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#576 Post by Broomie » Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:04 pm

You're going to have to wait for a bit, I got fired from Tesco's lol since I'm always late now I'm looking for somewhere else to work. I might ask for it at Christmas.

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#577 Post by Angelus3K » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:30 pm

Brooms this match has been hyped more than San Andreas and Halo 2 put together!

You gotta rent it so I can land the F-U on your ass!!

Cos you cant SEE ME!!

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#578 Post by Jafar » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:45 pm

Broomie can take him.

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#579 Post by Angelus3K » Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:48 pm

Care to place you monkey in your mouth Jafar!

He who speaks with no PS2 to back up his claim, climb into the ring with "The Pirate" if you dare!!

Dont worry, the eventual match (if it takes place before 2019) will be web-cammed and uploaded!!!

It should be an interesting match, I will not underestimate Broomie and of course there is always the chance that I will be defeated. Only time and a rental copy of S v R will tell!!

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#580 Post by Broomie » Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:02 pm

I'm not even sure I'm getting the game anymore...

Contains some swearing. Review of SVR from
I was the person to review this game, and I have felt bad since I reviewed it. The reason is because that this game is horrible by regular game standards. Now I'm sure there will be an abundance of people who disagree, just because they want to cheer on the latest wrestling game since it was just released but they are wrong, this game is cancer.

I gave the game a 8.5 out of 10, noting how it wasn't as good as HCTP. I retract that review. This game gets a 5/10 from me, because it is completely half-ass. Everything about this game makes me wonder what THQ did for the past year. I'll go over why I hate this videogame:

Season mode: Season is 10 times less than what it was before. You get one year on each show, then the shows loop and you play the exact same stuff all over again. Talk about replayability! Tops, you'll play through it once on each show, and only then if you can stand the bad voice overs.

Voice-Overs: The superstar voices in the game are shit. They sound horrificly bad. I have experience in a recording studio, and all I can say is that these sound like they were done in a long hallway with the mic at one end and the wrestler at the other. Only a select few sound good.

Commentary: The commentary is repetitive and boring. King says "Keep your words soft and sweet, in case you have to eat them later" at least 4 times per match. Tazz says something about bungle berries or something similar at least twice a match, but as many times as I have heard that, I still have no idea what it means.

And I hate it how they introduce themselves each match, even at the end of a PPV, like they would really do that every single match on a PPV or any card period. How stupid.

The Blocking System: This is probably the most fucked up part of the game. HCTP had a great blocking system, and while the controls haven't changed, the timing, or rather, lack of timing, has greatly. You will feel cheated out of blocking, when you press block perfectly once and block a move. Then, although you did the exact same thing/button 3 times later, none of those times worked as if the controls changed mid-match.

Grapples: Speaking of controls, listen to this shit. There are parts in the game where you are getting up off the mat from being knocked down, and although you can't hit a single button, your opponent can run up and grab you, even though you aren't allowed to move while the animation of HHH standing up completes itself. Don't know what I mean? Here is another similar example that is much more clear:

Triple H has a long ass leg-lock move. Sometimes, you may accidentally start this move without thinking. But instead of pressing one button and aborting the move mid way, you have to watch it animate from beginning to end with no stopping. The only way to stop it early is to let the computer get to escape which it may or may not do depending on how hurt your opponent is.

Its also very stupid how you can't stop a taunt halfway through and you have to let it complete after starting it. Why would this be in a game?

Targeting system: The targeting system in the Smackdown games has sucked for the last two or three but in SD vs Raw its the worst yet. I was on top of a Hell in a Cell fighting Triple H. All of a sudden, without me pressing ANYTHING, I target the ref inside of the ring. Yes, I looked straight down until Triple H(Garry, my cousin) ran at me and did something. Also, you may find that right as you kick, you automatically target another opponent without warning. OR sometimes even your TAG PARTNER! I was wrestling as the Dudleys with Garry, and tried kicking Sable. Right as I pressed the buttons to kick, it targeted Garry and kicked him. How frustrating.

Sliding Around: Yet another stupid weakpoint in this game is the fact that EVERYTHING SLIDES AROUND. Especially tables but to a lesser extent, wrestlers. Garry "walks" into my prone body when its on top of the cell until I slide right off. No way to get up or counter. Not that the countering would work right anyways.

And also, half the time when I'm trying to do a move through the table, the stupid thing slides out of the way! Why would a table slide? Why would it not be fixed where you put it down, and the only way to move it would be to pick it up? After all, that seems to work pretty well in what we call reality.

