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Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:08 am
by El_Listo
Amen Broomie, ALL of your words emanate wisdom.

And please, to everyone e-mailing Vivendi, be RESPECTFUL, don't insult them, make them see that they can get profit and promotion if they allow KQIX to continue, be smart and respectful, remember dudes.

I hope they reach some kind of agreement, we must never give up, we must be unite on this.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:30 am
by Vildern
Well, we can send them emails a-la Southpark: "They killed KQIX. You bastards!"

Then again, we shouldn't  :p

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:35 am
by Swift
Agreed. The only thing we can do for now is send emails to VU. I plan to write mine tonight.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:39 am
by Def Zeppelin
I was going to buy the compilations they were releasing on the 11th, I won't now.

I hate Vivendi, and yes, they are a pretty evil company.  You can tell by the line of games they produce that they only care about money and not about quality.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 12:48 pm
by El_Listo
What my little brain can't comprehend it's the fact that they have done "that" only a few days before the release of the compilations...

It doesn't seem a very wise decission, they release a powerful axe kick to your head and then they want you to buy his products... Can't understand, all this is so wrong...

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:16 pm
by Alias
Swift wrote:Agreed. The only thing we can do for now is send emails to VU. I plan to write mine tonight.
And that has worked how many times?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:53 pm
by Swift
It's worked before for QFG5. It's also worked when the public in Singapore signed a petition asking for the removal of the former NKF CEO for his questionable practises in a charity organisation.

IMO, we shouldn't back away just because we think it won't work. If you feel strongly about something, then do something about it. Make them aware of how you feel about their actions. Even if it doesn't succeed, at least you've made yourself heard and you know you've done your part. That's what's important.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:00 pm
by Alias
QFG5? That was when Sierra was actually a company and could make their own choices, they are dead now. Back then Sierra pushed the idea VU (If VU was in the picture), but now there is no sierra.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:08 pm
by Swift
You missed the point of my post. It doesn't matter if Sierra is dead. VU is still a company that cares about its reputation. What matters is you make yourself heard if you feel strongly about it. Will it work? Possibly, if there's a sizable amount of people doing so. Please stop trying to be a naysayer to those who want to try and help. That solves nothing.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:22 pm
by Alias
Personally, there arent enough people in the KQ community to make them change their mind, feel free to try. I can just say it won't work, not that I don't want to see a new KQ... Maybe its come to that time when we should just stop trying.

People have emailed them about sequels before, and those were mass amount of people asking for SQ7 for example.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:29 pm
by Swift
I don't think we've come to "that time" to give up yet. As long as there are possible options to explore, why not seize the opportunity and explore them? If you don't succeed, at least you've tried, but if you do succeed, this could benefit the adventure gaming community. Of course, you are free to make that choice.


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:57 pm
by Brainiac
Like I said over at IA, I saw this coming. Consider how many cease-and-desist notices LucasArts' legal department has sent out for the many fan sequels based on their games. Now look at LucasFan's Maniac Mansion Deluxe. That one went off without a hitch. Why? It was a remake of an existing property. The AGD's works for Sierra are also remakes (even without their agreement with VU, I'd bet they would have been fine). However, KQ9 was a sequel, not a remake. That, I think, was the final factor that led to its demise. Though I was expecting it, that doesn't make the loss any easier.

If I'm right, SQ7 (presuming it goes any farther) is next on the block, presuming Josh Mandel's involvement isn't enough to hold VU off. As for other fan projects, I don't know. IA's Quest for Infamy is far more directly related to the QfG games than, say, Hero6, so it might fall into trouble. Any KQ3 or SQ2 fangame I see as being relatively safe as they'd be just another remake (presuming the AGDI/VU agreement doesn't prohibit allowing OTHER teams to make remakes).

So, basically, fan sequel = most likely dead; fan remake = probably okay, fan game (based on commercial product) = not really sure. At least, that's my thinking on the matter.

Swift's got the right idea; if you feel strongly, act!  There's always a chance that the fan response might convince VU that they could make money on sequels to the various Sierra products, resulting in official releases (and even contracting out the KQ9 development).

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:39 pm
by Alias
VU making a offical sequel? We want that? VU has 0% experiance with adventure games. All the Sierra guys got laid off, so theres no point in VU making a badly made KQ/QFG/SQ. But I guess even if its bad, we all want to see more.  :cry

Quest for Infamy

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:55 pm
by spacecadet
Regarding IA, anyone know what this may mean for their other current project, "Quest for Infamy"? Unlike KQ3VGA, it's not a remake but an original creation with original content, providing something like a sequel to QFG1VGA, as I gather. So is it safe from being axed?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:44 pm
by Alias
Yep, I recon its near the blade, but its tricky because it doesnt bare the QFG name. Just the locations, which could virtually be a coinsodence. Wink Wink.

