A Note of Disappointment

This forum is a place to talk about AGDI games and projects.

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Milan Easton
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#26 Post by Milan Easton » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:38 am

I used to post news updates almost daily...and at that time, we were told that updating the designer journals frequently was the "uncool" thing to do ;)

So hard to please everybody!  At least we've got two games released, one almost ready to release, and another coming shortly after.  If you're dying with anticipation for QFG2, I'd recommend playing some of the game's we've already released again, and take note of all the intricate details that were included for your gaming pleasure.

It's nice to hear though that you've enjoyed our work and are looking forward to our future releases :)

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#27 Post by Erpy » Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:51 am

I think we've pushed and pried long enough and we've gotten as much of an answer as we're gonna get.  So, just to summarize what we've been told by AGC2, QfGII will be

Anonymous Game Creator 2 wrote:
...released this year...

And there you have it.  Look for it this year. ;)
And don't forget to be disappointed when it doesn't happen because the word "hopefully" wasn't bolded and capitalised enough to be noticed.

And yeah, as AGD1 mentioned, we did also get flack in the past for writing too many designer journals who didn't give an accurate progress report to the casual visitor.


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#28 Post by GuJiaXian » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:06 pm

Milan Easton wrote:I used to post news updates almost daily...and at that time, we were told that updating the designer journals frequently was the "uncool" thing to do ;)
Well, that's just silly of those people. Seriously, though...post a few outstanding bugs a week...I know that would make me happy! (That's only one post a week, which should keep those other crazy anti-posting people happy.)

Anonymous Game Creator 2
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#29 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:41 pm

I really don't want to plaster the designer journal pages with that kind of clutter. To me, that doesn't seem like an important or newsworthy update. For example, we could fix 50 monotonous bugs like that every day; all of which are relatively ordinary. Then we'd have to decide which of those  ordinary bugs deserve to be 'featured' on the journals pages, add the HTML, upload the pages etc.

There are so many outstanding things remaining to do at this stage of development that we absolutely need to maximize our concentration only on what's most important. Taking time out to make designer journal entries, even on a weekly basis, certainly would affect the development schedule because it would be introducing a completely new task/expectation into our already maxed-out schedule. Designer journals don't simply get posted on a whim; they go through a process of being written, proofread, edited, condensed etc. before making it onto the site. All of this would suck resources, particularly if a certain amount of time and effort needs to be allocated for it every week.

Plus, after fixing bugs and removing them from the list, the least exciting thing I could think of doing would be to spend even more time plastering the designer journals with them. Personally, when I make a designer journal update, I want it to be about a big achievement which we can tell fans about. Something that everyone can relate to and be excited about because it's a clear indication of progress. Posting bug reports up there would not only be boring work for us, but also for the majority of fans. While a few might find that informative, I bet it'd garner complaints from most people about the 'updates no longer having any substance' to them.

Might as well face it; nobody will be satisfied no matter how we do it.  I'm not trying to appease anyone, and I don't feel any great need to update the site. People will return here when QFG2VGA is released regardless of whether the site gets updated or not, so it could even be argued that all site updates are completely redundant. We do want to keep people updated with important news, though. And that's why the designer journals are reserved for important events.  I'd rather spend the time and motivation I do have on updating the game, not updating the site.

These kinds of programming reports and stories that you guys find interesting are far more suited to being posted here in forums instead of on the site, which is actually something we have been doing from time to time. They are easier and faster to make here and there's no expectations to make them on a regular basis.

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#30 Post by Broomie » Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:02 pm

GuJiaXian wrote:
Milan Easton wrote:I used to post news updates almost daily...and at that time, we were told that updating the designer journals frequently was the "uncool" thing to do ;)
Well, that's just silly of those people. Seriously, though...post a few outstanding bugs a week...I know that would make me happy! (That's only one post a week, which should keep those other crazy anti-posting people happy.)
But why should they do that? Just understand that the game will be finished and instead of wasting about an hour of writing a 3 paragraphs about how that alleyway bug was fixed they could have spent that hour fixing more bugs. Who cares if it's taking a long time, do you not understand the complexity of this game? It's not a simple King's Quest where it's mostly linear to the end, this game has a lot of different strings to it. And what AGDI are doing is to make the best of it, fixing any loose bugs and making it a classic adventure.

Why do you people insist on believing that because the designer journals on updated frequently, that the game isn't being worked on? They've already released two amazing remakes so I haven't got a shadow of a doubt they'll just drop this. Look at the artwork, the trailer, read the past designer journals... would you drop a project that has has taken up a lot of your spare time and simply drop it? I wouldn't, I know that.

If you guys showed support rather than disappointment, I'm sure we'll get this game as soon as possible because the way it is going, the AGD's are having to take time away to post the exact same message every week to people who don't understand that because of a site which doesn't post every day about a simple QFG2VGA check that the project is dead. Get some sense and be patient because it will be released, and before you know it you'll be playing the game and not give a crap about the time you had to wait because you have it now, and it's a damn good game at that.

