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#1 Post by Alias » Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:00 pm

Last edited by Alias on Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by Khaveen » Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:53 pm

I suggest you posting this at Quest for More Glory forums - http://www.questformoreglory.com

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#3 Post by AsianMusicGuy » Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:37 pm

i know lots
i could help

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#4 Post by Blackthorne519 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:01 am

Little Known Erana Facts

1) She once ate the Dragon's Breath Chili in Aces and Eights, and had explosive diarehha for a week.  Hence the alleyway behind Aces and Eights was NOT protected.

2)She and the Dryad once played Doctor together - the Dryad got naked, but when it was Erana's turn, she turned and ran away.

3)Erana and Piotyr had a love child.  They named him Rog, and they kept him in a basement in Silmaria.  Eventually, he became a Hollywood star, landing a prime starring role in Richard Donner's "The Goonies" as Sloth.

4)Erana once cast a magic spell on herself.  The spell was to make her more sexy, but it was so effective she just stayed home and... well, took care of herself.

5)Erana has two bellybuttons.

6)She also has the Clap.


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#5 Post by Charlemagne » Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:29 am

Reading this posts marks the first time in about five years that I laughed so hard I cried.  :lol  :lol  :lol

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#6 Post by Steffi Evenstar » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:22 am

the truth about Erana...

see, Erana and the Baron had a thing.  now, she was really into the whole relationship, but, he cast her off and married some female noble, as was the custom.  so, erana decided to call her good friend Baba Yaga and asked if she could finally pay back for the favour which she had been owed ... which involved some photos. but that's another story.  so, Baba Yaga did the whole curse thing and caused all the pain and suffering the Baron suffered.  

...think about it.  next time Baba turns up, it's in Mordavia, you know, where Erana had once been ... maybe they were more than friends ... maybe Erana swung from both sides of the plate.

but that's the story about that.

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#7 Post by Gronagor » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:44 am

Could be. I once heard Bonehead came from a skeleton in Erana's closet.

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#8 Post by Alias » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:50 am

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#9 Post by Jafar » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:26 pm

The truth of it is, Erana is a SeeD from Garden. Their mission is to spread flowers everywhere. When people see flowers, they lose their will to fight.

Then, they invade..... :|

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#10 Post by Spikey » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:08 pm

1) Zara and Erana had this huge fight once, over who was going to exploit a magic shop in Spielburg. Zara won because Erana couldn't kill her because of her own protection spell on the town.

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#11 Post by Blackthorne519 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:55 pm

Scrawled on the outhouse wall in the Brigand Fortress:

Erana has cooties.

4 a good time call Erana

Erana is a prime "peace" of ass!


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#12 Post by Radiant » Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:05 pm

It all started when our cliche, protagonistic figure, Erana, woke up in a disease-infested jungle. It was the tenth time it had happened. Feeling really concerned, Erana backhanded a dangerous oil-soaked rag, thinking it would make her feel better (but as usual, it did not). As if it really mattered she realized that her beloved staff of serenity was missing!  Immediately she called her so-called friend, Erasmus. Erana had known Erasmus for (plus or minus) half a million years, the majority of which were eccentric ones.  Erasmus was unique. He was intelligent though sometimes a little... abrasive. Erana called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

  Erasmus picked up to a very unctuous Erana. Erasmus calmly assured her that most legless puppies cringe before mating, yet venomous koalas usually scandalously sigh *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Erana.  Why was Erasmus trying to distract Erana?  Because he had snuck out from Erana's with the staff of serenity only eight days prior.  It was a electric little staff of serenity... how could he resist?

  It didn't take long before Erana got back to the subject at hand: her staff of serenity. Erasmus sneezed. Relunctantly, Erasmus invited her over, assuring her they'd find the staff of serenity. Erana grabbed her giraffe and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Erasmus realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the staff of serenity and he had to do it aptly. He figured that if Erana took the rice rocket, he had take at least seven minutes before Erana would get there.  But if she took the broomstick?  Then Erasmus would be excessively screwed.

  Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Erasmus was interrupted by nine stupid ostrichs that were lured by his staff of serenity. Erasmus turned red; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling pleased, he deftly reached for his wolverine and recklessly hit every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the bush, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief.  That's when he heard the broomstick rolling up.  It was Erana.


