the court proceedings truly metal. :P

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1966 Post by MusicallyInspired » Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:24 pm

Haha! Awesome!

Man game companies are evil now. Remember when games just came out and there was nobody suing anybody? I'm boycotting everything ActiVision from now on (assuming I ever see anything by ActiVision that I actually find interesting).

Game publishers suck. Indie developers need to rise above the rest again....the big corporation giants are killing good games just so they can get more money. We can't have this!!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1967 Post by Angelus3K » Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:51 pm

MusicallyInspired wrote:Haha! Awesome!

Man game companies are evil now. Remember when games just came out and there was nobody suing anybody? I'm boycotting everything ActiVision from now on (assuming I ever see anything by ActiVision that I actually find interesting).

Game publishers suck. Indie developers need to rise above the rest again....the big corporation giants are killing good games just so they can get more money. We can't have this!!
Does that include AGDI releases? They're technically owned by Activision!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1968 Post by Brainiac » Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:39 pm

Given the subject matter, it should surprise no one here that the Castlevania film has risen from its grave.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1969 Post by Lady Pyro » Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:33 pm

And now I know why I never understand RPG storylines.
It's been months since I stopped playing Final Fantasy 12, and even longer since I paid any attention to the story but with the stalwart determination of a true nerd I decided it was my duty to see this monster to the end. After screwing around for a bit to regain my bearings, I realized I had no hunts left and there wasn't a single monster that posed even a bit of a challenge so my only choice was to carry on with the story.
Oh Boy.
So I start to make my way through the nearest temple. Simple enough right? It's the first dungeon to even offer a bit of a puzzle so I even start to get into it a bit. After a few cringe worthy cut scenes (in which my main character proves he's an even bigger loser then I first suspected) I realize that not only do I have no idea why my band of Merry Men are traversing these hallowed halls but neither do they. And then things get weird.
After what I assume was the boss fight and a few celebratory poses these...creature things start talking to the Princess and offering her unlimited power. Apparently they're Gods or something? And when everyone else joins up after eavesdropping they throw out the Final Fantasy equivalent to 'Ohhh You were talking to those Gods? Psh, ignore them, they're tools.' In a casual manner that I would have reserved for cooking a mediocre grilled cheese sandwich or something. They go on to throw out a bunch of words I'm almost certain they made up on the spot to confuse me further and everyone else nods and pretends to know what they mean to mock me. Even my dumbest character, the one who can't keep his foot out of his mouth long enough to wipe the drool off his boots, seems to know the proper name for these God creatures and their intent.
Now I'm not asking for an explanation or anything, I'm sure if I had just played the game straight through and paid attention when people spoke I'd have at least a slight idea of what was going on, but I didn't so I don't.
I just thought I'd keep you all posted on my gaming failure :p

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1970 Post by Angelus3K » Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:33 pm

Sounds painful LP!

I've also not played FFXII for awhile, I got as far as escaping that dungeon about 6 hours in, will have to get back to it but I started playing MGS4 again then out of nowhere came the AWESOME Batman: Arkham Asylum, man this game is great! I've finished it and even solved all 240 of the Riddlers challenges, going for 100% on this game, its worth it.

If you've not played it it's definetly worth checking out, so much attention to detail and hours and hours of gameplay and content.

Bout time a well made game was released instead of movie related rush jobs!

Plus I have the PS3 version so I get to play the exclusive Joker challenge maps!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1971 Post by Lady Pyro » Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:26 pm

I'm 150 hours into that stupid game.
Yeah...I've been doing much more tooling around then actually playing.

I got a chance to check out Arkham for the 360 at a friend's place and I have to say, as a true Batman Fanatic, it's pretty damn slick.
It's not set up like any Arkham Asylum I've ever seen depicted in the comics and I don't care. It looks and feels FANTASTIC. Okay, the gargoyles inside made me raise an eyebrow, but aside from that...I don't's just perfect I guess. I can't wait, I'm going to invest in a 360 probably just for this, Fallout 3 and Prototype.

