Kings Quest 2¼: Breast Intentions

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#26 Post by RealRelight » Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:52 pm

I only have one question. What does breastfeeding have to do with King's Quest? :rolleyes

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#27 Post by Khaveen » Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:38 am

RealRelight wrote:I only have one question. What does breastfeeding have to do with King's Quest? :rolleyes
Didn't you know? Breastfeeding is a true King's Quest! That's the thing kings are made to do!

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#28 Post by maestro » Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:31 pm

RealRelight wrote:What does breastfeeding have to do with King's Quest?
Well, what does walking have to do with King's Quest?  What do talking, looking, and using objects have to do with King's Quest?

Breastfeeding is part of life.  All mammals breastfeed.  It is the distinguishing charactaristic of mammals, serving to distinguish them from lower forms of life.

Besides, having someone go out and look for Alexander seemed like a good and natural addition to the story line.  But rescuing Alexander was out of the question, since that would contradict the story in KQ3.  Looking for Alexander and not finding him wouldn't make much of a story.  So what kind of story could you have where someone would search for Alexander, find him, not rescue him, yet still have a meaningful story?  Having Queen Valanice search for Alexander, find him, and breastfeed him fit the bill perfectly.

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#29 Post by Radiant » Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:39 pm

Out of curiosity, though...

Canon states that Manannan took Alex from his cradle, then took him to his house and had him raised by a number of summoned spirits (source: kq3 manual). Manannan's usual means of transport is instant teleportation with trademarked smoke puff. Canon also states that Graham and consorts didn't know where Llewdor was.

So it is implied that Manny teleported in, took Alex, and poofed out to Llewdor. How does this allow Valanice to find him at all?

(and I realize the irony of me pointing this out as this is a part of canon I generally refuse to agree to)

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#30 Post by maestro » Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:04 pm

Radiant wrote:Canon states that Manannan took Alex from his cradle, then took him to his house and had him raised by a number of summoned spirits.
Radiant wrote:Manannan's usual means of transport is instant teleportation with trademarked smoke puff.
In this case, he traveled on foot.  Perhaps he wanted to taunt his victims with tantalizing clues.
Radiant wrote:Canon also states that Graham and consorts [he had more than one?] didn't know where Llewdor was.
Yes, but one of the objects of the game is to find it.
Radiant wrote:How does this allow Valanice to find him at all?
Play the game, and you'll see.

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#31 Post by Radiant » Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:52 pm

maestro wrote:
Radiant wrote:How does this allow Valanice to find him at all?
Play the game, and you'll see.
Fair enough. But I'll wait until the game finishes beta-testing.

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#32 Post by Blackthorne519 » Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:45 pm

This has to be the weirdest concept I've EVER heard for a King's Quest Game, but hey!  More power to ya.  It's not like you're charging anyone for this!


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#33 Post by maestro » Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:17 am

I have just put up a new version of KQ2¼.  It corrects a few minor glitches.  Most of them only occur if you do not take the most direct path to the solution.  It also eliminates the response of the woodcutter stating that the couple are starving.

It is not necessary to download this new version, as the changes are very minor, but if you have been noticing some minor glitches you may wish to do so.  Your old saved games should work with this version.  If they do not, simply leave the room immediately after restoring a game, and then reënter the room (to load the new code), and your old saved games should work fine.

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#34 Post by Fribbi » Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:15 pm

I'm still stuck in this game. I found the coin and I thought I had to give it to the poor people. But nothing happened.

But isn't that a error if I can get a breast pump and the bottles when the cupboard are still closed?

And it would be really helpful if you can make a better save and load Gui because I can't save my game with that old GUI. I think if you use the normal GUI save and load slot I can then save and load my game.

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#35 Post by maestro » Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:36 pm

Fribbi wrote:I'm still stuck in this game. I found the coin and I thought I had to give it to the poor people. But nothing happened.
In order to progress in the game, the next thing that you must do is interact with the woodcutter, but giving him the coin is not the correct thing to do.  Here are some hints to help you along:

Hint #1:  [spoiler]Giving and using inventory objects are not the only ways of interacting with people.  How else might you interact with the woodcutter?[/spoiler]

Hint #2:  [spoiler]Have you played the parser version of Quest for Glory I?  There was a very important way of interacting with NP characters in that game that you must use here.[/spoiler]

Hint #3:  [spoiler]Type "ask about" followed by any word.  Keep doing this until the NP character runs out of useful things to say.[/spoiler]
Fribbi wrote:But isn't that a error if I can get a breast pump and the bottles when the cupboard are still closed?
Yes, this is a bug that I'll fix.  I won't get to it today, but perhaps in a couple of days.  In the meantime, it won't interfere with your playing the game.
Fribbi wrote:And it would be really helpful if you can make a better save and load Gui because I can't save my game with that old GUI. I think if you use the normal GUI save and load slot I can then save and load my game.
I don't understand.  What exactly happens when you try to save your game with the save GUI?  Are you trying to save to a read-only folder?  What do you mean by "the normal GUI save and load slot"?  The save and load GUI is part of the AGI engine, which I have no control over.  All I did was modify the scripts of some old Sierra games.