  As she pulled up, she felt a sense of urgency. She had had to make an unscheduled stop at IHOP to pick up a 12-pack of wolverines, so she knew she was running late.  With a apt leap, Erana was out of the broomstick and went explosively jaunting toward Erasmus's front door.  Meanwhile inside,  Erasmus was panicking.  Not thinking, he tossed the staff of serenity into a box of carrots and then slid the box behind his hippopotamus. Erasmus was frustrated but at least the staff of serenity was concealed.  The doorbell rang.

  'Come in,' Erasmus wildly purred.  With a heroic push, Erana opened the door.  'Sorry for being late, but I was being chased by some annoying self-righteous ass in a neighborhood-terrorizing crotch rocket,' she lied.  'It's fine,' Erasmus assured her. Erana took a seat mysteriously distant from where Erasmus had hidden the staff of serenity. Erasmus yawned trying unsuccessfully to hide his nervousness.  'Uhh, can I get you anything?' he blurted.  But Erana was distracted. As if it really mattered Erasmus noticed a stupid look on Erana's face. Erana slowly opened her mouth to speak.

  '...What's that smell?'

  Erasmus felt a stabbing pain in his shin when Erana asked this.  In a moment of disbelief, he realized that he had hidden the staff of serenity right by his oscillating fan. 'Wh-what?  I don't smell anything..!'  A lie.  A abrasive look started to form on Erana's face. She turned to notice a box that seemed clearly out of place. 'Th-th-those are just my grandma's carrots from when she used to have pet 3-legged wallabies.  She, uh...dropped 'em by here earlier'. Erana nodded with fake acknowledgement...then, before Erasmus could react, Erana skillfully lunged toward the box and opened it.  The staff of serenity was plainly in view.

  Erana stared at Erasmus for what what must've been eight seconds. Ever so extemperaneously, Erasmus groped surreptitiously in Erana's direction, clearly desperate. Erana grabbed the staff of serenity and bolted for the door.  It was locked. Erasmus let out a enchanting chuckle. 'If only you hadn't been so protective of that thing, none of this would have happened, Erana,' he rebuked. Erasmus always had been a little oafish, so Erana knew that reconciliation was not an option; she needed to escape before Erasmus did something crazy, like... start chucking dull pencils at him or something. Heart filled with earnest fortitude, she gripped her staff of serenity tightly and made a dash toward the window, diving headlong through the glass panels.

  Erasmus looked on, blankly. 'What the hell?  That seemed excessive.  The other door was open, you know.' Silence from Erana. 'And to think, I varnished that window frame eleven days ago...it never ends!' Suddenly he felt a tinge of concern for Erana. 'Oh.  You ..okay?' Still silence. Erasmus walked over to the window and looked down. Erana was gone.


  Just yonder, Erana was struggling to make her way through the fanstic pumpkin patch behind Erasmus's place. Erana had severely hurt her fingernail during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength.  Another pack of feral ostrichs suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the staff of serenity.  One by one they latched on to Erana.  Already weakened from her injury, Erana yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed.  The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of ostrichs running off with her staff of serenity.

  But then God came down with His ingenious smile and restored Erana's staff of serenity. Feeling angered, God smote the ostrichs for their injustice.  Then He got in His gas-guzzling, ecology-destroying, tankish SUV and dashed away with the fortitude of  550,000 long-haired sea monkeys running from a misshapen pack of legless puppies. Erana danced with joy when she saw this. Her staff of serenity was safe. It was a good thing, too, because in six minutes her favorite TV show,  avoozl, was going to come on (followed immediately by 'When spotted wolf hamsters meet ebola'). Erana was excited. And so, everyone except Erasmus and a few rusty razor blade-toting albino cats lived blissfully happy, forever after.

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#13 Post by AsianMusicGuy » Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:58 pm

Dont dis erana

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#14 Post by Spikey » Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:43 pm

We don't have to.

She got dissed by Avoozl.

