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If QFG5 were ever re-made or expanded..

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:12 am
by avoozl snot
(in a perfect world, when the Coles had all the rights to all characters/names)

what would you want added or "fixed"?

I always loved to play as the Wizard first, but he had hardly any side-quests in Dragon Fire. I would have loved (and in fact, I had sort of expected) to end the series with the Hero creating/summoning his very own Familiar. Another great one would have been the ability to cast Far-See, to communicate with Kreesha and say some last goodbyes to Johari, Yesufu, Uhura, Manu, and the other friends you leave too abruptly in QFG3.

I know that the Coles said Punny Bones would appear if an expansion pack ever came to be. I would have also liked to see Harami, even if briefly.. although maybe he ended up in Shapeir (where they only cut off your hand if they catch you stealing).

I would have loved to see Uhura again, or to have even had her for a bride option (especially for the Fighter, leaving Elsa for the thief) rather than one-note Nawar (leaving her for the thief's missions, and an unlockable hot coffee mode). Uhura did travel a lot with Rakeesh, after all.. although it's hard to picture her permanently leaving the Simbani.

For the nitpicky fangirl stuff, aside from the voice acting (I would have loved the A-list voice actors from QFG4 to reprise their roles), a few things drove me nuts. Julanar looked and sounded far too European/American, a shame considering her exotic appearance in the QFG2 flashback. Of course, there are tons of other nitpicky inconsistencies that irked us a little.

I'm curious as to what sidequests or "unfulfilled wishes" you guys have.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:48 am
by Boogeyman
I doubt Uhura would leave the Simbani again. She only did that to have her son, Simba.
"There was once a warrior - mighty, proud. And a woman. A warrior who wanted a baby. A baby must have a father. The father must have a wife. A wife cannot be a warrior - this was the way of the warrior's people."

In the meantime, we have a crisis on our hands - the forum of Quest Studios has been hacked!!! It is now being used to spread viruses!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:55 pm
by Kurdt
A Wizard's familiar would be a really cool thing to have. Far-see is only seeing, as you said, so you couldn't really do any communication, which is fine by me. I don't really think you need to add in those old characters. Any game that totally relies on old tricks usually ends up not being so good. If any spell is added, I'd've loved to have seen a flight spell. I'm a sucker for flying spells. I'd just fly everywhere.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:29 am
by avoozl snot
I agree about games/movies relying on old hat stuff being "lame", but QFG5 did it anyway. Sometimes it did seem forced, but eh - Silmaria is supposedly the center of the world.

I know that Uhura wouldn't have left her people again.. but still, she would have been a better match than Nawar. Nawar contributed almost nothing to the series.. on the other hand, I guess there's nothing wrong with a new love. Anyone else notice that if you marry Elsa, you still make out with Nawar at the Chief Thief ceremony?

Far-See is mentioned a few times but it is, as you remind me, just for looking. Brain fart. I don't think they ever named a "spell" that allows communication.. I guess you need a device (Aziza's pool; Erasmus's, Katrina's  and Baba Yaga's crystal balls) for that junk. It's probably not a spell so much as Glorianna's wireless network.

Still, a crystal ball would have been mighty useful for spying on Minos and confirming suspicions, in the same way that the Paladin got the Ring of Truth (which ultimately isn't necessary).

Back to the Wizard - what would the Hero's Familiar be? Do you get to pick this sort of thing? If not, I can only imagine an Antwerp being foisted upon him.

It's really too bad that the Wizard doesn't get something special to do besides go find a piece of magical wood, again! Poor Devon can't keep his staff in his pants.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:00 am
by Kurdt
Yeah, QFG5 did it and it was cool, but if you pushed it any further than they did, you might as well just call it fan fiction. I mean, they weorked it all in well and you got to meet SOME new people in QFG5, and even at times it was not so good.