If you are having trouble with the AGI engine, you may want to try NAGI.  If you are still having trouble saving and loading games, you could send me a screen shot of what happens when you try to save or load.  There are, as might be expected, parts of the game that involve tripping and falling to your death that you wouldn't want to play without the ability to save a game.

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#36 Post by Fribbi » Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:12 pm

Fribbi wrote:
And it would be really helpful if you can make a better save and load Gui because I can't save my game with that old GUI. I think if you use the normal GUI save and load slot I can then save and load my game.

I don't understand.  What exactly happens when you try to save your game with the save GUI?  Are you trying to save to a read-only folder?  What do you mean by "the normal GUI save and load slot"?  The save and load GUI is part of the AGI engine, which I have no control over.  All I did was modify the scripts of some old Sierra games.

If you are having trouble with the AGI engine, you may want to try NAGI.  If you are still having trouble saving and loading games, you could send me a screen shot of what happens when you try to save or load.  There are, as might be expected, parts of the game that involve tripping and falling to your death that you wouldn't want to play without the ability to save a game.
What I mean I can't change the directory I want to save my game on because I don't have that b: drive and I have tried to press Enter button so I can change it to C: driver but it doesn't work either so I can't edit the saveslots line when I want to save my game .

It could work if the GUI would be the same as the normal GUI

I'm sorry but can't take a screenshot of it.

[spoiler]I have no clue what I am supposed to ask woodcuter about
Could you give me some more hints for that please.

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#37 Post by maestro » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:06 pm

Fribbi wrote:What I mean I can't change the directory I want to save my game on because I don't have that b: drive and I have tried to press Enter button so I can change it to C: driver but it doesn't work either so I can't edit the saveslots line when I want to save my game
Okay, I think that I know what you mean.  When you say the "normal" GUI, I think that you mean the AGS GUI or the SCI GUI.  This game was built with AGI.  The GUI for AGI does not permit the player to change drives, so the saved games must be on the same drive as the game itself.

It appears from what you've written that you have the game installed on your B: drive but you want to save your games onto the C: drive.  That simply won't work.  The normal way to do it with AGI games is to save the games in the same directory that the game itself occupies.  If you want to save more games than there are available slots, you can always create subdirectories of your game directory and save them there.

On most PC's (in the U.S., anyway) the B: drive is a floppy drive, and the C: drive is a hard drive.  Is is so on your system?  Or is the B: drive a read-only drive such as a CD-ROM drive?  In any event, you should install the game to the same directory that you want to save your games to.  That would most likely be to a folder on your C: drive.
Fribbi wrote:[spoiler]I have no clue what I am supposed to ask woodcuter about
Could you give me some more hints for that please.
Keep in mind the object of the game.  Your son Alexander has been kidnapped.  You want to locate him.  If that were to happen in real life, what would you do?

The following spoiler gives away the solution:
[spoiler]Type "ask about { kidnapping | kidnapper | Alexander | son | baby | prince }".  All of these will give the same response.  Pay careful attention to the response.  Then type "ask about" followed by one of the things said in the response.  The response to your second question will tell you exactly what to do.[/spoiler]

EDIT:  I have put up a fix so that you can no longer take objects out of the cabinet unless the cabinet is open.

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#38 Post by Fribbi » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:14 am

Thanks Maestro. Finally am I getting somewhere. But first I found out why I could not save and load my game. It was because I saved the game on the desktop you know the first windows page you see when you start the window. Yeah I know I am a idiot but don't tell my enemy about that.  ;)

But after saving the game in C: driver wich is the hard disk driver it worked just fine so there is no need to update that save and load GUI if you was going to do that. :)

But the only new error report is when I jump into the well wich I know now is a bad idea gives me some error message about "view not found".
Maybe you should check it out.  :hat

I am really thankful now since I can now save and load the game because I have done that in so many times since I went up to that mountain. :o

I let you know if I find any new error.  8o

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#39 Post by maestro » Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:17 pm

The "go jump in the well" bug has now been fixed.