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#15 Post by rosel1 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:08 am

Hope this helps...it's pretty basic. ;)
Erana the archmage is one of the most powerful beings Devon met during his quests. Her mother was a mage and her father was of the Faerie Folk, therefore she grew up with magic and a great love of the land. Although she trained for a few years at the Wizard's Institute of Technocery (or WIT as mages call it), she believed that magic was something one did, not studied. So she went out into the world, casting protective spells and creating magical areas so that anyone could have a chance to enjoy the beauty of the world without fear.

Though he didn't actually meet her until his victory in Mordavia, Devon saw much of Erana's magic throughout his adventures in Glorianna. He first learned of her in Spielburg. Not only did her spell protect the town of Spielburg but she had also created a safe haven called Erana's Peace in the northern part of the valley. Often times, Devon retreated to this small garden for sanctuary, as monsters and brigands could not enter it. A lone tree grows in the haven, bearing magical fruit which will instantly slake someone's hunger. There is also a large flat stone which will reveal the runes of a calming spell - if a mage knows how to uncover it, that is.

Devon saw Erana's work again in the savanna just east of Tarna. It was another safe haven called the Pool of Peace. A traveler can sleep comfortably there without having to worry about an attack from any creatures of the savanna. Water from the pool is refreshing and invigorating, and can even be magical when combined with a lotus flower.

Devon did not truly learn of Erana's history until he arrived in Mordavia. The adventurers' guild in Mordavia's only town offered a log book which spoke much of Erana and her battle with Avoozl, the Dark One. Erana had summoned the Paladin Piotyr and his army to take out the Cult of the Dark One, who sought to release Avoozl, while Erana alone took on Avoozl himself. At the very moment in which Erana spoke the words to banish Avoozl into his own dimension, a tentacle of Avoozl's shot forward, grabbing Erana and dragging her into the void with him. With her dying breath, she closed the gate between the worlds, trapping her own soul in the dark void with the spirit of the Avoozl.

Devon found yet another sanctuary of Erana's in Mordavia - a place called Erana's Garden. It too offered a magical spell as well as protection from evil. However, when Devon slept in Erana's Garden, he was plagued with disturbing nightmares. These nightmares focused around the glorious life Erana had once lived and ended with her painful torment at the hands of Avoozl.

Within the town of Mordavia, Erana's staff (which she had dropped when Avoozl dragged her into the place between worlds) could be found at the top of a mound of earth and flowers. Its presence protected the town. Sleeping beside this mound also instilled Devon with nightmares. Eventually, Devon used Erana's staff to restore life to Tanya, the vampire child. At the end of Devon's quest in Mordavia, he destroyed Avoozl and freed Erana from the dark void. Her soul was now free.

Devon saw Erana again after he entered the Silmarian Rites of Rulership. During a journey to Hades, Devon was given a choice - he could restore earthly life to one of two souls who had perished before their time. The choice consisted of Erana or Katrina. If Devon choose Erana, she returned to life and created a home for herself on the isle of Lemnos. She proved to be very helpful to Devon, giving him a talisman so that he could breathe underwater and aiding in the destruction of the Dragon of Doom. Devon could also choose to marry Erana - an especially fitting match if he happened to be a Paladin.
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#16 Post by Alias » Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:38 am

Last edited by Alias on Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#17 Post by Skyshark » Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:21 pm

I like Radiant's story! :lol

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#18 Post by rosel1 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:29 pm

Skyshark wrote:I like Radiant's story! :lol
LOL!  Yeah, I did too!  

Especially this part:
Heart filled with earnest fortitude, she gripped her staff of serenity tightly and made a dash toward the window, diving headlong through the glass panels.

 Erasmus looked on, blankly. 'What the hell?  That seemed excessive.  The other door was open, you know.' Silence from Erana. 'And to think, I varnished that window frame eleven days ago...it never ends!' Suddenly he felt a tinge of concern for Erana. 'Oh.  You ..okay?' Still silence. Erasmus walked over to the window and looked down. Erana was gone.

However (that said), if someone needs help with something...try to be helpful in addition to being silly...You might frustrate that person!  ;)

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#19 Post by Blackthorne519 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:55 pm

rosel1 wrote: However (that said), if someone needs help with something...try to be helpful in addition to being silly...You might frustrate that person!  ;)
I guess.... but any tool with Google and enough chutzpah could have found this information out there by themselves.  There are quite a few great QFG sites that have information.


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