Well I have something to say...

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:40 pm
by FatherGhostface
Well I certainly had something to say. Thank gosh that Fanventures had the email to the people who shut it down becuase I sent them a letter, not to worry, I didn't make any rude comments to them.

My letter:

Dear Vivendi,

 For 5 or 4 years I watched and waited like a true fan for Phoenix Software to complete their master piece of a game we all know as King's Quest IX: Every Cloak has a Silver Lining. I was truly inspired by their work and loved what they were doing for the Sierra Computer Gamers around the WORLD! They really had something special there, everyone loved what they were making here. A great setting, a great plot, familiar characters that we all know and love. But I do not wish to guilt you in anyway but this must be said, I was completely SHATTERED when I discovered that something I waited so long for was cancelled...

 Although it was your guys call, but think about all the unhappy people out there who waited so long for this game to be complete and at that moment snatched away from them as if they didn't deserve it! Roberta Williams and Ken Williams themselves were in LOVE with what Phoenix Software was creating. Think about how hard they were working on this, do you really want that work to go to waste? That these people that have work for four years of their life trying to construct a fun loving game for all to enjoy, please don't take that away from us. Sierra stated that they won't make a King's Quest 9, and if you don't want Phoenix Software making it, then who will? I have been playing King's Quest games for 9 years and I loved them all, I even play the very old 80's style AGI games and there are hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. who have been playing these games for years to! They all want this, so please don't shut down King's Quest IX: Every Cloak Has a Silver Lining. It would mean the world (and when I say that, it would mean it to the WORLD!!!) if you let production finish what four years have started.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my letter you, I really hope you'll reconsider having KQ9 shut down.

Please, be our Silver Lining.

    Sincerely a Loyal Fan,
             Charlie R. Shields

I'm sure I made a couple of mistakes in that letter, but I wanted to help save KQ9, I hope I did the right thing... :(

Re: Well I have something to say...

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:12 pm
by Broomie
FatherGhostface wrote:Well I certainly had something to say. Thank gosh that Fanventures had the email to the people who shut it down becuase I sent them a letter, not to worry, I didn't make any rude comments to them.

My letter:

Dear Vivendi,

 For 5 or 4 years I watched and waited like a true fan for Phoenix Software to complete their master piece of a game we all know as King's Quest IX: Every Cloak has a Silver Lining. I was truly inspired by their work and loved what they were doing for the Sierra Computer Gamers around the WORLD! They really had something special there, everyone loved what they were making here. A great setting, a great plot, familiar characters that we all know and love. But I do not wish to guilt you in anyway but this must be said, I was completely SHATTERED when I discovered that something I waited so long for was cancelled...

 Although it was your guys call, but think about all the unhappy people out there who waited so long for this game to be complete and at that moment snatched away from them as if they didn't deserve it! Roberta Williams and Ken Williams themselves were in LOVE with what Phoenix Software was creating. Think about how hard they were working on this, do you really want that work to go to waste? That these people that have work for four years of their life trying to construct a fun loving game for all to enjoy, please don't take that away from us. Sierra stated that they won't make a King's Quest 9, and if you don't want Phoenix Software making it, then who will? I have been playing King's Quest games for 9 years and I loved them all, I even play the very old 80's style AGI games and there are hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. who have been playing these games for years to! They all want this, so please don't shut down King's Quest IX: Every Cloak Has a Silver Lining. It would mean the world (and when I say that, it would mean it to the WORLD!!!) if you let production finish what four years have started.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my letter you, I really hope you'll reconsider having KQ9 shut down.

Please, be our Silver Lining.

    Sincerely a Loyal Fan,
             Charlie R. Shields

I'm sure I made a couple of mistakes in that letter, but I wanted to help save KQ9, I hope I did the right thing... :(
You absolutely did the right thing there, Charlie. Thanks for contributing. :)

As for QFI, to be honest we'd rather not think about the outcomes. We haven't been as crazy with our game as KQ9 were, with the trailers, teasers ect. QFI may not be known to many but really the only thing which is similar to QFG is the name (So you want to be a Villian) and Spielberg. There are no characters from QFG neither is there anything else for that matter. It's really simply the matter of choosing a different town and perhaps having a different title. I wouldn't say the title Quest for Infamy would be in any jeopardy as it's not copyrighted, it justs sound like Quest for Glory. I mean, plenty of titles start with Quest for... (Check here.)
So you want to be a Villain however maybe a problem. Yet it's simply changing a few words and moving them around. Villain for Hire? A Villain's Tale? Villain inda house!!?

I would say Quest for Infamy is safe if we act now with it, changing everything. King's Quest III VGA is our only concern but if Brainiac is right with his theory, then Infamous Adventures is as safe as buttons.

