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Black Cloak Story Arc

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:25 pm
by crayauchtin
Okay, so, out of curiosity (because I'm writing a fanfic which is supposed to be a novelization of the whole KQ series (a la the Companion, except probably not as well written :P) with the fan-games in place of the original games -- I blame Baggins at the King's Quest Omnipedia for laying out the challenge :P), I've been analyzing the Father plotline. And I'm just curious to see how accurate I am, or how incredibly far off my imagination took me. (I'm probably not changing what's coming in my fanfic either way. :P)

I'm going to put spoilers (for the game and my story :P) in white, don't worry!

So, you have Morgeilen and Legenimor (the first king of Daventry) fighting this huge war, lots of people die, at the end of it Legenimor gives up his immortality and leaves the throne to Granthithor (as referenced in the Kolyma library).

Fast forward!!

So, Graham leaves for Kolyma in search of Valanice after seeing her in the mirror.

Let's be honest, either the Father was manipulating the mirror or foresaw that the vision would come to Graham and plotted accordingly. Or perhaps a bit of both -- my theory is that the Father foresaw Graham going on an adventure to find his one true love, and decided to first put Graham in such a strong mood that the mirror would react and show a vision of the woman. Then, he would sabotage the adventure and have the king killed. Just a guess though!

Meanwhile the Father is searching for the Item.
Here's what we know about this search:
1) The Father needs the Crown of Daventry (as referenced in the Cloud Test vision).
2) The Crown of Daventry must be given to the Father, he cannot simply take it.
3) The Father is Morgeilen.
My guess is that Legenimor had to bind his power into something, it couldn't just vanish. I think he actually bound his power into three things, though -- a shield, a chest, and a mirror! Then, with the last of his power, he enchanted the Crown so that someone who was worthy could find the items if they were wearing it. Morgeilen, likely, has misinterpreted "worthy" to mean, rightfully wearing the crown.

I think I wrote that out so it all made sense. :P Anyways, just curious if that is at all close to what the writers of KQ2+ had in mind with the Item. If it isn't, I think we'd all like to know what the overreaching story was -- unless it's going to come out in some other way, in which case I'll wait. :P

Re: Black Cloak Story Arc

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:11 pm
by Erpy
Heh, first of all, the Father plotline isn't really canon and writing a fanfic-storyline is probably gonna create a schizm if you insist to take both the Father plotline and TSL's envisioned plotline into the whole thing, since I'm having the impression both storylines are incompatible.

The exact nature of "the item" is left unknown to the player in KQ2+. During Legenimor's reign, many magical items were supposedly created, the chest, mirror and shield being a few among them. The item the Father seeks doesn't quite fall into the same category. It's not a magical trinket that can create visions or coins. It's more like a key that doesn't serve a purpose in itself, it just leads to something. The crown is required to find said item.


Re: Black Cloak Story Arc

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:08 am
by crayauchtin
Erpy wrote:Heh, first of all, the Father plotline isn't really canon and writing a fanfic-storyline is probably gonna create a schizm if you insist to take both the Father plotline and TSL's envisioned plotline into the whole thing, since I'm having the impression both storylines are incompatible.
That's exactly the challenge of it.
That and it's a LOT of writing.
But I'm taking a lot of my own creative licenses here, hopefully I'll be able to mesh the two storylines together in a way that's.... at the very least plausible if not totally smooth. Guess we'll see after episode 5 is out and I've beaten it!
The exact nature of "the item" is left unknown to the player in KQ2+. During Legenimor's reign, many magical items were supposedly created, the chest, mirror and shield being a few among them. The item the Father seeks doesn't quite fall into the same category. It's not a magical trinket that can create visions or coins. It's more like a key that doesn't serve a purpose in itself, it just leads to something. The crown is required to find said item.
Hrmmm... that actually could kinda work.... I'm going to have to think about this! I did already kind of make it clear that Legenimor released his power into the Mirror, Shield, and Chest in the Prologue that I wrote (that's about it so far).

Re: Black Cloak Story Arc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:04 am
by Anonymous Game Creator 2
Very early on, the TSL team contacted us about the possibility of using The Father/Morgeilen as the cloaked villain in their story (i.e. carrying this character over from our remake to their sequel). However, at the time, Daniel had plans for AGDI's own unofficial KQ9 game (now canned), which concluded "the Father" storyline. Unfortunately, Daniel's ultimate vision for Morgeilen would have conflicted with what the TSL team had in mind for their black-cloaked villain, so we weren't able to pull off this cross-over collaboration.

And, yeah, The Item is intentionally left as a McGuffon in KQ2VGA. :)

Re: Black Cloak Story Arc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:01 pm
by crayauchtin
I hope they don't conflict too much.
As of now, I'm seeing some hope in the fact that the Grand Wars took place millenia before the war between the Black Cloaks and the Silver Cloaks. (The Grand Wars having been 10,000 years ago and the War of the Cloaks having taken place only 1,000 years ago.) So I'm hoping that leaves a window open for me to make them work out together.

I'm thinking, with what Erpy said, perhaps the Crown leads to a key that would allow someone to re-combine Legenimor's power into themselves? That's do-able!