I'm getting out of here.

This forum is for off-topic discussion. You may talk about all things non-AGDI related here. No links to warez, abandonware, and no Flaming please.

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#26 Post by FatherGhostface » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:04 am

Hmph! I'm still waiting for an apology. |I

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#27 Post by Steffi Evenstar » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:16 am

that's it.  that's bloody it.

FG, that's what we're talking about.  that is PRECISELY what we're talking about.  it seems Navynuke is trying to come up with a solution to these issues, and Kurdt is trying to elaborate a bit on it.  In other words, they're trying to have an intelligent discussion, and you jump in whining about how you want a bloody apology.  you have a problem with someone, PM them.  and also, welcome to the real world.  people aren't going apologize everytime they slight you.  and it seems that every single time someone says something on here that doesn't exactly agree with you or you perceive as an insult, you throw a hissy fit and a temper tantrum and expect everyone to fall over themselves in apologies.  and i'm sure you're going to whine about this and talk about how i'm a horrible person and how i never say or do anything nice and now you're going to leave.  whatever.  i don't bloody care.

Kurdt - i definetly agree with what you said, and Navy, i hope you do listen to his good suggestions - that stricter moderation in terms of content is definetly needed.  however, don't go berserk over anything that lends itself to being slightly controversial.  practically anything these days can be twisted around to offending someone, and that goes overboard, big time.  in other words, try to make these boards a slightly more intelligent place to post.

*walks off to cool down a bit.*

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#28 Post by Brainiac » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:34 am

Wow.  Methinks behind-the-posts tension has boiled over.  Well, I think Steffi's got a good idea and some people may need to cool off.  Vildern has a point as well in that things move in phases.  I think this particualr phase could be described as "certain members getting overly antsy from anticipation of QFG2VGA."

My personal opinion is that people shouldn't leave because other people are ticking them off.  A good, rational thread (hopefully like this one will remain) is something to clear the air and exchange opinions and thereby try to avoid the unpleasantness that seems to have forced some of our more prolific members away.  The fact that things have gotten to this point is most unfortunate.

Charlemagne, if you're still there, I offer you a happy belated birthday and wish you well.  You will be missed.

To the others who have departed, know that you will not be forgotten either.

Navynuke, it is a wise leader who takes advice from those he leads.  I think the advice everyone has given you about tightening some restrictions on the boards is a good idea; just take care not to go too far.  Free and rational exchange of ideas, opinions, and information should not be impeded.

And to those who intend to remain but still have reservations about the forums as a whole or specific members within them, please let your worries be known so that they can be dealt with, openly and logically (if possible, of course).


<steps off soapbox :D >

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#29 Post by FatherGhostface » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:30 am

Steffi Evenstar wrote:that's it.  that's bloody it.

FG, that's what we're talking about.  that is PRECISELY what we're talking about.  it seems Navynuke is trying to come up with a solution to these issues, and Kurdt is trying to elaborate a bit on it.  In other words, they're trying to have an intelligent discussion, and you jump in whining about how you want a bloody apology.  you have a problem with someone, PM them.  and also, welcome to the real world.  people aren't going apologize everytime they slight you.  and it seems that every single time someone says something on here that doesn't exactly agree with you or you perceive as an insult, you throw a hissy fit and a temper tantrum and expect everyone to fall over themselves in apologies.  and i'm sure you're going to whine about this and talk about how i'm a horrible person and how i never say or do anything nice and now you're going to leave.  whatever.  i don't bloody care.

