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Daventry the Wasteland

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:03 pm
by ATMachine
So one thing I've noticed is that in KQ3 Redux, Daventry is FAR more devastated than it seemed in the original KQ3 or IA's remake. It's basically a lifeless, rocky, desert wasteland that's on fire. Pretty much Hell on Earth.

I wonder what made you guys decide to depict its misfortunes in such an extreme manner. I thought the original KQ3 was far subtler in depicting the gloom: a few charred trees, a chasm created by earthquakes, dried up wells and moats that suggest drought, a castle that needs repair, a lack of beautiful things like wildflowers. Still, though, a few trees are alive, and the sky is blue and the grass remains green. IA's remake, though it added a reddish twilit sky, still kept Daventry's grass and shrubs intact. It's certainly not ON FIRE. ;)

With the original KQ3 and in IA's remake, I could believe that, given time, Daventry would recover and return to prosperity on its own. Whereas in Redux, the land is so hellish that it needs a magical green pinball of salvation to restore its fruitfulness. At one point Valanice says "flames still lick at our crops" and I wonder, "What crops? There's no living vegetation anywhere!" :p

So what was behind this choice?

Re: Daventry the Wasteland

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:33 pm
by Erpy
Early Daventry shots weren't the burning hell-on-earth that exists in the game now. But a peak at the whole thing had already been shown during the balcony scene in KQ2+. The final Daventry areas were tailored to be consistent with that.


Re: Daventry the Wasteland

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:33 pm
by Xandarius
I like the idea that Alexander arrived with not much time to spare to stop Daventry's imminent destruction. I never imagined that the land had been on fire for too prolonged a period.

One change I liked was the fact that Redux took out Rosella's dialog from the original that talked about repetitive maiden sacrifices, and how Rosella decided to offer herself up to the dragon.