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#40 Post by Fribbi » Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:00 pm

I have now more error.

When I change clothes I still have man clothes in my inventory.
And in some area near the steep mountain I get a error like when I type "look" and when I want to undress again and change clothes. I get a message view not found.

How can I leave the island? Why does she swim back to same island I was in before when I am wearing man clothes. Is there something I have missed.

I have knife,coin,flint,breast pump, milk bottles,key and man'clothes


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#41 Post by maestro » Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:40 am

Fribbi wrote:When I change clothes I still have man clothes in my inventory.
This is by design.  Wearing special clothing does not remove it from your inventory.
Fribbi wrote:And in some area near the steep mountain I get a error like when I type "look" and when I want to undress again and change clothes. I get a message view not found.
Could you please be very specific.  I need to know exactly what you typed, or what lines you typed if you typed more than one line, the number of the view that was not found, and the room that you were in.  I know that you don't know the room numbers, but you can describe the scene or state that it was in, say, the third room from the beach.
Fribbi wrote:How can I leave the island?
That's for you to figure out.  But see my comments below.
Fribbi wrote:Why does she swim back to same island I was in before when I am wearing man clothes.
I don't understand what you mean by "same island I was in before."  Can you tell me what room you were in when you started swimming (i.e. East beach, West beach), what direction you swam, for how many screens, and where you ended up.
Fribbi wrote:I have knife,coin,flint,breast pump, milk bottles,key and man'clothes
Something is seriously amiss here.  In order to prevent dead ends, the game is designed so that you may not proceed to the cave maze, and you may not fill more than six bottles, until you have collected all the inventory items that you need from Daventry.  If you are missing one or more inventory items, a "Dead End" sign will appear in the room immediately before the cave maze, preventing you from advancing.  If you try to fill the seventh bottle, a message will appear telling you to wait until you have made more progress in the game before filling any more bottles.

From what you've told me, you are missing one critical inventory item from Daventry.  Therefore, you should not have been able to fill more than six bottles, and you should not have been permitted to advance to the cave maze or beyond.

Could you please e-mail me a saved game from the first non-Daventry screen that you encounter, where you have all the inventory items that you claim.  This should be two screens before the cave maze.  I need to figure out why the "Dead End" sign is not appearing as it should.  I have just checked the code, and it ought to work properly in all cases.  Also, if you have managed to fill more than six bottles, could you please send me a saved game with exactly six bottles filled, so I can figure out why it is letting you fill more than six bottles without having made sufficient progress.

You should not be leaving the island (or Daventry) without the one critical inventory item that I've mentioned, so let's figure that part out first before figuring out how to leave the island.

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#42 Post by Fribbi » Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:48 pm

That e-mail here has no option to send a attachment with it so I went to yours site to get your  e-mail.
So check it out now maestro. ;)

I'm still stuck so I can't continue any longer. Because I have no clue what part I am missing. I can only fill two bottles but not six or seven. Maybe that's the problem but always when I try that she just refuse to fill the others.

I forgot to mention about that (island) beach problem. I can swim west twice to get to island and also if I swim west once and when I go north after that.  And when I am in man clothes the witch are no longer around but what I find strange she just return to the beach since she find nothing interest in Kolyma .

But I hope this helped.

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#43 Post by maestro » Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:34 pm

Fribbi wrote:I can only fill two bottles but not six or seven. Maybe that's the problem but always when I try that she just refuse to fill the others.
When filling the bottles, you have to wait a certain amount of time between fillings so that Valanice can produce more milk, but if you wait too long, her breasts will dry up and will no longer be able to produce any more milk.  Time, in this game, is not clock time; rather, it is measured by how many times you've changed rooms.  If you get a message, "Your { right | left } breast is not yet ready," change rooms a few times before trying again.  If you get a message, "Your { right | left } breast can no longer produce milk," then you cannot complete the game from that point, so you must restore an earlier saved game or start again from the beginning.  If you get a message, "Why don't you wait until you've made more progress in the game . . . ," that means that you're missing one or more essential inventory items from Daventry.  When you've found them and are able to reach the cave maze, you can resume filling the bottles.  The reason for this is so that a player who gets stuck at the beginning of the game won't fill up all the bottles before making any more progress in the game.
Fribbi wrote:I can swim west twice to get to island and also if I swim west once and when I go north after that.
I think that you mean east, not west.
[spoiler]When you swim to Kolyma, the witch captures you, so you definitely don't want to go there.  If you swim to Kolyma in men's clothes, the witch doesn't recognize you, but you still recognize the place and decide that you don't want to stay there.  In either case, Kolyma is not the place you want to be.[/spoiler]
Fribbi wrote:That e-mail here has no option to send a attachment with it so I went to yours site to get your  e-mail.
So check it out now maestro.
Thanks.  I'll check it out tomorrow.
Fribbi wrote:I'm still stuck so I can't continue any longer. Because I have no clue what part I am missing.
You're still missing one very important item from Daventry.  Here are some hints to help you find it.

