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Fanventures has died

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:54 pm
by Broomie
Today on the 22/10/05, Fanventures was lost.

At first I thought there was hope, but it seems that the latest backup, which dated September was corrupt. I had made other backups, one two weeks ago, yet it was no good as it didn't have all the appropiate tables.

So all that content, all that information... gone, because I made such a cock-up that I can't retrieve it. Perhaps using a CMS to store everything wasn't such a good idea. But hey, I learnt from my mistake, and I ever find the time to, I could start FV up again. Yet you just don't get much motivation remaking something you've done before.

Oh well, it had a good run. But hey, miracles can happen.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:27 pm
by Vildern
Dang it, I'm sorry to hear it.

I can relate to this:
Yet you just don't get much motivation remaking something you've done before.

I know what you're talking about here.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:49 am
by Swift
Sorry to hear that. :(

To Broomie

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:08 am
by Brainiac
Sorry to hear that, Brooms.  At least AE is still up and running (though you're not personally responsible for that one).

BTW, load problems have cropped up again, so I'm guessing either you, Vildern, or Swift has a "corrupted" avatar much like Spikey's was (I'm guessing it's Broomie since I think it started right after the return to the Spidey format - perhaps a sign that Angelus is indeed destined to be the resident friendly neighborhood Spiderman? :D ).

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:27 am
by navynuke04
Yes... I noticed the loading problems as well. I believe it is Broomie, as this thread took a long time to load even when he was the only one who'd posted in it.


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:48 pm
by deltamatrix
What CMS system did you use?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:37 pm
by Broomie
PHP Fusion, you can check it at

Re: Fanventures has died

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:44 pm
by Alliance
Broomie wrote:Today on the 22/10/05, Fanventures was lost.

At first I thought there was hope, but it seems that the latest backup, which dated September was corrupt. I had made other backups, one two weeks ago, yet it was no good as it didn't have all the appropiate tables.

So all that content, all that information... gone, because I made such a cock-up that I can't retrieve it. Perhaps using a CMS to store everything wasn't such a good idea. But hey, I learnt from my mistake, and I ever find the time to, I could start FV up again. Yet you just don't get much motivation remaking something you've done before.

Oh well, it had a good run. But hey, miracles can happen.

Aw man. This kind of thing really kills me. First King's Quest 9, now this. I haven't been on in forever and a day, and it feels like hell breaks loose. Ah well, I don't blame you Broomie, it was a great site, but man that kills.
Reminds me of the time I screwed up my forums and no one could log in. I still have to fix those.
Well, I wish you the best with luck in whatever you do next, because you clearly have talent.