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Please! help! QfG4

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:21 am
by Jujuba
I have windows XP machine

Whenever I try to start QFG4, it says SIERRA.EXE cannot be run in DOS mode. When I try to run it by itself, I get a pop up that says "Windows Titles Not Found" and then the screen goes black a second and crashes to my desktop. Am I doing something wrong?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:44 am
by Music Head
Download DosBox here: It is a DOS emulator which allows older games which were made for DOS to work correctly. You'll have to read through some of the documentation provided with DosBox before you can use it tho.

Hope that was helpful.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:16 am
by Fribbi
Windows killed the dos versions games. Dosbox is the solution for dos games lovers.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:51 pm
by Jujuba
Oh boy... SIERRAW.EXE don t work!  :cry

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:08 pm
by Quest For Glory Fan
I had the same problem and tried Dosbox.... never did get that one to work.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:25 pm
by gamecreator
Try right-clicking on the .EXE, going into Properties, clicking the Compatibility tab and messing with the settings there (specifically, changing the Compatibility mode to Windows 95).  I don't know if that will help but it's worth trying.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:34 pm
by Jujuba
Don t work...  :(

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:51 am
by Kurdt
DOSBox doesn't work with the Windows version of the game (SIERRAW.EXE). Your best bet is to install the DOS version and use DOSBox.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:42 pm
by Jujuba
Don t work AGAIN! -  >:   >:   >:

What Am I doing wrong?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:01 pm
by Kurdt
Did you do what I told you to do?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:17 pm
by Jujuba

But the DOS version NO is installing

DOS gaming at WinXP machine.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:22 pm
by elfwizard
Hi!!! :D

I had written a little article for setting up a WinXP system, this way that will be capable for DOS gaming. Since my page is off-line at this moment, I copied it here. I hope it will be helpfully.
So here it is:


I'm posting some thoughts about DOS gaming in XP (not a complete guide, not included some Open Source solutions, intented only for very experienced users).

The only solution is emulating.

1) For XP's native (built-in) emulation support for DOS software, bill22 had written an excellent guide (there: . Also take a look there: . Please click the links from inside this post, because the link on the page are broken temporarily).

2) I  think DOS Box is the best solution but its intented only for fast enough machines (much more power demanding solution)  (from there: ). Be sure to read the documentation (e.g. for frame skipping with Ctrl-F8).

3) For a less power demanding solution (that should work at all machines) take a look at VDM Sound (there: ). I also wrote a little guide for another DOS game (there: , please look at second review, under nickname Elf Wizard).

4) Only if all the previous solutions failed try a more general emulation solution (not intented to DOS emulation, but for general OS emulation (e.g. for running Linux from inside Windows). Be noticed of course that a rather fast machine (CPU) with plenty of memory (RAM) required. Ofcourse they are not for beginners, but you have nothing to loose. Be prepared to read an extensive documentation, but they are safe to install and they will cost nothing (free products, no bundled malware). Also created virtual OSes (usually located at your "My Documents" folder) demanding a lot of hard disk space.

a) MS Virtual PC (former Connectix):

An ex-commercial solution from MS. Now went free. From there: .

b) VMWare solutions:

I) Install VMWare Workstation (from there: ). (trial). Before trial expiration install any OS that you need (DOS in this case), and buck it up.
II) After trial expiration, uninstall the expired trial and install VMWare Player (from there: ), (free).
With this you can use your virtual OSes (created with trial) for the eternity.

Here ends my emulation small review. OK, it isn't straight forward, but personally I had plenty of fun, exploring programs with features, I had never heard before.
DOS distributions (for using with emulating software or native installation):

1) MS-DOS:
a) With Windows comes a stripped down DOS distribution. This way: My Computer->3½ Floppy->left click->Format->select "Create an MS-DOS startup disk->Start.
b) I read that every user had purchased a Windows copy, is entitled from MS, to use one copy of MS-DOS, no matter what edition is. So you can legally search with a P2P (Shareaza-eMule and others) for something like MS-DOS. Be caution with that networks. Not so safe as Torrents. RIAA can see you. Don't copy music from them. Also have updated your antivirus and antispyware and your firewall on. Lots of bad users out there.

2) Free-DOS (Open Source): (From there: ).
My preference. Still under heavy development, up to date software (support for today's hardware).

3)ROM-DOS (from there: ... ils_su.php ). (free for home users).
The preferable software for many hardware manufacturers (e.g. for cameras). Ofcourse capable to install at a PC too.

A native (non-emulation) solution.

If you want a DOS machine, just install DOS (one of the above mentioned).
You can installed it to a floppy, USB stick, CD-DVD, or at your hard disk.

Ofcourse if you start your system from a floppy  or USB, you will only have access at your FAT32 partitions. Not at your NTFS, although you can try NTFS4DOS (free for home users), for accessing NTFS volumes.
NTFS4DOS Home Page: ... s4dos.html
NTFS4DOS Forum: (the sub-forum "Avira Personal Recovery " under "Windows - [English | English]"

***If you plan to repartition your hard disk, DONT DO THIS unless your knowing exactly what are you doing!!! Else you may corrupt your Windows installation and loose all your data!!!

Starting from a floppy or USB, or a CD-DVD is a much more safe option.

Maybe (or may not) at this page, you can find something usefull:

For a Windows slowdown utility (if the game running too fast), try DirectShow SDK CPU Grabber  (free) (from there: ).

Ofcourse this is far away for being a complete guide to MS-DOS installation or emulation. Again, DONT INSTALL DOS at your hard disk, unless you are very experienced user in live (non-destructive) partitioning, bucking up etc. Non very experienced users try emulation options instead.

If you found the emulation adventuring interesting, give it a try. It will cost you nothing and its safe for your system. If you changed your mind, just uninstall and its gone. (remember after uninstallation, to delete your created virtual OSes (at your "My Documents" folder), for not wasting your hard disk space (they are big enough).

Please post corrections, additions, experiences and thoughts that will help me and others.
Feel free to pm or mail me of course (not the best option. Other users will not be able to see it). If so, please choose a related subject (otherwise the spam filter may cut it off).
Have a nice day!!!