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King's Quest IX Trailer

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:59 pm
by dimidimidimi
You can check out the first trailer of King's Quest IX on Adventure Europe

(I'm actually a bit surprised no one has mentioned it here so far)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:19 pm
by Broomie
Strangely enough I discovered this during my lunch break at college. Although I couldn't download it then, I made a news post about it at Fanventures. I'm downloading it now, pretty big file. Started it 5 minutes ago and still only at 68%.

Btw, I've sent quite a few emails to d.manosattheinventorydotorg yet get no reply. Could you check your emails and see if you can reply to them as I would like to get an answer to what I asked. ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:06 pm
by Alias
If the trailer is 120 MB what will the actual game be like?! lol

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:02 pm
by Def Zeppelin
120mbs? Oh my GOD.  I'ma have to d/l this overnight using my tin-foil modem.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:25 pm
by Angelus3K
God that would take me about 10 seconds on my 10Mbit connection!! Thats way too long!!

EDIT: Trailer is amazing! The voicework seems quite poor though, it sounds like that old windows program that converted text to speech.

Hopefully its better in the final game.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:18 pm
by Alias
Angelus3K wrote:God that would take me about 10 seconds on my 10Mbit connection!! Thats way too long!!

EDIT: Trailer is amazing! The voicework seems quite poor though, it sounds like that old windows program that converted text to speech.

Hopefully its better in the final game.
10 MB??! Im guessing thats a perk for working for BT?  ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:49 pm
by Angelus3K
No actually lol BT only do 2Mbit, I have Telewest Blueyonder Broadband. ... _10mb.html

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:10 pm
by Broomie
If you thought Graham's voice was bad, I trust you haven't heard Alex's yet. No offense to the actor, I mean he's got the emotion right, but after listening to his Alex I really feel I won't look at his character the same way ever again.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:53 pm
by Def Zeppelin
I heard a voice clip of Graham speaking, and I thought it was done quite well...The Actor actually sounds like an old King Graham.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:12 pm
by Fribbi
I have already downloaded the big version. And this really sucks.  Hey this is no offence to them at KQ IX team, the trailer is fine but I thought the trailer will be much longer than 2 and 21 minutes after I downloaded in my first time a file over 100 mb. I mean I have watched many other different trailer wich has a good quality and it toke only 21 mb and it  lasted in more than 25 minutes. Something is wrong here isn't rigth?

They should compile this video file into smaller video size. And for love of adventure games. Please don't use the Quicktime video for the trailer again but that's way video size take to much size. You should try change it into WMV or AVI instead.

I remember when I added in Cirkus link a People behind Simpson it was in near 30 minutes and the size of that was about 25 (I think).


BTW I am also looking for a video and music compiler. If you know of any good free software link it then here thanks. I need to change video into smaller video size just like you did for music files. There must be somewhere a good file around in web. But I don't know what is good enough for me.

I am pretty sure AGDI use software like that to compile their own video files ..isn't right guys.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:32 am
by Relight
It's also not proper to make the "small" version smaller in file size but not in resolution. I mean, haven't these people ever watched movie trailers?!

Of course they have, but I guess they decided to do weird things.

I didn't think that Graham's voice was too bad.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:33 am
by Cesar_Bittar
We decided to go for full time quality and not small sizes because we wanted to show the full thing, a small size doesn't do it a lot of justice.

Quicktime is universal and so is the codec we used. It'll work in any computer with quicktime. You may think that AVI and WMA are too, but then you may forget about someone who may want to see this on a Mac. The you get the question of what codec to use, etc.

so, basically, we tried to make it the best quality and as universal as possible. If it took a long time to download, I believe it was well worthy as opposed to have seen it in a 350/200 res or lower.

Of course, it would be impossible to please everyone :)

César Bittar
Project Director/Main Designer
KQIX development team

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:26 am
by Broomie
Oh no no no I was really impressed. I'm so looking forward to this game. Yet I have noticed something in the community, whenever you post something about another fangame at another community. Not everyone will be happy. I think I'm the only one who doesn't mind every adventure fangame in existence. That's why I started Fanventures. ;)

Anyway, I thought it was a marvellous trailer. Not the best trailer but I mean it was only for the first part. I prefer trailers which don't tell you alot anyway. It's like movie trailers which show you like the funniest parts of the whole film so when you goto see it you're not impressed or surprised.