 Well your THEORY is wrong Steffie, I'm not going to say your horrible or say that your not a nice person becuase I'm NOT LIKE THAT! True, I can be immature, but it's not like any of you hadn't been SOOOOO mature in your child hood...besides Bromios. All the kids at my school act like 39 year olds! And do to their disrepect towards me, I decided not to be like them! I decided to enjoy life, and SOME of you are making it unenjoyable. I didn't start this, someone else did when they accused me of this being all my fault. The only person so far who hasn't said something that makes me seem like a incapable stupid idiot is QFG Fan which I appreciate very much! And you know what, my friends (THAT'S RIGHT ALIAS! I HAVE FRIENDS YOU BIG GOON) are just like me. True kids are menecing and do stupid things, but who ever said I was one of those kids. I'm different from them, if you guys to meet me, I would be polite and perhaps shy. But I don't respect being called an idiot and Kurdt, just becuase I was NEW to this whole Forums thing before I registered doesn't make me an idiot incapable of doing anything. I didn't know a thing about a message board, let alone know how to register there back then. Yes I needed help, but isn't asking for help something we should always do when we don't know something (Or at least thats what I was tought). I was 12 years old for crying out loud! And the reason I talk here is becuase I love this place, becuase I thought it would be one place where I wasn't teased or tormented like I am at school. I don't want you guys to feel sorry for me, what I expect is that you guys treat me with respect as you do to others. I'm starting to feel like you all HATE me. That's not a good feeling and I hate feeling it. I'm sorry if Charlemange left, but no one forced to poor guy to go, he made that decision. By the way, happy 27th b-day, I hope you have a great one. And at first I felt bad about even drawing all those close up scenes for IA's KQ3VGA Projet....but now I just feel sorry that all those people left. I really am sorry, but some of the things you guys say about me aren't true. I do expect an apology from Kurdt becuase he said something that's VERY UNTRUE. But I don't expect anything from other guys. And the reason I'm so wacky around here is becuase, well believe it or not I THOUGHT I trying to help you guys (KEYWORD HERE: "Thought" so don't slap that back at me) becuase everyone I've talked say they will never talk  here becuase you guys are TOO SERIOUS to quote them. I thought someone humorus would be a good addition to AGDI. But hey, I'll be dull and boring and change myself for you guys. So there's your explaination....OH SNAP! And there's my popcorn! Bye!

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#30 Post by Kurdt » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:36 am

AGDI will live regardless of the condition of these boards. We're just the morons who can't wait long enough and want game after game after game in about NOW time. As far as moving in phases go, you're partially right, things do move in phases. However, the phases are more generational than anything else. You know your time on a message board has passed when those who post on there are not the ones you came on board with, they don't speak or think in a way that makes you want to post or even read their threads, and the whole forum itself is basically hostile to what you're into. I personally have experienced this on more than one occasion from boards that I used to frequent. Hell, I've experienced it here before (in case you didn't notice my prolonged absence). These things happen. You get to a point of "Terminal Regularity" and you stop wanting to post/go to the board anymore.

To bring up a recent topic, Vildern and The Knight are shining examples of this. Vildern and The Knight used to post upwards of 250 posts a day each, many times to each other. Vildern's post count alone was up in the 4000's range. They were both so prolific and caused so much traffic on the old ezboards that they were each limited to, like, 60 posts a day. And they'd STILL go over their limits and have to post as guests. Now where are they? Vildern lurks and maybe makes one or two posts a week and T-Knight's disappeared. Their time came and went. And still the AGDI board has turned. That's the nature of every message board, even back to the original Sierra Boards from long ago. Terminal Regularity. It's the nature of the beast.
navynuke wrote:Is that 11th on your list as well, Kurdt? ;)
I have absolutely no clue what you just said, dude. Could you elaborate for me, por favor?

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#31 Post by FatherGhostface » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:41 am

*Eats popcorn

I think I know where your gonig with this Kurdt. Thank you.  :)

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#32 Post by Jafar » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:43 am

Has all this anger at Ghostface been building up since he first started posting or something?I never saw any complaints back then. You guys need to lighten up a bit. It's true that he needs to grow up and be more mature, but flaming him won't change anything. Especially since he's very sensitive.

BT's right. This place HAS changed alot, and I'm not liking how it's changing. I don't know what it is. It could be the looser moderating, it could be that people lost their sense of humor, it could be anything.
But everyone's gotten so tense, edgy, and easy to offend. It's just not fun anymore. I think most of us DO need a break.

With that said, I'm going to disappear for about a week. Everything's just too stressful. I hope things are better by then. If you need me, I'll still be around Hero6, KQ9, and MSN.

