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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:39 pm
by Skyshark ...

Very weird spin on the Looney Tunes characters. Basically, it's set 700 years into the future with the descendents of several Looney Tunes characters as superheroes.

Warner Brother must of been ''Loonatics''!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:01 pm
by Alias
[img] ... 003[1].jpg[/img]

Six descendents of the original Looney Tunes crew will gain superpowers in Loonatics, a new franchise property coming to Kids WB this fall, the network announced today. The series is one of three new and four returning series that Kids WB announced for its 2005-06 season.

Set in the year 2772, Loonatics will be an "over-the-top, high-octane action-comedy" featuring revised versions of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Road Runner, Lola Bunny, Tasmanian Devil and Wile E. Coyote. Using special abilities and an irreverent sense of humor, the six will battle the evils of Acmetropolis. The series will air on Saturdays at 9:00am (ET/PT).

This morning's print edition of The Wall Street Journal quotes Warner Bros. Animation president Sander Schwartz as saying that reaction in test groups to the series has been "phenomenal."

This is the worst idea in the long sad history of bad ideas.

[img] ... e_1[1].jpg[/img]

Well lets face it, there's no hope we'll ever see new Looney Tune episodes in a cartoon fit for their former glory. People seem to have forgotten how to make good cartoons. It's so bad that they're doing something else with the characters and making making making them palee imitation of the classic cartoons.

This is a lot like comparing now a days games with the classic games of yester day, people always try to do something twisted, it would be like remaking Space Quest as a horror or a violent game, people try to adapt ideas to classic ideas that actually are made well.

Im very dissapointed in Warner Brother for re-creating such a classic cartoon into something evil and twisted.  :evil

What was wrong with the original characters? I hope thet never make it to a second season.



Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:06 pm
by Khaveen
Also note that the new characters are goddamn easier to draw and animate. What the hell is wrong?  :x

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:09 pm
by Alias
Khaveen wrote:Also note that the new characters are goddamn easier to draw and animate. What the hell is wrong?  :x
People are lazy now a days, its all done by computer and so... so... wrong!

Look at the original Loony Toons, and look at the new loonatics. The original has more work put into it, the backgrounds and animations showed the detail and worksmenship of the old school warner brother.

Re: Warner Brother must of been ''Loonatics''!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:17 pm
by GamerGal
Reptile wrote:This is the worst idea in the long sad history of bad ideas.

What was wrong with the original characters? I hope thet never make it to a second season.


This is a trend which has been going on for some time now.  Even classic movies are being "remade", with the resulting remake not even coming close to the original, in terms of talent, creativity, and quality.

Children's programming is especially hard hit, with the quality of cartoons and children's movies being so dismally low, we are raising a generation of mediocre children, in my humble opinion.

I still have my original Nintendo and Super Nintendo, with some of the best original games.  Getting controllers and other parts may become impossible at some point, but until then, I will continue to enjoy them.  ;)

I not only hope, but I think they will never make it to a second season!  Let's hope people's tastes run a bit higher than that!   :\

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:17 pm
by Broomie

Try to keep it all in one thread, please.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:20 pm
by Alias
Deleted that post in the other thread, so a mod can delete these last 2 thread.s  ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:22 pm
by Broomie
It's a bit unfair your thread has to be the main discussion on Loonatics when Skyshark posted his first.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:30 pm
by Alias
Oh my bad, I thought he was talking about something else.  Maybe someone could merge them?

Sorry about that.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:31 pm
by Renodox
You know, I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't have to take wonderful well developed characters and rip them apart.  They broke the rules AGAIN!  It's like the "What's New Scooby Doo?" series.  They broke so many rules with that show (not to mention how bad they did with the movies).  I shudder to think of what may come next.

And on a side note I'm beggining to feel like I'm getting old.  I'm still in my twenties and I'm talking about "In my days..."

Re: Warner Brother must of been ''Loonatics''!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:37 pm
by Angelus3K
GamerGal wrote:I still have my original Nintendo and Super Nintendo, with some of the best original games.  Getting controllers and other parts may become impossible at some point, but until then, I will continue to enjoy them.  ;)
GamerGal, it doesnt matter if at some point you wont be able to get SNES controllers etc as the classics will live forever in the form of Emulation!

