Is it possible to set custom resolutions?

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Is it possible to set custom resolutions?

#1 Post by lukeman3000 » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:34 pm

My native resolution is 2560x1440.

What I'm going after is the sharpest image I can get. In DOSBox I use openglnb and 0x0 (for native resolution) with pretty good results. Can I do something similar with the AGDI remakes?

Also, as an aside, a couple more questions:

*What does "smooth scaled sprites" do?

*Is it possible to lock the mouse cursor to the game window? I sometimes find that I accidentally take the mouse too far when trying to move to the next screen.

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Re: Is it possible to set custom resolutions?

#2 Post by adeyke » Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:13 am

What you see in the setup is what you get. You can either use the games' native 320x200 or scale by an integer factor, up to 4x. AGS 3.4 supports arbitrary resolutions, but the version AGDI games use doesn't.

From the label, I'm assuming it means that in those cases where a sprite is scaled (e.g. in KQ3, standing outside the wizard's mansion), some sort of anti-aliasing is applied. I've never noticed any effect from that option, though.

It seems the mouse lock feature was introduced in AGS 3.3.5, but the AGDI games use an earlier version that doesn't have that functionality.

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Re: Is it possible to set custom resolutions?

#3 Post by lukeman3000 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:15 am

Gotcha. Thanks for the reply.

It would be really awesome if those remakes could be ported to the new engine for mouse lock functionality along with increased resolutions. I have a feeling this is something that will never happen, but it would be nice nonetheless!

Another question if I may - Can I install games made with AGS and simply copy the installed game folder to another computer and play it without complications?

The reason I ask is because I'm making a portable version of all of my favorite old games and I want to include the AGDI remakes. Can I just copy/paste the game folder to my portable usb and it will work on any computer, or might there be some problems?

Alternatively, I could use cameyo virtualization software, but I'd rather not if it's not necessary.

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Re: Is it possible to set custom resolutions?

#4 Post by adeyke » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:02 pm

It is a bit of a shame to have games missing features because of an outdated engine, or because it was released before some other game brought an innovation to the genre (I know the AGDI games are intentionally sticking to the Sierra formula, but they could still do things like Heroine Quest's keyboard shortcuts). I don't have any experience with AGS, but I suspect it wouldn't just be a matter of getting the latest version and recompiling. It would probably take a lot of effort to port it over and fix any incompatibilities. Plus, "the latest version" is a bit of a moving target. It would be nice to imagine some real ultimate version of the games, though.

I think just copying the folder should work. I know that, when I was testing the games, I was just given a ZIP archive, without an installer, so anything the installer does must not be that essential. The AGDI installers do set up file associations for the save games, letting you just double-click them to load that particular save. If you just copy the folder, you won't have that functionality, though I doubt you'll miss it. If you run it from a USB stick, the save games will also be put on that USB stick, which may or may not be desired.

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