Farewell, good citizens!
LIME LIFTOFF! *flies off*

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#33 Post by Kurdt » Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:06 am

FatherGhostface wrote:*Eats popcorn

I think I know where your gonig with this Kurdt. Thank you. :)
I have no idea where you think I'm going with this, but if you think it's an apology you're sorely mistaken. I meant every word I wrote. I just ignore you because you're not someone whose posts I'm interested in reading for the reasons above. Others can't ignore you and get pissed off. That's your problem, not mine. Notice that this is the first time I've ever actually addressed you in the entire time you've been here? You're not my cup of tea, FG, and my mom always said that if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing and ignore the bastard. So, I do. You don't bother me, I don't bother you. It's as simple as that. BUT, you bother other people, so it's your job to find a way to not be bothersome.

Of course, some people will always find you bothersome. But that's their problem, not yours. What YOU have to do is be smart enough to know the difference between you being annoying and immature and everyone else being annoying and immature. So, if you want to continue to post here without people getting mad at you, you'd best learn that skill. As for IA, I'd recommend you just don't post over there. Not too many people tolerate you over there, and the boards themselves are for people older than you. It's just better all around if you don't do it. Now, the last time I spoke for IA on here I was chastised, but this time I actually know for a fact that you're not tolerated there. Judge us however you want, but that's the facts. It would be better if you didn't go there at all.

Maybe a break is what everyone needs, as people have been saying. I think I'm going to go the route of Blackthorne and return when QFG2VGA is released. Since this topic is still hot and I'm still active in it (apparently), I might come back to check this particular topic out, but other than that I think I'm gone. I stayed away from here for a little while a few months ago and just recently picked AGDI back up, but I think I'm gonna go away for awhile. Like I said, Terminal Regularity. I'll be back when QFG2VGA comes out.

Man, when I first came here, the AGDs were regular posters...now, they're almost mythical characters and when they post it's like a sign from God or something...man, I've been here awhile...*old emoticon*

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#34 Post by navynuke04 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:28 am

*Points Kurdt in the direction of the latest Strong Bad Email*

I'll try to be a bit more strict on moderation. Keep in mind that you guys are asking for it though. ;)

Happy late b-day, Charlemagne.

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Only so much

#35 Post by rugged » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:34 am

Basically their is only so much you can talk about on a message board as well. I used to post a lot more back in the day but now am more of a lurker,  I try to adhere to the golden rule "If you don't have anything worthwhile to say ...... then don't just post crap for the sake of it"

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To be or not to be, that's was the question.

#36 Post by Fribbi » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:25 pm

If you don't have anything worthwhile to say ...... then don't just post crap for the sake of it"
.....  means Fribbi right? :lol  I have not being sending any crap post lately. I only come here to post interesting links and post some images from my game.

Hmm maybe that's why both Cirkus thread and the black sky game images I created gets so few visitors because it is so meaningless to you all.

Maybe SIS was right about you all. Maybe they were trying to open my eyes to see the truth. You have always hated me because I am boring and post always stupid and pointless posts. And you have always be so afraid to admit it to me. And because I am one the most regular visitor here in the AGDI page you just have to accept that you have to like me because of it, right? I must tell you now it has never bother me if you have ever unliked me and my posts.

Fribbi was one of the first people to be regulars on this forum. He's been here longer than me, longer than Erpy, longer than a lot of people here. He was a supporter of AGDI when they were in the planning stages of KQ1VGA and Royal Quest. He was the first regular to ever recieve a custom title and he got it for being the most dedicated AGD fan. He's been waiting for QFG2VGA since way back then, when the AGDs first vowed to remake KQ1, KQ2, and QFG2 and started Tierra Entertainment. Fribbi's been a good fan for a looooong while. Because of this, most of his posts are excusable in my eyes.
Another truth came up here now how most of you guys have being thinking about me and my posts.

So this means I am always forgiven for my crappy and unfunny posts because I have be here longer than anybody. What kind of respect is that suppose to mean for me ? Well I can forgive you for not understand what I have wrote here. But my english are not my language as you all know. That's why it is so difficult for me to write anything here. I sometimes use dictionary if I don't understand what you are talking about here. That's why I ignore most of the threads here. I usually write just a few understandable words in some threads when I give reply because it take me much longer time to think what I suppose to say in English.

