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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:02 am
by Blackthorne519
Alias wrote:I think thats everyone I know, if not refresh my memory.
What Alias SHOULD HAVE PUT IN wrote: Blackthorne > You bastard, all you do is give me shit.  I hate you very much.  Yet I'm still strangely attracted to you.  Please take me back.


Re: Me to!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:26 am
by Jafar
FatherGhostface wrote:
Steffi you rock so much you dont even need mentioning as everyone just assumed you knew

That goes for me to...right?  :rollin
And me, right? :p
Jafar> Ahhh! The playful soul of the forums, you're cool, you're funny, you're sig's are amazing, for this you rock.
Hehe, thanks. But you forgot one thing. I don't just rock.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:38 am
by Music Head
Yay, so excited i got mentioned

*jumps and hits head on spinning fan


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:49 am
by Swift
Thanks, Rog. :) Go on rocking.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:40 pm
by navynuke04
Alias wrote:Navynuke> You've got a really good sense of humor, you go under the same category as Blackthorne, you rule, mate!
*Looks for what Alias wrote about Blackthorne... Finds nothing*

*Notices Blackthorne's post*
What Alias SHOULD HAVE PUT IN wrote:Blackthorne > You bastard, all you do is give me shit.  I hate you very much.  Yet I'm still strangely attracted to you.  Please take me back.
*Wonders if he should really be in the same category as Blackthorne...*


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:43 pm
by Alias
Blackthorne, Don't worry I know you miss my tender love. But we must move on.  :p


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:24 pm
by FatherGhostface
Blackthorne is with Jennifer Garner! GASP! Jennifer Garner has orange hair!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:30 pm
by VampD3
Alias wrote:***Warning: If you're eyes are sensity to smileys, alergic to 'wrongly' spelt words or un-tidy tags, please close the window. :p

What the hell, I might as well hijack this thread. Here are the people I know and what I think about em.

Swift> Your another great soul in this universe, kind, polite and a very straight forward gal, for that 'u rulez'.  :)

AGDI 1> You love animals just like me, you've traveled the world just like me, you're an amazing artist unlike me... You simply rule.

AGDI 2> I only managed to get a few words out of you, and that was something about you being good looking for somehting like that. :lol You rule for making these games anyway. ;)

Rosel> You're that cherry on th cake, you always take that extra mile to make me feel special, Who in the would calls someone from America to the UK? Tru friends I tell ya! You rulez too. ;)

GamerGal> You're that second cherry on the cake. :lol you're an amazing person, always know how to confort a person and give good advice. For all you're efforts and pure heart you rock. :)

Bromios>[b/] What can I say? You're a good listener. :p You are a very dedicated fan of the Adventure game community, you're a great programmer, and a great guy. ;)

Vildern> You've always been there more me, and visa versa. You're a very caring guy and always try to see the best in things, I remeber our first convo at AGDI chat when I decided to leave. :lol''4 tis u rox!''

Erpy> Your sig's are amazing. :lol I've got some nifty people skills and thou art a great admin, for tis you rock. :)

MusicallyInspired> You're getting married! Congrats! You are such a cool guy, easy to chat too, no ice in the way. And I still owe you that other QFG5 disk. :lol

Klytos> You're a bit of a loose canon, but thats you're personality, you kind of give life to the forums in some twisted way. :lol for this you rule.

Khaveen> Your a bril artist, pitty you've been away for so long, but you're a great guy to chat too, plus you actually liked some of Avrl LAvignes songs, for this you rule.

Radiant> I guess you got lost in the mail along with Khaveen, or just working hard on ATOTK? ;) Youre a smart and cool guy, know your stuff and you rock. :)

Navynuke> You've got a really good sense of humor, you go under the same category as Blackthorne, you rule, mate!

Jafar> Ahhh! The playful soul of the forums, you're cool, you're funny, you're sig's are amazing, for this you rock.

Spikey> I havent known you for too long, but you're a cool guy, very witty. You rule.

Meerbat> We arent excatly great friends, but you study animals and do a lot that I want to do in the future,  your a very cool and mellow person for this you rock. ;)

Fribi> Fribi, Fribi, Fribi... Whats there to say? I wish those SIS people would stop harasing you. Your okay too, a bit too playful sometimes but thats who you are. ;)

The Hero> Okay you dont really rock, but you make me laugh, and I love teasing you for things you dont know, like Who made the song thriller. You're okay.  0]

KQArtist/JP> you're my idol, you're backgrounds are amazing and you're drawings too. For being a good lad, you rock!

