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qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:00 pm
by techie775
I've thought of this for years and I always thought it was a neat idea. Takes place in rasier before QFG2 and instead of being our favorite hero as always you play as someone who was born in rasier and became one of of the guards. But as Ad Avis takes control you get more sick and disgusted with what's happening to your city and you desert and join the underground. You'd train up and try to cause problems in Ad Avis's plans. The game ends around when you help Sharaf storm the place and fight the guards so the hero can take on ad avis. Then there'd be an aftermath of rebuilding rasier. Cause I always thought rasier could have gotten so much more story in the game than it did. I'm just brainstorming I'd have no clue how to do that.

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:32 pm
by oughtobe
I think a great Side-Quest's for Glory series could start with this idea, but it takes a lot of time and work, and unless you know any billionaires who are really into adventure games, I doubt anything will happen with your idea, but trust me, one of my goals is to make enough money to invest in companies that will make games like these, and I think your idea is really good and the Glorianna is rich enough to have enough sidequests to make a series with a lot of depth.

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:59 pm
by JustLuke32
The trouble is, since the protagonist wouldn't be the one to get the glory, the title would be misleading and cruel. How about a series that runs parallel to QfG2.

"Here I am, sweating like a pig, covered in bites, cuts, and scrapes, risking my life every day to protect the citizens of our fair city, and do I get any thanks? No, of course I bleedin' well don't! No one has time for poor old Rashid the Guard anymore. Not now that blue-eyed, blond-haired wonderboy is here. No one even noticed that I defeated the Pizza Elemental yesterday. I was up all night with indigestion too. burp. sniff."

It could be called "Resenting Glory".

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:25 pm
by techie775
Thanks for the replies. I wasn't expecting anything to happen with that one but I thought I'd share it with everyone. I like that resenting Quest Idea. It seems like something from Monkey Island 2 where Elaine claimed to have killed LeChuck.

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:39 pm
by Blackthorne519
I like the idea of alternate stories taking place concurrently with setting we're already familiar with.

I think that would make a great game.


Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:42 pm
by phats
It'd be fun to see the story behind Rasier. I don't think you really need a lot of money to get something like this started, if you were really serious about it anyway. Heroes Quest was a great game, and its technical showcase is nothing compared to today's standards. Yet if you could pull off a Heroes Quest-like game today, we'd all be happy ;).

JustLuke's Idea is hilarious :). I've thought of a game concept that plays as a side story to quest for glory as well. My idea was about the "other hero".

Basically, the concept was this: Our hero of QFG wasn't the only subscriber to FACS. In fact, there were many others who dreamed of being a hero too.

With every publication of FACS, an insert would be included that solicited the places where a hero was needed. As we all know, our hero took the posting for Spielburg, and his tale progressed from there and ended in Silmaria

But around the same time, another wannabe-hero took a different posting at a different location. Except he wasn't the only one who took this very posting. He arrived shortly after another inspiring hero, who was already known to the townsfolk as "Scabs." Scabs was not happy about his perceived competition. In fact, Scabs tried everything in his means to thwart any progress this new hero-in-training made towards winning the quest and being proclaimed hero: including planting false clues, and arriving to key locations before the new hero could. Scabs would refuse to share the glory and heroship with anyone else. Scabs was even able to turn the townsfolk against the new hero, by insisting that the new hero was impending his progress, and getting in the way (in truth, the opposite was true-- Scabs often spied on the new hero for his own gain).

But the quest turned out to be much more difficult than anything FACS could have prepared them both for; and Scabs eventually met his demise. Scabs did redeem himself in the end by giving the new hero the needed information to succeed; but when the new hero won the quest, Scabs death over shadowed any deserved celebrations from the townsfolk. And so the new hero went on his way with little fanfare.

Meanwhile, word of a hero from Spielburg was spreading.

The "new wannabe hero" was technically now a full fledged hero--an "unsung hero". And his next destination would keep him as unknown as he ever was before...


Blah, blah, blah :). I left out all of the key plot details, but I never really worked it out exactly anyway. The main idea was that it took place in the Glorianna world shortly after QFG1, and as you play, you will hear about the hero from Spielburg. For example: although you play as the "new hero," and would be risking your life daily, the townsfolk would always talk about how they wish they had "a real hero-- like the one from Spielburg".

The contrast of this game compliments QFG by showing the opposite side of heroism: where QFG was a tale about glory, this one is about obscurity and snubbery.

Anyway, I think it'd make for a great game. We'd be breaking some copyright sure, but I don't think we would disrupt any of the Cole's creative works.

EDIT: Spell check :)

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:56 am
by DrJones
There are many ways to tell a story, and I think your idea would work best as a fan-fiction than as a full developed game.

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:46 pm
by Spikey
The new Qfg should be about the child of Johari and Devon. Johari and Yesefu are banned by their own people when it becomes Johari was cursed with a child of the moon (a white child). Johari explains to her daughter that her biological father is the Prince of Shapeir. Yesefu had a bit of a internal struggle with all this at first, but now he's accepted everything just fine. The daughter decides to go search for her biological father, and leave her parents to themselves for a while.

First she goes to Silmaria, but finds that her father has gone on a journey to inspect the peace in the kingdoms of his faded glory. She goes to search him in these kingdoms.

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:54 pm
by JustLuke32
Actually, I don't think that I'd want another game that used the same world setting or characters. A sequel to the QfG games should be a sequel in spirit only. The trouble with direct sequels is that they rely far too much on soap opera and nostalgia.

Re: qfg2 new adventure

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:09 pm
by Spikey
I disagree. Influence by nostalgia is a direct result of the vision of the makers.