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#31 Post by Weaver1497 » Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:06 pm

I check in here from time to time, dont post as much as I used to. I remember coming to AGDInteractive for two consecutive Christmas' and two New Year's days hoping that QFG2 would be released... it wasnt. Was I upset yes, did I ever think the project was abandoned? No.

With the remakes that they have made, and are making, AGDI has noticed that there is still a HUGE fanbase of adventure gamers that crave what game companies used to produce, and unfortuately arent. This allows them the oppurtunity to create a commercial product through Himilaya Studios that they can actually profit off of.

I'm and actor and when I first started I was working on Student films, re-enactments, Industrials, anything I could do to break in. When I finally was able to support myself because of my craft, I was finally doing what I loved to do, and able to survive.

Thats all AGDI is trying to do people, Yes they diverted from making QFG2 for their commercial product but they never stopped working on QFG2, this is shown in the trailer in the DESIGNER JOURNALS. This will BENEFIT US in the long run. If you cant realize that take a step back, think about playing KQ1 and KQ2+ (WHICH YOU DIDNT PAY FOR) How much you enjoyed them, then go purchase Al Emmo.

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#32 Post by GuJiaXian » Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:18 pm

Broomie wrote:Why do you people insist on believing that because the designer journals on updated frequently, that the game isn't being worked on?
I never said that. Please, I've been *very* positive in my posts. I've never even criticized; I've simply expressed an eagerness for more news. I think that most of the other recent similarly themed posts are the same way.
Broomie wrote:If you guys showed support rather than disappointment...
I *am* showing support. How is asking for more information not doing so? And yes, I'm posting in a thread titled "A Note of Disappointment"...but I'd like to think that I'm not continuing that train of thought.

Both Broomie and AGC2 expressed concern over the time involved in building posts. I understand this better than you might imagine; I'm a copy editor by profession, and I know quite well the work that goes into preparing text for public release. I've line-edited books, magazines, and even roleplaying manuals. You're right: it takes a lot of work to get information prepared to be released to the public.

Perhaps AGDI could look into "hiring" a for-free PR person, kind of like Erpy used to be (he's still the voice of the company here on the forums, but I'm not sure if his responsibilities extend to press releases and the like). Then again, finding said person would take more time out of an already-busy development schedule...


There must be a happy medium where both the fans and ADGI are pleased with the arrangements. Just my two cents (and not very helpful two cents at that)...

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#33 Post by Grundy » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:25 am

I can't believe how ignorant and hopelessly stupid the opening post was.

For anyone that has worked in a development environment, whether on a free fan project or commercial product, delays can and WILL happen.   But the garbage that you spewed into these forums just shows how you have utterly no idea about a development process.

I work in a commercial environment developing hardware and several software products, and we have had delays lasting upto and over a year, during which we have enormous pressure to progress and finish.  But we don't have customers or 'fans' accusing us of the crap that you have discussed.

Seriously, give the AGD's a break, and I'm pretty impressed that they didn't just return the abuse that you just served them.

- Grundy

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#34 Post by gamecreator » Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:17 am

Erpy wrote:
I think we've pushed and pried long enough and we've gotten as much of an answer as we're gonna get.  So, just to summarize what we've been told by AGC2, QfGII will be

Anonymous Game Creator 2 wrote:
...released this year...

And there you have it.  Look for it this year. ;)
And don't forget to be disappointed when it doesn't happen because the word "hopefully" wasn't bolded and capitalised enough to be noticed.
:lol Didn't get the reference the first time I read your post.
And there's nothing wrong with being disappointed, as long as you can also stay mature and understanding.

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#35 Post by jpnuar1 » Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:32 am

Erpy wrote:
I think we've pushed and pried long enough and we've gotten as much of an answer as we're gonna get.  So, just to summarize what we've been told by AGC2, QfGII will be

Anonymous Game Creator 2 wrote:
...released this year...

And there you have it.  Look for it this year. ;)
And don't forget to be disappointed when it doesn't happen because the word "hopefully" wasn't bolded and capitalised enough to be noticed.
Ahem, I'd be willing to bet money that the game will in fact, be realeased this year. Keep in mind that starting new years day, 2007 will in fact be "this year"...

Seeing as I am probably one of the more annoying (non-flamish) members, let me just say that we really do appriciate all the hard work you guys do on these remakes, even if our eagerness to play the next installment may get the better of us from time to time. We still love you for everything you've done (and are doing) for us, and any impatient posts just show how how much everyone enjoys your games... So in short, keep up the good work, and God bless!

ImageNow hurry up and finish the game already, darnit!Image

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#36 Post by Oilers99 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:51 am

I used to be impatient, but at this point, I say they can take all the time they want. The more time they take, the more time I have to put together a pitch to make my project their next project. It's a long-shot, but I think the more time goes on, the less of a long-shot it becomes.

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