Corby> You rule! You're tutorials made me a better artist and for that you rule, you're a very mellow guy too, and you rock!

bartonjo> Your another peaceful soul around the forums, you also seem to be a rare sight now a days, your a great dude, and an amazing artist too. ;)

Music Head> You should really focus on one project, man. I mean you need to make up your mind, you got the skills, now you need to use you're brain.  ;)

I think thats everyone I know, if not refresh my memory. :p

What about me?  :cry  :cry

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:31 pm
by Angelus3K
Yea Alias I guess our phone conversation wasnt that stimulating  :lol  :lol  ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:24 pm
by Alias
Vamp, Oh Im sorry. I ment to combine both You and chris in that one. It was very late at night.  ;)  *hug*

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:28 pm
by Alliance
Dang, I'm not in here yet, so I might as well say how cool everyone is
God- The most incredible dude ever. He made me, didn't make me stupid, but not nerdy, we all know God loves disco, and that God gave us pancakes (well, not really, but he inspired us to by giving someone a dream about breakfast in heaven)
Jesus- died for our sins, is very awesome. Also we have Christmas and Easter, my two favourite holidays.
Blackthorne-cool super amazing guy with lots of talent, and he always tolerates my stupidity.
Klytos-always makes me laugh. And stuff.
Bromios- another very cool guy who makes websites and stuff. Now if only I could get him to join the dark side. Wha ha ha!
Alias-don't know you very well, but you seem nice.
Erpy- sort of a serious dude, but nevertheless a nice guy.
Spikey- another cool person who makes art an stuff.
AGD1 and AGD2- made awesome games, that's all I know
Me- Why am I so far down on the list? Because I put others first!
Taft- Got stuck in a bathtub.
Swift- neat babe, does cool stuff, I guess.
Radiant- is making a cool game about kingdoms or something.
That's all for now, I guess.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:51 pm
by Steffi Evenstar
thanks klytos!  :)  

i'll  make a "y'all rock" post later.  now, i get to go wear an ugly dress and sing.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:53 am
by anathoth8
Steffi Evenstar wrote:thanks klytos!  :)  

i'll  make a "y'all rock" post later.  now, i get to go wear an ugly dress and sing.
Have fun! Try to keep your undergarments on this time!  ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:25 am
by Gronagor
Ouch rog.... you don't like me.  :cry

That's it! I'm banning you from SSS!  :p

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:18 am
by Jafar
I guess I'll do a list too. Don't expect it to be fancy though.

Erpy - Cool
Anathoth - Cool
The Knight - Cool
Swift - Cool
Vamp - Cool
Angelus - Cool
Broomie - Cool
Pidgeot - Cool
Rog - Cool
The Hero Cool
QFGFan - Cool
Rosel - Cool
BT - Cool
Ghostface - Cool
Soulblighter - Cool
Charlemange - Cool
Vildern - Cool
Klytos - Cool
Kurdt - Cool
Steffi - Cool
Fribbi - Cool
AGD1 - Cool
AGD2 - Cool
Wookie - Cool
Relight - Cool
Tom - Cool
Navy - Cool
Gron - Cool
Spokey - Cool
There, ya happy? :p
I might go back and add details and/or missed people later, but I'm lazy now.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:37 am
by Blackthorne519
I'd like to make a long list, but I won't.

I'll just say that all the regular posters here make my day.  I come, trade banter, talk about games and live a portion of my life in this community.  I've shared my stories, my art and my music with you people.  To some, I've shared my writing.

I'm happy to be here, and I know some people don't like me very much, and that I can be caustic - but I know there are people here that can vouch that when it comes down to it, I'm a good guy.  I've spoken to many people here privately, on the phone or IM, and I've made some awesome friends.

I can be brusque, and crude, I know - but really, I'm not a bad guy.   I'll talk to anyone, and I'm just happy we're all here because we love Sierra games.  They were a big part of my childhood, and it's great to meet folks from all over the world that share in that.  It makes this giant-pestilance-filled orb of mud seem smaller, and greater.

In summation, I hate  :p  you all.  Passionatly.  Deeply.  Truly.   I loathe your very essence; even over the internet, you smell.  And stuff. [spoiler]I'm totally kidding.  You know I love ya![/spoiler]

Thanks for being my friends; you've made a very difficult two years of my life that much better.


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:34 am
by VampD3
I would make a post like that but it would be the same as everyone elses!!! and I'm scared that I would miss someone out.

All you guys are great, and the years I've been here have been so happy and thanks everyone for always being there for me. Ive been through some difficult times and had to make some big decisions and you guys have always helped me! So thanks everyone. I've came to make some good friends!!!
I'll just say that all the regular posters here make my day.
Hope I'm included BT  ;)

And something you said BT is so true, We all share persoanl things with each other that some of us wouldn't do day to day. We've shared fave music, food, our art, stories and day to day trouble and happy times aswell. Its funny as Ive got engaged, been pregnant, had a baby all of which Ive talked about on here!!!

Its a great forum!

Re: klitos Second Post

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:25 am
by Charlemagne
Klytos wrote:Charlemagne - I would call you a beta-tester but the builds are kinda alpha / beta builds. So you're now just the guru.
I'm not really a guru. I'm just a good bullshit artist. :lol  :lol
Thanks man!