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Some more small bugs

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:47 pm
by haradan
Again, none crashing small bugs:

After Al Scurva already left, if you keep clicking the eye on the top part of the cage, it gives you the description of the beast.

If you save using F5 while playing Aziza's game, the icon bar becomes available.

Also, if you save using F5 while in the streets of Shapeir and your walk cursor is pointing to a street, the save interface appears but your mouse pointer doesn't change to an arrow, it appears as the walk cursor.

As I said, they are very minor bugs, but I didn't see them reported in any other thread so...

Re: Some more small bugs

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:05 am
by Anonymous Game Creator 2
After Al Scurva already left, if you keep clicking the eye on the top part of the cage, it gives you the description of the beast.
I couldn't replicate this. I just get the message: "The cage is made of wrought iron. When the sun is on it, that metal must be scorching. "

Do you have a savegame file where Al Scurva is already gone which shows this?
If you save using F5 while playing Aziza's game, the icon bar becomes available.
I noticed that this happens if you press F5 and then immediately press ESC to cancel the savegame menu. But it doesn't seem to occur if you press F5 and then save the game by either clicking the "Save" button or pressing the Enter key. I fixed this.

Is that what you meant?

Re: Some more small bugs

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:24 am
by Erpy
Is that what you meant?
No, in the release build of the game, saving the game made the icon bar available...period. There was some code to disable the icon bar again after saving, but the room number in the code was wrong and instead of the wizard's whirl screen, Aziza's alley was targetted by the code. We all know the results. When I adressed the Aziza alley save bug, I adressed this one at the same time.


Re: Some more small bugs

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:44 pm
by haradan
I think the trick is to click on certain "hotspots". Check the pictures.

[The extension jpg has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

[The extension jpg has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

I tried to attach the save file as well, but it gives me a message: "The extension 015 is not allowed".
If you really want it I guess I could zip it (zip would work, right?) but I think it's all in the "hotspot".

Re: Some more small bugs

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:20 pm
by Anonymous Game Creator 2
Okay, thanks. I've got it fixed now.