And hey, what's hating on Nawar all about? Nawar rocks. Totally the sexiest out of your 4 choices.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:50 am
by Boogeyman
True, and the lady of my Wizard's dreams!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:27 am
by avoozl snot
I liked Nawar! No hate, here. She was just the odd woman out in the "one of these things is not like the other" game.  :D Not an 'epic' character like the other potential brides, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. You just don't get to know her at all unless you're a thief, and she helps you with side-quests.

Seriously, on the Familiar thing. What kind of creature do you think Devon would acquire? I was always puzzled about that, until I actually wrote the thread. A talking Antwerp! That's the only appropriate thing, unless you could get a nice magical Saurus.

OT: some more questions to ponder (see, after college I moved away from all the friends I grew up with who would talk to me about this stuff, and the old Sierra QFG board is long dead):

Yorick's a gnome, right? There's ample evidence in the pattern of speech, height, ears, and if you click 'look' on the Jester doll in Tanya's room in QFG4. This is important.

Elsa was lifted over the castle walls by a winged creature. Bats, right? I remember being 8 years old and playing the games, and wasting my time looking for a winged creature with an 8 year old girl, for a while.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:38 am
by Erpy
avoozl snot wrote:I liked Nawar! No hate, here. She was just the odd woman out in the "one of these things is not like the other" game.  :D Not an 'epic' character like the other potential brides, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. You just don't get to know her at all unless you're a thief, and she helps you with side-quests.
Anyone can marry her, it's just she's officially paired with the thief. I didn't dislike Nawar, but I still think Dinarzad would have been a better match for the thief. More story potential and just as flirtatious.
avoozl snot wrote:Yorick's a gnome, right? There's ample evidence in the pattern of speech, height, ears, and if you click 'look' on the Jester doll in Tanya's room in QFG4. This is important.

Elsa was lifted over the castle walls by a winged creature. Bats, right? I remember being 8 years old and playing the games, and wasting my time looking for a winged creature with an 8 year old girl, for a while.
Yeah, Yorick's a gnome. Even Abdulla acknowledges this if you ask him about the warlock. It's pretty obvious in the game.

I'm not sure about bats unless Baba Yaga in some way made him huge...I used to think it was actually Baba Yaga's flying cottage that did it. Those chicken legs are pretty suitable for snatching.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:04 am
by Bigfan
I always assumed it was one of the pair of dragons that assaulted Spielburg so long ago.  As I recall, one of them was slain by Baron von Spielburg, and the other managed to escape.  It's possible that, as a result of Baba Yaga's curse and of its own desire for revenge, it came back for Elsa.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:04 am
by avoozl snot
^ clever.

I thought about the hut as being the "winged creature" too.. but it's so recognizable, you'd think it would lead everyone straight back to the hut. Not very subtle. Then again, neither is Baba Yaga.

I never caught the bit of dialogue where Abdulla says he's a gnome - only that the warlock was short. Is that in the EGA version?

Erpy, I thought Dinarzad would be a good pairing, too. But perhaps she just had no real reason to leave Shapeir and her highly profitable job, even when her contact Ferrari and his cohorts did. Plus, I don't see her dancing.. she prefers you to just hand over the money. She could have made a believable Thieves' Guild master, but I did really enjoy the new character of Arestes (a friendly and almost honorable thief was fun).

As for Nawar, I'm aware she will marry any character type (she's easy!), but I felt that her intelligence and cunning only begin to shine when she helps the Thief steal the blackbird. I wish we knew more about her.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:43 am
by Boogeyman
I think the second dragon might be the Dragon of Doom. It's desire for revenge against humanity would explain why it attacked Silmaria.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:52 am
by Erpy
I think there's more dragons in the QFG world than the games show us. I think the second dragon flying over Spielburg being the dragon of Doom would be stretching things...

As for the hut...I realize it's not very subtle, but I doubt whether Baba Yaga cares very much that the trail leads back to her...could it already did. She casted the curse, after all.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:32 pm
by Kurdt
It DID lead people back to Baba Yaga...recall that after Elsa was snatched the Baron sent an army to go kill her and she put their skulls atop her fence.

