Questions and answers on The Father (spoilers galore)

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Questions and answers on The Father (spoilers galore)

#1 Post by Allronix1 » Sun Jun 15, 2003 9:09 am

Okay, here's what I can figure out on the Father, a large amount of speculation, and a few questions so that I can do him justice.<br><br>Mind you, I'm pulling from Tierra, Sierra, the KQ Companion, and my overactive imagination, so corrections are appreciated.<br><br>In the beginning, those who established the planet Serenia (Daventry's planet) withdrew from their home dimansion into one where they would be able to survive. Mages, Fae, earthfolk, and magical creatures of all stripes pooled their abilities, opened the portal, and got the lell ouit of dodge. Legenimor was one of the more powerful mages and leaders of this evacuation. He and his followers found what is now Daventry to their liking and stayed put there. <br><br>Legenimor was powerful, but after a decade or so getting things in order, he realizes he's not going to live forever. Using the laws of the world they came from, the crown would go to his younger brother Morgelien. Giving the crown to Morgelien is a bad idea, though, as Morgelien already shows a tendency to favor the Dark Side. So, he announces before the gathered nobility that his faithful knight Grantithor is going to succeed him. Most folks find this acceptable. <br><br>Not everyone. Pissed off that some "commoner" gets the crown over him, Morgelien gathers some nobles, makes some alliances, abuses his power, and forces Daventry into war. Legenimor tried his level best to prevent war, but failed. Wracked with guilt over the loss of life, he casts a last-ditch spell that ends the war and saves the kingdom at the cost of his life. The crown goes to Grantithor, and Morgelien is presumed dead.<br><br>Morgelien is just hiding. Fully gone to the Dark Side now, it warps him in all ways, leaving him a nasty and powerful wraith. He still has followers, though. Even though the membership changes through assassinations and time, thirteen sit on the council at all times. These mages become the Black Cloak, and Morgelien is known only by his title, "The Father."<br><br>Now, Legenimor DID cast his power into an item that can only be used by the rightful ruler of Daventry, but Morgelien was barking up the wrong tree in looking at the crown itself. I suspect Legenimor cast his spirit and power into his sword - meaning that "the Item" Father was seeking while Graham was out was with Graham the entire time (using HAND on the sword was what sparked this theory)!<br><br>Now, as for this Acsension...that's the one piece of the puzzle still missing. What is it? It seems clear that if Morgelien locates what he's looking for by then, the entire multiverse is screwed. Caldur mentioned it was "maybe thirty years" after KQ2VGA, and the Father mentioned he needed to find what he was looking for as part of his preparation for it, but I've no clue what "The Ascension" actually is.<br><br>Theories, stuff from the cutting room floor, speculation? <p></p><i></i>

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Re: Questions and answers on The Father (spoilers galore)

#2 Post by Troller420 » Mon Jun 16, 2003 12:14 am

Well, thirty years would make it around MOE time, but I believe it's been established that The Father is not Lucreto (the guy that destroys the Mask). So I don't know what to make of that. <p>"Lose yourself in the music, the moment<br>You own it, you better never let it go<br>You only get one shot; do not miss your chance to blow<br>This opportunity comes once in a lifetime"</p><i></i>

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