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Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:37 pm
by FamousAdventurer77
>: I love love love this game up until this point.

I can't beat that gnome for the life of me!!!!!!!!!!! How do I beat his game?! BTW, my character is a Magic User so I know from QFG experience that beating the magic games is integral for the magicians.

Seriously, no matter WHAT I click on he keeps knocking my clouds off and I can't do so much as go near his. Triggering the pyramids doesn't do anything either because they take 6 rotations and by the time I get one geared up to knock out one of his clouds, he's already got 3 of mine down. There has GOT to be a cheat code to bypass this or something. How did anyone else beat it??? I saw the other thread about it which gave detailed instructions about how it works, but...I'm still COMPLETELY lost on it. I wish this was Mage's Maze instead, at least that game made more logical sense to me!

So yeah. How do I fry them clouds?!

Re: Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:44 pm
by Jafar
Don't worry too much about it. Anything you can get from winning the game is basically a bonus, and not needed to finish the game.

Anyway, I was pretty horrible at the game myself, so I'll let someone else give actual advice.

Re: Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:48 pm
by Goilveig
Okay, some tips:

1. Turn down the difficulty slider. It has a major effect on how well he plays. He basically will either do "filler" moves or "smart" moves, and the difficulty slider affects the chances of each. On hardest difficulty he's actually quite challenging.

2. You don't need to JUST use trigger -- often times, Fetch is a faster way to set up paths. If something takes more than 2 triggers, I usually just fetch or find another way.

3. Detect Magic will show you which clouds can be hit. Very useful to cast.

4. You can often reuse a path, with minor changes to the last crystal, and take out two or three clouds in a couple of turns.

Re: Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:16 pm
by Morningstar
there is more in depth discussion on this topic in about three other threads already, so a search for the information you seek :)

Re: Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:21 pm
by nuble
I confess. I cheat.

F5, F7.

Re: Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:24 pm
by ulmont

Re: Wizard Game- Force Bolt Flurry >(

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:02 pm
by duckwizard
Thanks for the plug :)