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Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:01 am
by Sam2
I noticed this by day 4, I think. Without running, and without having exceeding the maximum inventory weight, I find that stamina gradually depletes (and experience points increase) as I walk and move from screen to screen.

I've tried a few things such as switching another time between run and walk, and gathering rocks until the weight is too much, then dropping them and unburdening myself, as well as sleeping. The problem remains. There is no hunger or lack of sleep suffered by the character, so I don't see what might be causing this.

If it makes any difference, the character has from early on been going through intense fighting and throwing practice as well as combat in the desert. Could something have been set off in one of the many battle sequences? (Interestingly enough, stamina still regenerates normally during battles when the character doesn't execute moves, but when the battle is finished, stamina once again begins to drop.)

Re: Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:12 am
by Anonymous Game Creator 2
Can you make a savegame, zip the file and attach it to the post, using the "Upload attachment" feature. That's really the only way we can investigate these kinds of reports.

Re: Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:59 am
by Sam2
I did a little more checking and managed to solve the problem by sleeping until morning or the evening (sleeping for an hour did not work). At any rate, since you will still want to investigate the source of the problem, I've attached for you a savegame with the name 'Day 5'.

Re: Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:09 am
by Anonymous Game Creator 2
Glad you got it sorted. I'll add this to our to-do list for future reference.

Re: Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:26 am
by Silvana
The same thing was happening to my thief. It started to happen after my Lock Picking skill reached 130.

Sleeping until morning/evening did not fix the problem for my character, though.

Re: Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:51 pm
by goldfish
Old thread, but I just started playing the remake and noticed the same thing. It appears to have something to do with the message you get when you sleep until morning/evening. If you awaken "much refreshed" (i.e. you sleep long enough), the problem doesn't seem to occur.

Still not sure whether it's an intended effect. It's a little confusing if so, since there's nothing to indicate why your stamina's draining while you're just walking around.

Re: Q.F.G.2 bug: constant draining of stamina

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:51 pm
by Erpy
There's 3 states your hero can be in regarding this. Normal, tired and exhausted. Normal means no stamina drain. (in fact, a slow stamina recovery over time though minimal) The status ticks over to tired if you spend about a day without sufficient rest. That means minor stamina drain as time goes on. When enough time passes without sufficient rest, the status becomes exhausted meaning you get heavy stamina drain. This won't kill you as long as you keep your stamina above 0 (otherwise health will go down), but the only way to cure it or prevent the tired/exhausted status is to get about 8 game hours of sleep a day. The message you get is telling...a message about "awakening much refreshed" or "fitful sleep" means you slept long enough, a shorter message means you didn't get enough sleep. You'll regain hp/sp/mp either way, but only the long naps cure or prevent the tired/exhausted status.

This is all very much intentional.