The Dragon of Doom had been captured in Silmaria for centuries by the time he was released. Unless he also has magic time machine breath, I don't think he attacked Spielberg.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:43 pm
by Erpy
Actually the party sent to Baba Yaga was simply to tell her to make like a tree and get outta there. She put the skulls on the fence and the body of the captain of the party returned to the castle and spoke the curse before dissolving. Sometime after that, Elsa got kidnapped.


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:34 am
by avoozl snot
Boogeyman wrote:I think the second dragon might be the Dragon of Doom. It's desire for revenge against humanity would explain why it attacked Silmaria.
Spielburg's pair of dragon were terrorizing the valley while Wolfgang and Stefan von Spielburg were young and happy enough to be adventuring and fighting monsters. The Dragon of Doom is implied to have been sleeping for a very, very long time.

Plus, if you talk to Erana (and a few other characters along the way) about the Dragon of Doom, it turns out it's not truly alive or a dragon, but something on another plane of existence.
Erpy wrote:Actually the party sent to Baba Yaga was simply to tell her to make like a tree and get outta there.
Right, she was only told to leave after she cursed the graveyard and made the dead (or their spirits, I suppose) restless. (it's not explained why she did that, although we have to assume it's because she was bored/lonely/likes to create drama). THEN she cursed the Baron.

Yeah, Baba doesn't care about subtle.. it just seems like Karl/Carl the gatekeeper would recognize it, and not have to call it a "winged creature". It's definitely a strong possibility, although Bats is large and magical.

Wow, the things I like to pick apart.

Oh, and to balance out the list of "i wishes" - I thought that Science Island was very fun, and the scientist(s) had most of the funniest lines in the game. Loved them, their blink-and-you'll-miss-it dialogue and storyline. Mobius reminds me of a hapless, furious Richard Dawkins stuck in a world where magic DOES exist.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:52 am
by Erpy
Actually, I believe she cursed the graveyard AFTER being provoked. That's what Karl says. Without a provokation, there seems little reason for Baba Yaga to curse a place that houses such lovely mandrake root.

Bats may be magical, but he's not particularly large. Not large enough to pick up a girl who's about 8 to 10 years old.


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:01 am
by avoozl snot
I should know better than to type before my nap.

I assume she was asked to leave due to the whole eating people thing.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:43 am
by Erpy
There may have been another explanation for her cursing the graveyard. The baron's wife didn't die due to the curse...she was already dead. Assuming she was buried there, Baba may have cursed the graveyard as part of her attempt to torment the baron.



Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:13 pm
by Brainiac
As far as expansions to QfG5, stuff that was cut from the final release included Erasmus's Wizard's Whirl game to win Whirlwind (instead, he just gives it to you), the use of the Glide Spell, and multiplayer options with Magnum Opus and Elsa, allowing for the use of the (Magic) Bow and Arrows through Elsa and a unique Notched Spear and Ornate Shield through Magnum Opus.

I liked Dinarzad as well.  However, she'd definitely hang around Shapeir.  She knows how to be discreet, unlike Ferrari (which is why she probably didn't seem to care for him much).  She may even have taken over operations throughout the land since Zayishah's ascension.

As for the Wizard in QfG5, it's true he didn't get a lot, but neither did the Fighter, honestly.  The Wizard's real gifts are the three unique spells (Summon Staff, Thermonuclear Blast, and Dragon Fire) and the ability to marry any of the eligible women in the game.  As for Devon not being able to keep his staff, it made sense both the previous times.  The first one was Triggered to destroy the Demon Wizard and the second staff was never truly his; it made sense to sacrifice the Staff of Erana to release Erana's spirit.

And as to the whole debate of the winged creature that abducted Elsa...the phrase "overthinking things" comes to mind. :p