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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:53 pm
by BrianR
:rollin ....yes sign.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:00 am
by Chriswatw
I really wouldnt consider myself a lurker since I have only been here a couple weeks .. I was totally hooked on KQ (any and all) .... when xp came out I had to give it all up since none worked with it .. on a hunch I googled in Kings Quest just recently and found you folks .. WOW 15 years later Im playing again .... and what a great job you did .. LOVIN IT!!!! I just finished KQ2 and it was great!

Gotta say never thought at 54 I'd be playing games on the computer again!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:42 am
by jarod

I just discovered these remakes this afternoon... already played through KQ1 which was awesome (I could never be bothered to go back and play the old games because the typing interface was just too dedicated and I could never remember what was called what etc).

Can't wait to get through KQ2 (and also just found KQ3) - to think theres people also in the development for Space Quest 2 + 3 and KQ4 AS WELL!!!

I can't explain how happy this makes me - its so rare a modern game comes out that I enjoy because the early Sierra games were my heart and soul and intro into computer games (when I was, maybe 8 years old).

But of ALL the series that were my favourite it was Quest for Glory... and of ALL the QFG's my favourite was #2 and I always dreamed there would be a remake of it... WOOOOOOO!  I knew (and sure the memories are still there) that game inside and out (all the classes, maxing all the skills etc) and would happily help out on any beta testing.


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:34 pm
by Blackthorne519

someone is remaking Quest For Glory 2?


Wait 'til I tell my MOM!


Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:05 pm
by Nero da Hero
Gronagor wrote:One or two of them seem real... the others seem to be the same guy. Erpy can tell us.  :p
Can't speak for the others, but I am one of the real "lurkers". Almost sounds stalker-ish right there, lol.

I can confidently state that the fan base for this project extends far beyond the users of this forum. Some of us just like to hang back and watch from a distance (and make rude gestures at the screen when we read impatient posts like "when' s it done? why haven't you finished it yet? i need my free game now!).

Full supporter of the Done when Done mantra, best results for quality checks (not to mention our benevolent designers have lives of their own, or so we should assume!).

Thanks for all the hard work, countless hours of frustration, proper use of punctuation, and cool tempers exhibited on less-than-patient "fans".


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:21 am
by aricz
Another lurker here. Quest for Glory 2 *rawrrrrr* And thanks for doing this:)