Online Mode: The ultra-laggy online mode is a turd. With only two matches, including one that sucks eternal ass (bra and panties), and no way to change any options, you are stuck playing regular single matches over and over and over until you get sick of playing a game that has you press run and 2 seconds later run.

Elimination Chamber: This has been fucked up again due to the fact that when the count down starts to let another wrestler in, you lose sight of your wrestler unless he is in the middle of the ring which is when "Ant" mode starts and you get to play as one of the ants.

Other notable crap: The refs arm glitches into a box sometimes.

Triple H never points and talks to audience members unless he is seriously pissed.

Entrances suck, THQ should have done them right or left them out.

There are at least 4 or 5 wrestlers in the game who aren't even the WWE.

There is no Eugene.

There is no Goldberg, Lesnar, or Stone Cold, all of which wrestled or appeared at the majority of the arenas featured in this game.

Alternate costumes for many of the wrestlers (HHH, Orton, Batista, Naitch) are stupid. The four mentioned have bulky suits that make you embarassed to own this title.

There isn't enough to unlock (that is worth unlocking).

Bret Hart has HBKs flying forearm/kick up. So does Orton. Neither have ever done this move.

You can't even play as Vince or Bischoff, not that I'd want to, but they are already in the game! Vince even has a full move-set! (I wrestled him in season.)

You have no sense that Evolution exists in season. Also, you have no sense of whether or not you are face or heel until the match starts (Because everything stays pretty much the same).

One player season should be two players or more.

Much more.

This revision was written after extensive play of this title. THQ probably won't like this, but I am honest with the reader because I don't want to bull shit people out of their money. Personally, I would recommend you avoid this title and don't buy it, but you make that call. I'm considering reselling mine, not because I need the money, but because it is so awful.

Oh, and incase anyone thinks that this is just me, two experience wrestling gamers have already expressed their agreement that this title sucks. My pal Garry, Good luck if you have this game, but I advise you not to get it. Get Half-Life 2, Halo 2, or GTA SA( which also isn't too great).

Hope my honesty is appreciated.

I think I'll stick with Day of Reckoning, but I will rent it just to kick your ass.[/quote]

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#581 Post by Angelus3K » Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:36 pm

I'll add my opionon to those comments.
Season mode: Season is 10 times less than what it was before. You get one year on each show, then the shows loop and you play the exact same stuff all over again. Talk about replayability! Tops, you'll play through it once on each show, and only then if you can stand the bad voice overs.
True, HCTP was a better game but the same is true with that game the storyline loops after you have played it twice choosing different paths.
Voice-Overs: The superstar voices in the game are shit. They sound horrificly bad. I have experience in a recording studio, and all I can say is that these sound like they were done in a long hallway with the mic at one end and the wrestler at the other. Only a select few sound good.
True, the voices are terrible, but try following the WWE Superstars on the road trying to get some free time from them and recording lines in whatever city you happen to be in and in whatever recording studio you happen to come across.
Commentary: The commentary is repetitive and boring. King says "Keep your words soft and sweet, in case you have to eat them later" at least 4 times per match. Tazz says something about bungle berries or something similar at least twice a match, but as many times as I have heard that, I still have no idea what it means.
True, although the voices are better as they were recorded in proper studios they do repeat some stuff.
And I hate it how they introduce themselves each match, even at the end of a PPV, like they would really do that every single match on a PPV or any card period. How stupid.
They only introduce themselves at the start of a PPV, dunno what this guy is on about.
The Blocking System: This is probably the most fucked up part of the game. HCTP had a great blocking system, and while the controls haven't changed, the timing, or rather, lack of timing, has greatly. You will feel cheated out of blocking, when you press block perfectly once and block a move. Then, although you did the exact same thing/button 3 times later, none of those times worked as if the controls changed mid-match.
Yup blocking and reverals suck.
Targeting system: The targeting system in the Smackdown games has sucked for the last two or three but in SD vs Raw its the worst yet. I was on top of a Hell in a Cell fighting Triple H. All of a sudden, without me pressing ANYTHING, I target the ref inside of the ring. Yes, I looked straight down until Triple H(Garry, my cousin) ran at me and did something. Also, you may find that right as you kick, you automatically target another opponent without warning. OR sometimes even your TAG PARTNER! I was wrestling as the Dudleys with Garry, and tried kicking Sable. Right as I pressed the buttons to kick, it targeted Garry and kicked him. How frustrating.
Targeting is fine for me, hit R1 to switch targets.