Can't wait for this game though. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:56 pm
by Alias
Def Zeppelin wrote:I heard a voice clip of Graham speaking, and I thought it was done quite well...The Actor actually sounds like an old King Graham.
For a freeware game the voices are amazing, even for comercial its better then some comercials games I've played.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:19 pm
by Vildern
I trust you haven't heard Alex's yet. No offense to the actor, I mean he's got the emotion right, but after listening to his Alex I really feel I won't look at his character the same way ever again.
I thought Alex sounded fairly sexy.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:07 pm
by Broomie
I wasn't saying his voice was crap, I'm saying it's not the voice you'd except from Alex. It's too whiny, perhaps it'd suit Edgar possibly but no way Alex. When you hear him speak in KQ6 you really get that strong Prince image. Although it may have been impossible to have the same actor who played Alex in KQ6 portray him once again in KQIX yet it wouldn't be too hard to get someone with a similar voice.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:52 pm
by Vildern
Then send your own audio-clip. Your voice (I heard you) qualifies you to be the next strong-prince-Alexander ;) Perhaps they'll swap characters lol.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:58 pm
by Yonkey
Fribbi wrote:I have already downloaded the big version. And this really sucks.  Hey this is no offence to them at KQ IX team, the trailer is fine but I thought the trailer will be much longer than 2 and 21 minutes after I downloaded in my first time a file over 100 mb. I mean I have watched many other different trailer wich has a good quality and it toke only 21 mb and it  lasted in more than 25 minutes. Something is wrong here isn't rigth?
There were two versions available.  You could have downloaded the smaller version that was 40mb. ;)

And like Cesar said, while we could have made the video 320x240 or something and made it a way smaller download, it wouldn't have given you the same experience.  :smokin

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:08 pm
by Cesar_Bittar
Broomie wrote:I wasn't saying his voice was crap, I'm saying it's not the voice you'd except from Alex. It's too whiny, perhaps it'd suit Edgar possibly but no way Alex. When you hear him speak in KQ6 you really get that strong Prince image. Although it may have been impossible to have the same actor who played Alex in KQ6 portray him once again in KQIX yet it wouldn't be too hard to get someone with a similar voice.
and that's understandable. However, not wanting to go too further into it, the actor and the character (of KQIX) do go hand in hand. yes, he was "stronger' in KQVI, but then again, previous KQ were VERY fairy talish, making characters very 2D. Alexander is perhaps the most complex character in KQIX, and yes, he starts off as a whiner ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:21 pm
by Fribbi
But I thought the video will be much longer than 2.21 minutes after all this 125 mb?

I will download the small version one in next time but is that video different than the big file? I just asked because I don't want to be fooled again.

Don't get me wrong guys. I really liked that video. But the big disapointment was the minutes of the video. 125mb for 2.21 minutes....I could had downloaded about 15-20 video trailers wich could end in 30 minutes or more instead for that video file wich take to much of MB.

You should make it then available for AVI and WMV too so you can get more people to watch it then. People are not me :o

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:27 pm
by Quest For Glory Fan
Ya, it would have been cool if it was available in different formats. I don't have quicktime so I haven't watched it.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:30 pm
by Fribbi
I saw this imformation suddenly about the trailer.
The trailer of the 9th part of the King's Quest saga
How many parts is in this game exactly?


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:09 pm
by ThreeHeadedMonkey
I saw this yesterday but wasn't able to comment on it (busy day). I have to say it is extremely impressive for a fanmade game. It looks like it could be a commercial game.

I'm glad you guys are making it, not Sierra... And thank you for doing this.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:01 pm
by Yonkey
Fribbi wrote:I will download the small version one in next time but is that video different than the big file? I just asked because I don't want to be fooled again.
The smaller version is the exact same video dimensions, but 1/3 the file size since the quality is less.  I'm not asking you to download it again, since it's the exact same video.  But yes, if file sizes bother you (or if you're on dial-up) then I always suggest downloading the smaller version. :)
Fribbi wrote:How many parts is in this game exactly?
Our game is actually three parts, but the whole game is the 9th game in the series; hence the "IX" in KQIX. :p

Quest For Glory Fan: Go download Quicktime! You can always uninstall it after seeing the trailer. :lol

ThreeHeadedMonkey: Thanks for the compliments!  We're trying to make the game with the highest level of quality possible.  When people say it looks like a commercial game, we really appeciate it. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:01 pm
by Fribbi
The smaller version is the exact same video dimensions, but 1/3 the file size since the quality is less.  I'm not asking you to download it again, since it's the exact same video.  But yes, if file sizes bother you (or if you're on dial-up) then I always suggest downloading the smaller version.  
I am using ADSL and it toke me about 5 minutes to download that big video. And well since the small video is just as same as the big I will skip that small video then.