So . . . are you guys dead?

This forum is a place to talk about AGDI games and projects.

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So . . . are you guys dead?

#1 Post by RobFaeth » Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:45 am

About, you know, two years ago . . . back in a different age of my life, back when my hair was short and I was engaged to some girl named Kayla, when I worked for $6 an hour at a movie theater, I downloaded some awesome games from you guys.  Kings Quest.  And then this announcement that Quest for Glory 2 was coming out again!  One of my favorite, classic, vintage games coming back for me!  It was almost too good to be true.

Well . . . was it?

What the [I don't think I'm supposed to cuss in this forum, so just imagine a lot of major swear-words here for me] has been going on?  Oh, we're just three years after the estimated date now?

Someone die?  Many people die?

I'm assuming all of you gave up on this ages ago, but wasn't there a beta?  Just put the [sorry, cuss words again] up on the web if you're not working on it, and if you are working on it, please just finish it!

Come on.  COME ON!

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#2 Post by arganite » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:27 am

Yeah it is still going.

I also partly agree with the time frame you were talking about. It has been 3 years from the release date planned, but I guess not everything goes to plan.

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#3 Post by MusicallyInspired » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:49 am

Hah! Dead. Right.

Nope not dead. The game is in alpha stages now last we heard. Beta stage is on the horizon. And after that the release. I think it'll be out this year if all goes well. The people behind AGDI had been busy with Al Emmo their Himalaya Studios commercial game which is now released. With that out of the way they can put their attentions to QFG2VGA more or less now.

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#4 Post by Omega Supreme » Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:20 am

Are we really going to start rehashing this again?  Read the other posts.  They'll explain everything you need to know before another four pages are wasted on "Just be patient!" "I don't want to be patient!" "You're getting this game for free!  Be patient!".

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#5 Post by RobFaeth » Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:50 am

Yeah, if there was a forum section for it or a thread that was obvious, I would have checked it.  In the mean time, I wasn't going to sift through every existing post to see if some of them mentioned a time-frame that was up to date.

In the meantime, why don't they update the designer journals or main page so I don't have to go to these lengths, huh?

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#6 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:21 am

The designer journals are up to date. Though, I don't see much incentive to update them when the demands for updates are always so rude and abrupt and usually from newbie registrants who make that their sole reason to post.

If you think that this type of attitude is somehow going to motivate anyone to work harder or faster so that you can play your FREE game sooner, then take my word for it, it's not.  All it does is make me question why we've put 7 years of unpaid work into something that *some* members of the erratic adventure gaming community don't seem to appreciate. And unless you have been in the same situation for the past 7 years, then what value does your uninformed opinion have in dictating to us what we should or shouldn't do?  Do I come and bug you at work and tell you to work faster? No, I do not. So please extend us the same courtesy.

Keep your pants on, the game's coming. Until that time, you can take whatever's written on the designer journal to be the official current status. And so on and so forth, ad infinitum.

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#7 Post by MusicallyInspired » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:29 am

There's also the search function, you know. You should use it if you don't want to sift through every single post. It works. Trust me. And I think that's part of the rules in the FAQ isn't it? If you're not sure about something search the forums first before asking the question that hundreds of others have been asking.

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#8 Post by Erpy » Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:27 pm

Yeah, if there was a forum section for it or a thread that was obvious, I would have checked it.  In the mean time, I wasn't going to sift through every existing post to see if some of them mentioned a time-frame that was up to date.
You should really have done so. It's probably the closest thing a visitor can do to get an accurate idea of what it's like to sift through thousands of "pages" of source code and weed out bugs and anomalies. You probably would have been able to relate a little better afterwards. (the latter is still hundred times more work, but you get the idea)

I think we've been through this sort of discussion some time ago already in this thread. I don't have much to add here that's I didn't already say earlier.


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#9 Post by Gronagor » Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:53 pm

Hmmm... seems to me this guy is a real [sorry, cuss words], [sorry, cuss words again], [sorry, cuss words again] and [sorry, cuss words again].

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#10 Post by Broomie » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:50 pm

RobFaeth wrote:In the meantime, why don't they update the designer journals or main page so I don't have to go to these lengths, huh?
We will have to do what this guy says. We simply cannot let him go to these lengths to find information, it's just preposterous. We should make a little page just for him to give him updates so he can be happy. Because we all know if RobFaeth isn't satisfied, we've done a very bad job. So I'd like to apologize on behalf of the AGD's for not making it so obviously clear that they are still working on it for the idiots of this world.

I'm not really going to bother with this one, I'm not even sure if he is being serious. If he is, then that is quite sad.

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#11 Post by Erpy » Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:06 pm

I'm having a hard time imagining that this discussion will be going anywhere but towards an exchange of barbs, so I'll lock it just to save everyone the keystrokes of saying what's been said many times before.

RobFaeth, if there's anything we believe will mark a major point in the development process, we'll post a journal update about it. If that doesn't happen, kindly assume work is still being done, we're just not briefing you about it.