Cant be bothered with the rest but he's pretty much right its a good game but not as good as HCTP. The only reason I'm playing it is because I've played HCTP so many times and this is something new.

So dont buy it just rent it ;)

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#582 Post by KKuhlman » Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:59 pm

The only thing I really have to complain about is the, surprise, blocking.. Its almost completely screwed up. Its impossible against those grables.. Blocking punches and kicks is pretty much easy as pie but those grables are *BEEP*ing impossible.. And 70% of the moves your opponents do are grables.. Wasn't having much fun when your technique 10 guy gets beaten up repeatedly just because of some weak grable that you just..CAN'T..FRIKKIN'..BLOCK!!
*goes to chew the controller in frustration*

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#583 Post by Angelus3K » Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:26 pm

Hey Soul,

I think with grapple's you cant block them but you have reverse them with R2.

Say, you dont have online capabilities do you??

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#584 Post by KKuhlman » Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:23 pm

Yeah, I meant reversing.. But it just doesn't seem to.. *sees his character being thrown around by Scotty* Aargh!
And I don't have online capabilities.. Well, it would only be the most embarassing match of my lifetime.. :lol

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#585 Post by Spikey » Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:57 pm

I imported X-men Legends.

MAN this game is SWEET. Why did no one ever think of making a X-men RPG before?

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#586 Post by Angelus3K » Sat Nov 27, 2004 3:57 pm

Talking of SWEET games, Half Life 2 is Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!!

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#587 Post by MusicallyInspired » Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:32 pm


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#588 Post by Spikey » Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:51 pm


Bought Metroid Prime II: Echoes today. It's refreshing. I love it.

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#589 Post by Jafar » Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:33 pm

A new Kirby game for the GC has been announced!Image

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#590 Post by Spikey » Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:01 pm

Omg! I'm so happy about that! A true Kirby game this time? Sounds good.

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#591 Post by Jafar » Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:29 am

Yup, a good old platformer. According to rumors, you can play up to four players.(Co-op?) They should brong back Gooey, he rawked.
Hey Spike-dude, have you played Kirby's Air Ride? Was it any good? I heard it was pretty fun.

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#592 Post by Spikey » Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:58 am

My now ex owns it. I played it a few times, was fun, but I didn't really like it. And it was nothing I was looking for in a Kirby game. I don't recommend it, there are tons of better games to buy. This new game looks like it's gonna be awesome.

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#593 Post by Skyshark » Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:41 pm

Just hired out Killzone for the PS2 tonight. So far, so good. One of the better shooter games that's come out for the PS2, but I've heard the single player campaign is somewhat short. Haven't been able to try an online game, due to some stuff-up with the DNAS system (times out something chronic). Definitely worth hiring out to have a play at if you're into FPSs.

I've also heard that Australian PS2 online gamers will be receiving an updated Central Station disc that will allow for games to played against the Europeans. :D On the other hand, there's been somewhat of a delay in them actually the continent (was supposed to be out by the end of November and I've heard that they haven't reached SCEA yet to be distributed). So, you guys never know, I could be popping up on a Euro server at some point in the future.

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#594 Post by Spikey » Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:36 pm


Don't people ever get tired of the whole consolebashing thing? People
assume without thinking the X-box is the most powerful console, because Microsoft advertised it as such, but also because most multiplatform games come out best. I think the first thing people should forget are the numbers in the specifications, cause a number doesn't make a game look good; people should check out the actual performance of a console.

Let's look at the three most important components of performance:

- Memory bandwidth
- Number of million polygons per second in theory
- Number of million polygons in practice

I'm not exactly a computer expert. Memory bandwith means how much data can be processed per second. When there is a bandwidth of 30kb and an image of 1 kb, then the framerate will be 30 frames per second, meaning 30 images a second. This will determine the smoothness of the game. Though our eyes can only see 20 fps, the difference between 30 and 60 fps is clearly noticable. 60 fps looks smoother.

When looking at bandwith in practice, the performances are:

Nintendo Gamecube: 9,1 GB a second
Microsoft Xbox: 6,4 GB a second

This difference is noticable in games. When you do not consider detail, it's really striking that ALL Gamecube games run in 60 fps, while only a few X-box games run in 60 fps. Most X-Box games run in 30 fps. Plus, loading time is considerably less on the Gamecube because of this.

The number of million polygons per second is the actual screen quality. A polygon is a 3D pixel, so the more of it, the better / sharper. Both X-box and Gamecube should - in theory - be able to process 125 million polygons a second. But, when we look at performance in practice, Gamecube reaches 15 to 18 million polygons a second, and the X-box reaches 14 to 16 polygons a second.

