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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:21 am
by Gronagor
So.... if AGDI releases SQ3VGA tomorrow, you guys won't be bothered?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:29 am
by Vildern

The latter posts here have been... <cough, cough> well written, well written indeed.

Especially yours, Gamergal  :)
So.... if AGDI releases SQ3VGA tomorrow, you guys won't be bothered?
They won't, cause they are not making it. Khaveen previously worked on Sq3VGA. AGDI knew of this, hence setting that project to production would have been dumb.

Now, Sq3Vga was canceled, and Sq3Remake was set in motion.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:34 am
by Angelus3K
Well spoke, L.S.
Who is that Bt?
I did - and I do understand why you posted what you did.  In fact, I think it's great.  I know you're a wonderfully intelligent, compassionate and talented woman, and I've enjoyed our many conversations in the past.  You're a wise person, who has done much and who I respect deeply.
I take it you know who this person is Bt?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:58 am
by Vildern
(sorry if I'm not coherent, I didn't get much sleep)
Pidgeot wrote:If he came to the UK as a baby, English WOULD be his primary language, making his foreign background irrelevant.)
That post does not make any sense what so ever. What do you mean 'would'? He's already living there. Or, perhaps you meant:

"If he had come to the UK as a baby, English WOULD have been his primary langauge, making his foreign background irrelevant" ?

Well, then, I agree. If he had. But that is not the case. He's been living in the UK for less than three years.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:10 pm
by Pidgeot
Yes, that's what I meant. I do not know the details on Rog's Portuguese background, but it was a possibility.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:12 pm
by Alias
I think we need to clear this up.

Vildren> Thank you for pointing out this thread to me.

Pidgeot> Please do not talk about something you dont know about, I moved to the UK when I was 14, I took extra english classes so I could actually speak, read, & write like everyone else did in the UK.

BT> I know you were a bit harsh sometimes, but later on we cleared that up, I have nothing against you.

Navy> I dont know you very well at all, but when I asked on many ocasions to delete my acoutns but he refused, that is why I dotted my posts out.

GamerGal> I wander who you might be?  ;)   Thank you for some very valide points you pointed out.

Rest of the world> I've made many enemies here, and some good people, I am sorry if I said anything to hurt anyone, you can ask anybody I know, some times I can be a harsh critic, Its not intentional, its just who I am, So dont take it all personal. I also want to make a public apolozy to Radiant.

Radiant> I am sorry if I caused trouble on your project, it never was my intention.  I wish you all the best.

Do you think its possible for me to come back and my other acounts deleted? I promise I'll try harder for things like this to never happen again.  |I

Anything I missed out?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:23 pm
by Swift
I'm quite sure a lot of us want to forget about these unhappy experiences and move on with you as well. Do come back.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:33 pm
by Jafar
I'd also like to put this all behind us and have ya stay.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:57 pm
by Blackthorne519
Angelus3K wrote: I take it you know who this person is Bt?
Yeah, I was able to ascertain who she was through her writing.
I know who she is.

Rog> Great post.  So forget about it all, and just hang out.  You're gonna do fine!


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:00 pm
by Alias
Blackthorne519 wrote:
Angelus3K wrote: I take it you know who this person is Bt?
Yeah, I was able to ascertain who she was through her writing.
I know who she is.

Rog> Great post.  So forget about it all, and just hang out.  You're gonna do fine!

Is she a friend of yours too? Great person.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:16 pm
by Angelus3K
You gonna enlighten us Bt?  :)

Rog, you dont need to change usernames. Lets just get on with life  :)

Well put Pidgeot some great posts there. Your right not all young people are alone, defenceless and unable to stick up for themselves as suggested. These days young people go through alot and have a very strong spirit.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:19 pm
by Gronagor
Vildern wrote:They won't, cause they are not making it. Khaveen previously worked on Sq3VGA. AGDI knew of this, hence setting that project to production would have been dumb.