P.S: Mark Hamill back as the Joker? FINALLY!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1972 Post by Angelus3K » Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:10 pm

Lady Pyro wrote:I'm 150 hours into that stupid game.
Yeah...I've been doing much more tooling around then actually playing.

I got a chance to check out Arkham for the 360 at a friend's place and I have to say, as a true Batman Fanatic, it's pretty damn slick.
It's not set up like any Arkham Asylum I've ever seen depicted in the comics and I don't care. It looks and feels FANTASTIC. Okay, the gargoyles inside made me raise an eyebrow, but aside from that...I don't's just perfect I guess. I can't wait, I'm going to invest in a 360 probably just for this, Fallout 3 and Prototype.

P.S: Mark Hamill back as the Joker? FINALLY!
Yea Mark Hamill is fantastic as The Joker, I didnt even realise it was him (until I read he did the animated voice over).

I had a quick go of The Joker challenge maps tonight and my friend and I were just in stitches laughing at his moves! In one of his takedowns he actually shakes hands with them and shocks them lol! Its a shame you'll miss out on The Joker challenges but I guess its worth getting a 360 if all your friends have it for other online games.

Just watched Batman Begins Blu-Ray tonight aswell, years since I've seen it. Spider-Man is my fave super hero but BB is far better than any of the Spider-Man films imo. Probably watch Dark Knight tomorrow as I'm well into all things Batman at the minute with this master piece of a game!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1973 Post by Lady Pyro » Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:39 pm

Yeah, I'm looking into moving soon and most of my friends are Xbox connected. It seems like a good way to stay in touch too.
Sadly I knew Mark Hamill as Joker before I knew him as Luke. I was a huge fan of the animated series and it had to be pointed out to me (years later) when I saw Star wars for the first time that it was the same voice.
I love the second half of Batman Begins. The way the did Scarecrow (my favorite Batman villain) was brilliant! Dark Knight didn't impress me but I love that other people loved it, because it means that games like Asylum get made.
If you're on a bit of an Arkham/Joker inspired Bat-Craze, I have a few comics I would defiantly recommend (if you haven't read them already). I know some people don't get into comics because they don't know where to start and it can be quite intimidating with 50 years of history to sift through. If none of this applies, just ignore the rambling geek.

Batman Titles:
Batman: No Man's Land (also included 'Aftershock' and 'Cataclysm') (An Earthquake hits Gotham and the island city is evacuated and left to rot. Begins took part of this storyline, but only in essence. It was a long arc but is above all my favorite Batman storyline EVER. It showcases all the characters at their best and worst and has a very human feel to it.)
Batman: Long Halloween (A great epic read that showcases Batman's detective skills along side an intriguing storyline)
Batman: A Death in the Family (Jason Todd (the second Robin) dies.)
Batman: Knightfall (Bane breaks the Bat's back)

Joker Titles:
Batman: Killing Joke (Joker kidnaps Gordan to try and show the world (well mostly Batman) that even the sanest man can be driven to madness. In the process he shoots Barbara and cripples her)
Batman/Joker: Switch (A one shot in which the Joker is abducted and loses his mouth (yes you read that right) and decides the only way to solve this caper is to become the greatest detective he knows; Batman. Very artsy and a great display of the Joker's true madness with a fantastic ending.)

Arkham Asylum Showcases:
Arkham Asylum: Living Hell (What happens when a Sane criminal is thrown in with Gotham's freaks and crazies? A fantastic showcase of villains new and old)
Arkham Asylum: Tales of Madness (The quake has shut down power at the Asylum! Bored and with only one guard left to torture, the freaks of Gotham have a go at a story telling contest)
Batman: The Last Arkham (Batman is sent to Arkham and Jerimiah Arkham is determined to break him)
Batman: Cast Shadows (A Great showcase of Ivy and her motives.)

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1974 Post by MusicallyInspired » Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:10 am

Mark Hamill is also Ripburger; the villain from Full Throttle.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1975 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:26 am

Not to mention, Detective Mosely from Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers.

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