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saved games for Grim Fandango & KOTOR II?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:29 am
by johnb4467
Hey folks...I have a request, if anyone is willing to help me out:

A year or so ago, I had a hard drive crash. I was going through Grim Fandango...and LOVING it. However, with the crash, I lost my saved games.
I was curious if someone had a saved game they could send me via email...I had just gotten to the cruise ship...and as much fun as the game is, I really don't want to start over again.  :(

Secondly, I JUST TONIGHT finished going through Knights of the Old Republic II...and I must say, I LOVED IT!!!! I didn't think it could be as good as KOTOR I...but it was pretty darn close!
So anyway, I beat it as a Dark Side character...I'd love to go through the latter part of the game as a Light Side character...anyone have a saved game they might be willing to shoot my way? I'm thinking around the time that
Aroudn the time that you talk to Kreia on the Evon Hawk, and then warp to Dantooine to the Jedi Enclave (with the Jedi Counsel members alive, of course...I had killed them all off my first time through!!!!)....

So...if anyone would be kind enough to help me out in either situation...I'll LOVE YOU FOREVER!!! ;)  
Thanks folks.  :)
btw, please shoot me a PM if you would; I might forget otherwise.  ;)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:48 pm
by Broomie
Can't help you with KOTOR but here are many saved games from Grim Fandango.

The same thing happened to me, but I loved it so much I started it again. ;)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:10 pm
by johnb4467
thank you very much, Broomie!

anyone else, please do chime in if you have some KOTOR II 'light side' saved games. ;)  ;)