Sometime I write longer message if I really have to.

If you want me to go because I am so boring and because I post so much inane posts why don't you just say so.

In my last time I was trying to leave this place you didn't want me to go.

Will you all please make up your mind here. Shall I stay here or go? And please explain why should I stay here.

I am just waiting for the game like everybody else. I also like to visit the forum to check out what is so interesting in your mind today.

I find most of you people very boring too but I am not marking any people for that because it is not fair to anyone.

And I thought this was the most friendliest forum I had visited. Well I guessed wrong in this time.

Maybe people are relizing there is more important in their real lifes than wasting too much time on the internet and waiting after a game wich takes too long for AGDI to remake after that terrorist day in London.

I have nothing important uninane message to say now.

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Re: To be or not to be, that's was the question.

#37 Post by Broomie » Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:52 pm

Fribbi wrote:
Fribbi was one of the first people to be regulars on this forum. He's been here longer than me, longer than Erpy, longer than a lot of people here. He was a supporter of AGDI when they were in the planning stages of KQ1VGA and Royal Quest. He was the first regular to ever recieve a custom title and he got it for being the most dedicated AGD fan. He's been waiting for QFG2VGA since way back then, when the AGDs first vowed to remake KQ1, KQ2, and QFG2 and started Tierra Entertainment. Fribbi's been a good fan for a looooong while. Because of this, most of his posts are excusable in my eyes.
Another truth came up here now how most of you guys have being thinking about me and my posts.

So this means I am always forgiven for my crappy and unfunny posts because I have be here longer than anybody. What kind of respect is that suppose to mean for me ? Well I can forgive you for not understand what I have wrote here. But my english are not my language as you all know. That's why it is so difficult for me to write anything here. I sometimes use dictionary if I don't understand what you are talking about here. That's why I ignore most of the threads here. I usually write just a few understandable words in some threads when I give reply because it take me much longer time to think what I suppose to say in English.

Sometime I write longer message if I really have to.

If you want me to go because I am so boring and because I post so much inane posts why don't you just say so.

In my last time I was trying to leave this place you didn't want me to go.
Will you all please make up your mind here. Shall I stay here or go? And please explain why should I stay here.
What? No, don't be ridiculous, Fribbi of course we don't want you to go. I'm not sure what Kurt meant by that but there isn't anyway he meant that to be offensive. Yet no offense but you are a little strange but in some of your posts you have admitted that and we have nothing wrong with that, we think you're strange in a good and funny way.

You do have a good sense of humour, without a doubt. The Circus thread (just to let you know it's Circus, not Sirkus) has found me some very interesting and hilarious clips on the internet. I mean, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to see that Jesus Christ vs Terminator thing which is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen on the internet.
Fribbi wrote:I am just waiting for the game like everybody else. I also like to visit the forum to check out what is so interesting in your mind today.
Well so are we and we have no problem with that whatsoever, infact I don't know why we should even talk about this factor, I mean it's a public forum, everyone is welcome, nobody is given the finger and told to bugger off. (although there have been a few cases of that, it's usually been idiots trying to look cool)
Fribbi wrote:I find most of you people very boring too but I am not marking any people for that because it is not fair to anyone.
Well, that's just great though. You presume we all hate you, which we do not, yet you decide to tell we we're boring. I can see that you were very pissed off when you wrote that thread, and when you're angry you usually say stuff you don't mean. Hopefully you didn't mean that, which I know you didn't because you're Fribbi. :)
Fribbi wrote:And I thought this was the most friendliest forum I had visited. Well I guessed wrong in this time.
Me too, I came here and I had the exact same feeling. People were friendly to even the biggest of noobs who didn't even know how to spell "hello." And it is still friendly, however it wasn't as friendly as it was. There is some hostility there, yet one of the main reasons is boredom IMO. Boredom that things are running out what to talk about, they just want QFG2VGA. I mean, I try to keep the forums entertained (as do you) with forum games, yet nobody seems to participate in them as much as they used to, so I kinda feel abit of your pain here, Fribs.