You can get any old console emulated on a PC. I regularly play Snes and Megadrive (Genesis) on my PC using my PS2 controller (you could probably get a Snes pad to PC adapter if your that hardcore.)

Plus I also have Snes and Megadrive emulators for my PS2 console so I can play on my TV just like back in the day!

Also recently got the Sonic Mega Collection for the PS2 which includes all the original Sonic games for PS2 in their original glory for people that dont use emulators.

Anyway sorry about going off topic, Reptile take a look before you post some news next time, dont worry about it this time but its not nice to have your thunder stolen  ;)

In my view that version does look kinda cool. Dunno if it will be any good the point is that nothing can detract from the classic cartoons they're untouchable!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:45 pm
by Alias
Its just I didnt have the time to look at the preview and stumbled across this topic in a nother forum at the time. I thought we were talking about different things.  :o

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:51 pm
by MusicallyInspired
People are lazy nowadays with almost everything...I could go on a 2 page rant about today's popular music, but I'll spare everyone here....for now. Cartoons, movies, music, games, everything is going downhill. The only thing I find strange is that this is supposed to be an information generation of people who are smart and philisophical (at least from my point of view) and we have such crap entertainment with the rare jewels that show themselves every now and then, but not a lot of really special things. Society IMO is going downhill. I just hope that in some generation it will get better again.

Aside from that, I like the idea of this new cartoon. Although unoriginal in that it is a super hero cliche kids show, I also like the twist of what they did with the characters. It'll never be as great as the Bugs Bunny and Tweety show, of course, but I am interested to see this cartoon nonetheless!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:54 pm
by MusicallyInspired
As I said in the other thread. It's a horrible desecration of Looney Toons. But at the same time it's a very interesting twist and I'm interested to see a show or two.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:08 pm
by Alias
At least with the Daffy Duck super hero show looked better than this, and it maintained the same characters but with new adventures, not to mention they have the original voice cast and not a wanna be like Loonitics.  :|


EDIT: Its a cool James Bond spoof in the intro of this cartoon, which is very funny.  :lol


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:21 pm
by Blackthorne519
Lame Warner Brothers Exec wrote:"over-the-top, high-octane action-comedy"
There's the problem right there.  I can just imagine the meeting..........


      EXEC: Everything's EXTREME these days!  We gotta do something xtreme!!!!!!!!!
      CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Well, we could make Porkey gay.  People love the gay thing these days.
      EXEC:  Porkey is gay!  We need to make things EXTREME!  LIKE A GODDAMN CANDY BAR EXTREME!  I want this thing SO extreme that when a kid watches it, he drinks his entire bottle of ritalin pills just to calm his hyper-active-ass down!
      CREATIVE DIRECTOR:  Well, we could have The Looney Toons act with Micheal Jordan...
      EXEC:  YOU ASS-JACK!  That's like 1996 EXTREME!  It's Two-thousand-and-freakin'-five!!! WE NEED EXTREME!
      CREATIVE DIRECTOR:  Well, we could remake "Scarface" starring the Looney Toons.....
      EXEC: Whoa, whoa, whoa you crazy asshole... that's too extreme.  But, uh, copyright the idea.  Who knows where the moral compass of this country will be in 2010.... heh.  ANYWAY.... BACK TO EXTREME......
      CREATIVE DIRECTOR:  Fine.  We'll redraw the Loony Toons and make them look angular and hyper.  That way, our Korean Animators can make new episodes in a week, and we can still pay them in Thai Peanut Sauce.
      EXEC:  Great! This is what we need.  And I got the tagline...."High-Octane...."
      CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Oooh, Octane is hot.....
      EXEC:  I KNOW!  "High Octane-over-the-top ACTION comedy.... ahh... I can smell the dollars.  Someone get me Jerry Bruckheimer on the phone..... I see MOVIE RIGHTS.......




Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:03 pm
by Alias
Thats frikkin' funny!  :lol


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:53 am
by FatherGhostface
Laugh while you can becuase I can bet anything that a certain man that picks his boogey has some to say like "YOUR STUPID!"  >:

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:03 am
by Charlemagne
Have you ever considered doing stand-up comedy BT? I'd pay to see one of your routines at a comedy club. :lol

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:58 am
by Kurdt
Okay, I might be alone on this one, but who here is with me when I say that this American interpretative Neo-Hyper-Anime crap has got to go? I personally think that the worst thing that happened to American cartoons was the popularization of Anime and Manga. Now, everything has to have that extra Anime/Manga flare if it's geared at kids. Teen Titans is retarded, The Batman showed promise in my eyes but ultimately sucks, and now we got the Loonatics doing their thing. Hell, I picked up one of the comics geared towards kids at my local comic shop the other day and was shocked and surprised to see that it was basically someone's mediocre and half-assed attempt at Manga drawing. That's all "kids comics" are these days, and "kids cartoons" are the same way. Either that, or they're over-the-top grotesque as hell.

All I know is that when I eventually have kids, they ain't watching this crap. It'd rot their brains. Uh-uh.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:05 am
by Jafar
Okay, I might be alone on this one, but who here is with me when I say that this American interpretative Neo-Hyper-Anime crap has got to go?
I am!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:53 am
by Blackthorne519
Charlemagne wrote:Have you ever considered doing stand-up comedy BT? I'd pay to see one of your routines at a comedy club. :lol
People have said that before, and it's a total compliment.  I write screenplays when I have time, and I love to write comedies.  I've been jotting down little comedic rants of mine and someday I thought about stringing them together for a comedy routine.  Who knows.  Might be fun.



Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:29 am
by Charlemagne
Blackthorne519 wrote:People have said that before, and it's a total compliment.  I write screenplays when I have time, and I love to write comedies.  I've been jotting down little comedic rants of mine and someday I thought about stringing them together for a comedy routine.  Who knows.  Might be fun.


I just call it as I see it, man. Let me know when you get your big break so I can go see your show in Vegas or Los Angeles. :D
Kurdt wrote:Okay, I might be alone on this one, but who here is with me when I say that this American interpretative Neo-Hyper-Anime crap has got to go? I personally think that the worst thing that happened to American cartoons was the popularization of Anime and Manga.
I agree 100%. I've see some of the new "American Anime" and frankly, it sucks. Balls. I remember the good old days in the early 90s when I'd rent real anime titles like "Bubblegum Crisis" and "Project A-ko" from the small anime section of my local Blockbuster Video (long before they abolished late fees :)). I'm not as much of a fan as I used to be but this new American crap just can't compare to the Real McCoy. I'll watch real anime from Japan (subtitled, of course) over crappy knock-offs any day.

Of course, I also greatly enjoy real American cartoons, like Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies from the 40s and 50s. Not the over-hyped, hi-octane bullshit that passes for "cartoons" these days. Probably the most entertaining short cartoon I've ever seen is a bootleg copy of "Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs" from 1943. It's hilarious and has, without doubt, the best hot jazz soundtrack I've ever heard. After seeing it, I learned that the (white) producers spent considerable time in black jazz clubs, which, of course, catered to black patrons, to get the right "feel" for the piece. The result is a superb soundtrack with a really raw, down-and-dirty sound to it, rather than the more common big-band sound of the time. Unfortunately, the cartoon's content is also considered racist by modern standards and has been banned from ever being released or screened again by United Artists. (Though by all accounts, negro viewers in the forties found it just as funny as whites, and not at all offensive.)

As far as I'm concerned, Animaniacs was the last of the truly great American cartoon series, with Batman: The Animated Series being a close second. All the others since are simply pretenders to the throne.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:50 am
by Alias
I guess its our generaltion, most parents let their kids watch and do whatever they want and do not supervise or check things out before they let their kids do something. Kids want grow up too fast.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:32 am
by Boogeyman
Aren't the Tiny Toons supposed the descendents of the Looney Tunes?

Besides, as far as superheroes go, we already have Duck Dodgers!

Charlemagne, I HATE the Animaniacs because it was THEY who kicked Earthworm Jim off the air!