And as for Vivendi taking the role of delivering a KQ sequel?


Nope, I wouldn't be surprised. Then again, Rockstar would ask them to close that down.  ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:24 pm
by Alias
I just cant believe this happened now. I got so excited that after all the years KQ9 will finally have something long & playable out. And it got snatched 2 months away.  :cry

Thank you

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:51 pm
by FatherGhostface
You absolutely did the right thing there, Charlie. Thanks for contributing.
Thank you Broomie.  :D

And its true, all those years, all that work. It shouldn't be put to waste...they worked too hard and they've come so close to finishing the first chapter to stop now... :(

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:09 am
by Fribbi
Well lets now think like the owner from Vivendi Universal and see how they would answer that letter.

Well I certainly had something to say. Thank gosh that Fanventures had the email to the people who shut it down becuase I sent them a letter, not to worry, I didn't make any rude comments to them.
Finaly someone who respect us!

My letter:
Dear Vivendi,

For 5 or 4 years I watched and waited like a true fan for Phoenix Software to complete their master piece of a game we all know as King's Quest IX: Every Cloak has a Silver Lining. I was truly inspired by their work and loved what they were doing for the Sierra Computer Gamers around the WORLD! They really had something special there, everyone loved what they were making here. A great setting, a great plot, familiar characters that we all know and love. But I do not wish to guilt you in anyway but this must be said, I was completely SHATTERED when I discovered that something I waited so long for was cancelled

Poor poor guy. You really neeed a shoulder to cry on. But hey shit happens.

Although it was your guys call, but think about all the unhappy people out there who waited so long for this game to be complete and at that moment snatched away from them as if they didn't deserve it!
I am guilty too for waiting for waiting for this unlegaly game but I am not unhappy just disapointed how long it toke to stop them.
Roberta Williams and Ken Williams themselves were in LOVE with what Phoenix Software was creating. Think about how hard they were working on this, do you really want that work to go to waste? That these people that have work for four years of their life trying to construct a fun loving game for all to enjoy, please don't take that away from us.

So who is the big fool here? Is it the people who waited for a unlegaly game or the people who wasted big time on a game wich was stopped by us who is the legally owners of the copyright of that game?

Sierra stated that they won't make a King's Quest 9, and if you don't want Phoenix Software making it, then who will?
The Santa Claus and his elf factory of course!
I have been playing King's Quest games for 9 years and I loved them all, I even play the very old 80's style AGI games and there are hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. who have been playing these games for years to!
Wow big deal, it will take me  one week for me to finish them all. You really need to finish your grade school now.
They all want this, so please don't shut down King's Quest IX: Every Cloak Has a Silver Lining. It would mean the world (and when I say that, it would mean it to the WORLD!!!) if you let production finish what four years have started.
What???  I can't hear you. Speak louder!
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my letter you, I really hope you'll reconsider having KQ9 shut down

Great I can go to toilet now.
Please, be our Silver Lining.

   Sincerely a Loyal Fan,
            Charlie R. Shields
All right guys! We got his name now we can sue him for harassing us.
I'm sure I made a couple of mistakes in that letter,
Are you talking about the coffee you spilled on that lettter?
but I wanted to help save KQ9, I hope I did the right thing...
The only thing you can do right now is you should stop watch too much of Sopranos now. We don't like some criminal mafia making joke at us. We are Vivendi Universal and we want to make our own game so stop wasting your time and finish your school or collage or whatever. Making a game wich is not yours is stupid and unlegal. Try to understand that young boy and thanks for wasting my big time on nothing but please continue to buy our games.

Big boss from Vivendi Universal.

Well this is just my own idea what will happens after that letter.


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:17 am
by FatherGhostface
Gee, thanks.  :rolleyes

Look Fribbi, I just wanted to help out, that's why I wrote that letter.  :(

Stop picking on me.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:31 am
by Fribbi
I was not picking on you Father Ghostface and Disney artist. I was only acting as a Vivendi Universal owner, and showing you how he would answer your letter. :D


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:35 am
by FatherGhostface bad!

It just seemed that you made my letter look stupid and pointless.

Anyways, did they ever say why they decided to stop production on KQ9?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:40 am
by Fribbi
Now that's is a good question. Why not e-mail this question to them instead asking us who know nothing about what is going on, instead for wasting time on sending them the complaining e-mail.

It's not a good idea if you are going to send them thousands of complainings letters to them.  It will be throwed in trashbasket. Only questions letters will work to let them answer you letters.  :D  ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:23 am
by Ghost_Rider
Fribbi, after reading your posts in this thread, I have determined you are completely insane.  You do have a good sense of humour, although sometimes a little... childish.  But then again, who wants to grow up?  It just means we'll get old and then die some day.

By the way, the "insane" remark is a compliment.   ;)

Sane is just so boring... ZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  :p