Look, nobody wants you to go, there has just been so much trouble lately people just say stupid things. Those SIS jerks haven't changed anything in us, you're still the lovable Royal Clown of the AGDI forums and it will stay that way.

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#38 Post by Kurdt » Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:01 pm

No, no, I didn't mean it like I don't like your funny stuff, because I do. What I excuse is the English. A lot of people who go on a message board and see extremely bad grammer and broken English, they decide that person is and always will be stupid and won't have good things to say. However, since I know your tenure on the board and I know you post good stuff as well as funny things, then you're excusable when you say something that I don't understand. I'm just like, "Oh, that's just crazy old Fribbi. What'll he come up with next?" So no, don't leave. If you left, it wouldn't be the same.

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#39 Post by Alliance » Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:12 pm

Yeah, Fribbi, we don't hate you. You're our bread and butter, for cruing out loud!
And we don't hate FG either. sure, he's obnoxious sometimes, but I was just like him not too long ago? Remember when I bugged ewveryone for the QFG hero sprite? (shudders)
I'm just saying, I was waaay immature back then. But I've sorta grown up, thanks to one person. Steve-O. that's right, Bt told me to shape up, and he was a great role model. So be mroe like Blackthorne. Slow down, and relax.

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#40 Post by FatherGhostface » Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:35 pm

I have no idea where you think I'm going with this, but if you think it's an apology you're sorely mistaken.

OH SNAP! I guess I misunderstood that. :o
And we don't hate FG either. sure, he's obnoxious sometimes,
I'm not obnoxious! And everyone wants me to be SO mature, maybe I don't want to be. And as IA, I AM SORRY I EVER DREW THOSE CLOSE UP SCENES FOR KQ3!

My gosh, you keep picking at me like a leaf!!!!! You guys seem to enjoy yelling at me! STOP TELLING ME TO "GROW UP!" But I'm 13! You asking me to grow up at young age which I vowed I'd never do! Maybe I'll be mature when I'm 15, but I'm trying to enjoy my young fun and happy life and please, don't take that away from me just becuase you find humor annoying! I need a break to, a LONG one. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

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Re: ..............

#41 Post by Alias » Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:58 pm

FatherGhostface wrote:
I have no idea where you think I'm going with this, but if you think it's an apology you're sorely mistaken.

OH SNAP! I guess I misunderstood that. :o
And we don't hate FG either. sure, he's obnoxious sometimes,
I'm not obnoxious! And everyone wants me to be SO mature, maybe I don't want to be. And as IA, I AM SORRY I EVER DREW THOSE CLOSE UP SCENES FOR KQ3!

My gosh, you keep picking at me like a leaf!!!!! You guys seem to enjoy yelling at me! STOP TELLING ME TO "GROW UP!" But I'm 13! You asking me to grow up at young age which I vowed I'd never do! Maybe I'll be mature when I'm 15, but I'm trying to enjoy my young fun and happy life and please, don't take that away from me just becuase you find humor annoying! I need a break to, a LONG one. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!
Well enjoy your young and happy life somewhere other than these forums, because you need MATURITY to be able to post decently on this forum, when I first saw your posts I just thought, here comes another noob, but I gave you the benifit of a doubt and after a while I you started posting more and more crap and not to mention Erpy has warned you about posting random one liners but you do it anyway.

In the end, you need maturity to interact with other people older than you. So either grow up, stop posting shit, THINK before you post, and generally everything you dont do.

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#42 Post by Quest For Glory Fan » Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:09 pm

Over the top Alias.

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#43 Post by Alliance » Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:20 pm

Typical. Alias tends to pick on n00bs and just about everyone else. Go figure. He's one of the reasons I'm taking a break from these forums.
FG, we don't hate you, we just don't like what you post. If you don't like the rules, then don't post here.
Honestly, the ability to read the rules around here is disappearing fast.

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#44 Post by navynuke04 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:02 pm

navynuke04 wrote:It'd also get rid of the name calling and flaming.
In case you didn't get it, that line was directed at you Alias. Stop flaming and baiting people or you're going to find yourself on the other side of the virtual door.