Hint #1:[spoiler]The item is obviously hidden.  What two large objects are often used to hide smaller objects?[/spoiler]

Hint #2:[spoiler]Examine all the rocks and trees in Daventry.  Type "look rock" and "look tree" for every rock and tree that you see.  You have to be near the object for this to work.[/spoiler]

Hint #3:[spoiler]The woodcutter is old and forgetfull.  Perhaps he left something nearby his cabin.[/spoiler]

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#44 Post by Fribbi » Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:41 am

Oh no! After reading this hints I think I have to restart the game again. :cry

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#45 Post by Radiant » Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:14 am

Wait a second. You get to swim to Kolyma? Is that Valanice an olympic-grade athlete or what?

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#46 Post by maestro » Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:46 pm

Well, just keep a few things in mind:

1.  There is nothing in the canon that says how far away Kolyma is from Daventry, so it could be just a short distance.

2.  In KQ4, Rosella swins to the fairy island.

3.  A lactating woman has greater boyancy than the rest of us and so can swim greater distances.

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#47 Post by Alias » Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:28 pm

3.  A lactating woman has greater boyancy than the rest of us and so can swim greater distances.

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#48 Post by Erpy » Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:34 pm

The fairy island was just off the coast of Tamir. It was still part of the land of Tamir. I doubt Kolyma and Daventry are neighbouring countries parted only by a body of water similar to the Channel.

Then again, if Robin Hood can swim from the holy land to England, Valanice should be able to pull off a similar stunt. ;)


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#49 Post by maestro » Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:17 pm

I have uploaded a new version that fixes the Dead-End sign bug, the global message bug, and a couple of bugs that nobody has noticed yet.  I strongly suggest that you download the new version before continuing.  The unnoticed bugs do not affect gameplay that much, but they reveal plot elements prematurely.  I suggest downloading this new version to avoid these unintended revelations, as well as to avoid some minor glitches involving Valanice abruptly changing clothes for no apparent reason.  Fribbi, since you are starting over anyway, now is a good time to download the new version.

Regarding the Dead-End sign:  I placed a block (i.e. non-walkable area) around the Dead-End sign, but I made the block one pixel too small, enabling Valanice to walk around the sign.  Fribbi, you must have seen the sign and walked around it.  I have increased the width of the block by a few pixels in each direction, and I have added an observe.blocks(ego) command for good measure.
Fribbi wrote:You said that dead end sign was suppose to stop me but it didn't appear on the cave it appeared somewhere up on the mountain.
Ah ha!  So you did see the sign but just walked on past it!  The sign occurs on the screen immediately before the cave maze.
Fribbi wrote:If you type "look" on that picture a message will pop-up and says "g11" it happens too on other screen room if you go left from there.
That was supposed to be global message number 11, but I put in g11 instead of %g11.  This has been fixed.
Fribbi wrote:If you try to change clothes there you are kicked out from the game.
Exactly what room are you in when this happens?  Exactly what do you type?  I have been unable to duplicate this problem, either with the saved game that you sent me or with my own saved games.
Fribbi wrote:I also send to you that picture because I have marked that with a red circle because when I went up there I got stuck and could not continue.
I have verified this problem but have not fixed it yet.  The problem occurs when Valanice gets stuck in a non-walkable area.  Unlike AGS, AGI doesn't have non-walkable areas per se; rather, it has boundry lines.  If a character gets stuck behind a boundry line it cannot get out.  In any event, the area where this occurs is not an area that you need to explore.
Fribbi wrote:Oh no! After reading this hints I think I have to restart the game again.  :cry
The game is very short, with only a few inventory items and only a few puzzles to solve.  In fact, if you had a walkthrough, you could complete the game in only a few minutes.  In the tradition of the earliest Kings Quest games, this is truly a thinking game.  The difficulty of the game lies in solving the puzzles, not in completing a large number of actions.  That is why dead ends are not so objectionable in the early KQ games; the games were short enough that starting over from the beginning was not a problem.  In games the size of KQ5, though, it became a real problem.

Thank you, Fribbi, for your wonderful and most helpful error reports!

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#50 Post by Alias » Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:30 pm

I must say this game is very fun.  ;)

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