When we look at the most powerful gameof both consoles;

Nintendo Gamecube:
Star Wars Rogue Leader III Rebel Strike reaches 31 milion polygons a second at 60 fps.

Microsoft Xbox:
Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay reaches 19 million polygons a second at 30 fps.

So, the most powerful game of the Gamecube has a lot more graphical detail detail and runs smoother than the most powerful game of the X-box. Most Gamecube top titles score above the most powerful game of the X-box;
The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker: 28 million at 60 fps
Metroid Prime: 26 million at 60 fps
Mario Kart Double Dash: 20 million at 60 fps
To name a few.

The explanation of the striking difference is simple. Because Gamecube can process more data (memory bandwith), it can contain more detail for a game and make it look smoother. Then, WHY do some multiplatform games look better on Xbox?

Well, the best explanation I have so far is development tools. Without going into it in much detail, the Xbox supports one standard (so called) AA mode, while Nintendo Gamecube supports more AA and AF modes, so it can be more complex to push the console to the limits. I met somebody on the internet who spoke to an Electronics Arts developer, who comfirmed that this is the reason why the multiplatformers differ sometimes.

On X-box, you can't choose, you only have the standard AA mode. On Gamecube, you will have to tinker with the modes. Most developers don't have time to do that, but Nintendo takes time elaborately to push it's own console to the limits. That's why their own games look so much better. So, if a game on the Gamecube uses only 1 or 2 modes, than the game will indeed perform less.

So it's not all black and white which console is the strongest, Xbox or Gamecube, I guess.


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#595 Post by Pidgeot » Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:34 pm

Actually, the XBox IS the most powerful console... if we only look at the processor's clock speed, that is. It has 733MHz vs. the GameCube's 485.

And now for something completely different: I'm looking forward to Monday, as my Nintendo DS should arrive then, including Super Mario 64 DS. Both will be the Japanese editions, but considering the DS itself is multilingual and region-free, that's less important. Might be a bit hard to understand the game, though, so it's a good thing I'm learning Japanese.

What I DON'T look forward to is the customs fee. According to a friend of mine (who got his US version recently), it will be about 450 DKK (~€60/$81).

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#596 Post by Angelus3K » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:02 pm

I've also heard that Australian PS2 online gamers will be receiving an updated Central Station disc that will allow for games to played against the Europeans
I recently recieved a new Central Station disk from $ony, havnt tried it out yet so I dunno what its for, but I'll have a look!!

I think its pretty much a fact that the Xbox is the most powerful console but that doesnt always mean everything, the PS2 is still at #1 as it has alot more AAA titles than anyother console.

I'm not going to bother with a DS as it just looks like a portable N64 and I never bothered with one of those. I'm gonna hold out for the PSP, its technically alot more powerful than the DS and you can playback video and listen to MP3's aswell as watch UMD movies (FF7: Advent Children).

Also the price for both systems is practically the same so you get more for your money with PSP. Plus to be honest $ony has got better 3rd party developers than Nintendo.

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#597 Post by Broomie » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:07 pm

I'm gonna hold out for the PSP, its technically alot more powerful than the DS and you can playback video and listen to MP3's aswell as watch UMD movies (FF7: Advent Children).
Well, have fun with a portable console with a battery lastability of 2 hours.

Trust me the DS will dominate the PSP. Nintendo will and always will rule the portable market of gaming. Sorry Sony, you just suck. ;)

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#598 Post by Jafar » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:10 pm

DS is going to RAAAAWK the PSP. :p

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#599 Post by Angelus3K » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:15 pm

According to IGN the PSP is actually stated to have a battery time of about 4-6 hours while the DS is stated to have 6-8 hours. (Depending on the type of game being played.)

Dunno about you Brooms but I'd rather play on a 128bit PS2 like handheld ala PSP for 4 hours than a 64bit N64 handheld for 8 hours.

You can quote me on this later if you want but just watch PSP stomp over the DS, even the DS launch was labelled as BORING with most shops having no ques at all.

Just watch'em line the streets for Sony's baby. Its about time Nintendo got some competition they dominated the handheld market for too long!

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#600 Post by Broomie » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:21 pm

You can quote me on this later if you want but just watch PSP stomp over the DS, even the DS launch was labelled as BORING with most shops having no ques at all.
Gets ready for the quote tag on PSP's release. ;)

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