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#45 Post by Cain Aleksandrovich » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:02 pm

Wow, I missed a bunch.  Here's my two bits, though I doubt anyone gives a flying fu... care.  FG, you're worse than me, that's saying alot; calm yourself, excercise, get an adderall prescription, or something.  Sean T., chill a bit man, I'm liking you and more as time goes by, but you still have some of your moments that really make me wonder.  Rog, what happened to the edginess, intellegence, and wit that so contributed to SSS.  Navy, don't go ballistic on them, and don't just start locking topics, I think maybe a warn level like they have at H6 might be good for people to see when they're on the edge, so they don't just wake up one day and realize they've been banned.  I'm out too, I guess. Bye kids.

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Chill out

#46 Post by rugged » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:20 am

FG, the world is full of 13 yr olds trying to act 20, I think it is great that you don't want to grow up too fast. Enjoy being a kid. Probably just compromise a little bit and don't post quite so many silly one liners.

Although I don't see why everyone is getting so fired up about, once you realise someone is a 13yr old kid your expectations have to changes. I am sure many people can remember being the young kid trying hard to fit in with the adults
I do understand it can be frustrating to have crap post clogging up the forum but it isn't that hard to ignore.

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#47 Post by Kurdt » Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:07 am

The argument is that this is all the board has turned into. Immature crap posts.

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#48 Post by Klytos » Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:25 am

Wow. I decided to take a break from everything fan game related about a week ago after the whole London terrorist bombing thread turned into an argument and silly name-calling thing.

The reason I decided to take a break was I didn't like the way my posts were starting to go. Over the last few months I have found my enjoyment in visiting these forums lessening, somewhat due to the rubbish posts that are posted (although I usually follow Kurdt's plan and just ignore stuff that is rubbish), somewhat due to the lowering in the moderation levels (I never thought I'd say that), and somewhat due to the fact that there really isn't anything new posted and if there is the thread drops quickly due to lack of intelligent responces from people.

For my part in lowering the standards of posts around here lately I do apologise. In particular to Vildern I am sorry for the petty name-calling I exchanged a week ago. Although I don't agree with the sentiments you expressed I do feel bad that I lowered my standards in resorting to stupid rubbish instead of an intelligent argument. I enjoy a healthy debate and a good argument, and I'm sorry that those two things aren't really seen around here anymore.

If I could back up what Kurdt has suggested with the moderating. I thought that these forums were moderated probably too much once upon a time, and I have a personal objection to the banning of religion and politics as topics of discussion as they are both the most interesting things to talk about (thats not an argument, I respect that decision even though I don't agreewith it), but I believe that we just aren't moderated enough anymore.

As we're naming people, I'll give a couple of examples. I don't know why QFGFan hasn't been cautioned for constantly attacking FG at every opportunity. I do understand his frustration at times, but if he let things slide sometimes they wouldn't always blow up like they do. Takrai is someone who is never moderated, and she only blows in once in a while to have a bitch about her life which always causes arguments. I do know that I'm not the only person who feels like that. Back in the day, Alliance and Alias posted some serious rubbish but it only took a quick couple of warnings / suggestions from Erpy and they found a nice spot in the community. This should be encouraged instead of constantly just pulling people down and not moderating the people who do it.

I've met some wonderful people here who I like and respect, some like Blackthorne and Rugged have become good friends. So for that I'll always be grateful to Tierra / AGDI. But at the end of the day I don't think my leaving the forums will be something that will be a great loss to this small portion of the community. This isn't a permenant "I'm going and never coming back" thing. I'll be around, I just ain't going to post here much anymore at least until QFG2 comes out. I've got better things to worry my time away with.

I really was just going to leave quietly a week ago, not make a fuss. But as this thread is here, well .... the opportunity is there and I'm not the only one with these thoughts by the looks of things.

If you wanna chat you know where to find me.


Honorary AGD
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Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2002 1:19 am
Location: US of A

#49 Post by navynuke04 » Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:39 am

I think this thread has served it's purpose. Those people who have posted one liners and inane posts now realize that the majority of the communtiy don't appreciate it. We, the moderation, also know that we need to take a tighter grip on the reigns. I'm going to close this topic now to prevent further discourse over things that have already been said and settled.