Now, Sq3Vga was canceled, and Sq3Remake was set in motion.
Well, SQ3VGA was canceled and there's a SQ3Remake using 3D models and stuff (you guys). So there's no SQ3VGA currently in progress, so it is open for anyone to make, right?   :p

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:36 pm
by Vildern
Be my guest. While you're at it, make a kq9vga as well :p Those guys use some 3D technology as well.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:37 pm
by navynuke04
Rog wrote:Navy> I dont know you very well at all, but when I asked on many ocasions to delete my acoutns but he refused, that is why I dotted my posts out.
I do not remember this at all.
Rog wrote:Do you think its possible for me to come back and my other acounts deleted? I promise I'll try harder for things like this to never happen again. Anything I missed out?
Does that mean you want to keep the Rog account and delete the others? You can PM me with the other screen names you've registered, and after validation, I can remove them.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:42 pm
by Gronagor
Vildern wrote:Be my guest. While you're at it, make a kq9vga as well :p Those guys use some 3D technology as well.
No problem... where can I get the script?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:46 pm
by Erpy
I do not remember this at all.
That's because he confused you with me. I told him I didn't want to go and remove his old account because I'd also remove the IP-info attached to it by doing so. Removing your account wasn't going to get rid of all the posts made under it, simply would have marked the user as "guest", so in the end the dot-method was a bit much.

That said, since neither the code master and phoenix software accounts have a lot of posts behind them, I'd like to remove them if you don't mind. In the end, Rog is the name of your online identity in people's minds and people usually adress you as such anyway.

Ah, and welcome back.


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:54 pm
by Radiant
Rog wrote: Radiant> I am sorry if I caused trouble on your project, it never was my intention.  I wish you all the best.
Thank you, and apology accepted.


All's well that ends well

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:31 pm
by GamerGal
Well, I'm glad that there seems to be resolution and closure here.  I had faith that this could be accomplished! ...  or I wouldn't have posted in the first place!   :D

To ROG:  I respect and appreciate your post; glad to see your apology and your promise to do better.  Now you can move on, and continue to enjoy these forums!   ;)

To those who cared enough to post, and forgave and accepted ROG's apology,  Bravo!  We all seek and need acceptance and approval.  Reaching out to one another makes the journey easier.

Sometimes it requires a provocative post to bring things to a head, to confront things head on, and bring about healing and resolution.  I am glad that so many of you rose to the occasion!  

To BT:  Thanks for your kind words; we don't always see eye to eye, but I appreciate and respect your efforts and willingness to compromise or even to "agree to disagree, respectfully" when the situation warrants!

That said, I will continue my quest to make this world a happier and better place!    :)    Thanks again, guys and gals, for restoring my faith in humanity!  Forums are a great place to make "friends" and sometimes, even make a "difference"!

Regards and best wishes,  GamerGal, aka  L.S.   ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:42 pm
by Alias
Group Hug!  :)

Well, if there is anything else you guys want me to make clear please do ask it now and get it over and done with.

Navy> Ooops! My bad, I ment to say it was Erpy. The acounts you can delete are phoenix software, code master, and whatever acounts I have besides ROG.  :o

Thanks a bunch guys.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:44 pm
by Broomie
To those who cared enough to post, and forgave and accepted ROG's apology,  Bravo!  We all seek and need acceptance and approval.  Reaching out to one another makes the journey easier.
That sounded like you meant the whole community, might I add it was only a few who spoke badly of Rog, I for one never had one problem with him. I did notice he was rude but that was it, he even told me that I was the nicest person he had ever met on the net. That's nice to hear anyway.

Oh and good to see you're back to your usual self Rog.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:57 pm
by Alias
I have decided to name myself Reptile forever more. That my final screenname for now on, so you guys know.

Erpy will change Rog to Repile soon.

Thanks Bromie, and everyone else.  :)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:00 pm
by GamerGal
That sounded like you meant the whole community, might I add it was only a few who spoke badly of Rog, I for one never had one problem with him. I did notice he was rude but that was it, he even told me that I was the nicest person he had ever met on the net. That's nice to hear anyway.
I was not implying that you did anything wrong Broomie; in fact, I never mentioned anyone by name, or singled anyone out.  I simply said that I was glad people were willing to accept Rog's apology, and put this whole situation behind them.

Time to move on, and enjoy these wonderful forums!   :D
Oh and good to see you're back to your usual self Rog.
Actually, I think Rog promised a "new and improved" Rog!   ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:38 pm
by Blackthorne519
Gronagor wrote:
Vildern wrote:They won't, cause they are not making it. Khaveen previously worked on Sq3VGA. AGDI knew of this, hence setting that project to production would have been dumb.

Now, Sq3Vga was canceled, and Sq3Remake was set in motion.
Well, SQ3VGA was canceled and there's a SQ3Remake using 3D models and stuff (you guys). So there's no SQ3VGA currently in progress, so it is open for anyone to make, right?   :p
Oh, I'm way ahead on that one.



Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:45 pm
by Alias
How many times have you showed us that screenshot around here?  :lol  :p

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:17 pm
by Vildern
That looks very good, Bt.