I need help...maybe from an AGD?

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#26 Post by Gronagor » Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:21 pm

As for game development... there are only two requirements: 1. A love for making games, 2. Being able to work in a team.

In most game development teams you'll find a complete variety of types of people. In fact. I'd say if there were two people alike in a team, the project will fail. Gender doesn't matter, age doesn't matter, religion doesn't matter (as long as it isn't discussed in the group) and the type of pizza doesn't matter (just make sure there's a big enough fridge for everyone).

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#27 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:33 pm

Yea but I didn't mean to sound close minded or anything I just know that I have similar stuff going on in my life and maybe y'all are right. I've felt more confused about myself since church but then again any Christian or religious organization can get a bad rap from people who pervert it's teachings. But I've met a few who are open minded and in that area they tell me about Paul the apostle saying our best works are as filthy as rags. Basically meaning for example at least in my opinion is that a pastor preaching the word of Christ is as filthy as rags and that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Not whether your straight gay or transgender but it's where your heart is with Christ and thats all I'll say about it cause I don't want to offend anyone here but I would like for them to think a little. I myself don't know how much longer I can stand the church environment cause not only do I feel the way I do about my gender but I also feel like I'm being discriminated as a gamer there as well but then again I can't say for sure what I'll do.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#28 Post by Gronagor » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:13 pm

Ok. To the point about religion. I won't discuss it again, because these discussion never go anywhere.
I'm a Christian. That's it.

Problem it seems in the US is that people wants something more or experience some strange/weird fantastic experience type of thing. The only thing in religion is: do you believe or not. Nothing else matter. The rest is supposed to be guidelines etc etc, but stop complicating it for yourself.

I'm sick of hearing these stupid 'I feel I'm discriminated against. The whole world owe me' crap. Stop complaining and do something about.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#29 Post by Broomie » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:53 pm

Gronagor wrote:Ok. To the point about religion. I won't discuss it again, because these discussion never go anywhere.
I'm a Christian. That's it.

Problem it seems in the US is that people wants something more or experience some strange/weird fantastic experience type of thing. The only thing in religion is: do you believe or not. Nothing else matter. The rest is supposed to be guidelines etc etc, but stop complicating it for yourself.

I'm sick of hearing these stupid 'I feel I'm discriminated against. The whole world owe me' crap. Stop complaining and do something about.

I'm actually an athiest but I only believe the guidelines of religion. I think it's the only sensical part of religion that you shouldn't steal, kill etc. but I see this also as common sense. I was brought up as a Catholic but I was also brought up to respect our ways of life and know wrong from right. I don't need an almighty Deity to guide me and especially in politics where it doesn't belong. When I heard Tony Blair went to war because 'God' told him to I just lost complete respect for him.

I'm going to stop right there because although I could go all day about religion, I really don't wish to offend anyone and although that statement maybe pushing it I have nothing against people's beliefs. People find religion comforting and special which I have no problem with and if it stops people from committing bad acts and not showing respect for their fellow man than that is good. My only gripe is when religion is used as an excuse to do the opposite (terrorism, wars, crime) and the whole, 'God told me to do it' just puts me off the whole thing. Again, no offense but if we're on the topic of religion I just feel I need to bring my point across. God doesn't run your life, you do so if you have any decisions to make it's you and you alone. If anything, if there is a God he probably packed up and left and started a new Spore game... erm... I meant world.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#30 Post by Emily_Konichi » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:51 am

Gronagor wrote:Ok. To the point about religion. I won't discuss it again, because these discussion never go anywhere.
I'm a Christian. That's it.

Problem it seems in the US is that people wants something more or experience some strange/weird fantastic experience type of thing. The only thing in religion is: do you believe or not. Nothing else matter. The rest is supposed to be guidelines etc etc, but stop complicating it for yourself.

I'm sick of hearing these stupid 'I feel I'm discriminated against. The whole world owe me' crap. Stop complaining and do something about.
I agree here. Pick your religion and call it done. I won't discriminate against anyone. Honestly, when it comes to things like the guidelines in the bible...do most people realize that 90% of the laws were on the Jews in the Old Testament? Barely anything in the ways of rules were placed in the New Testament, because Jesus (or someone in the New Testament) said that it didn't matter how good we were, or how much we sinned, what mattered was if we had a relationship with God or not. Guidelines and what not are good, but there is so much more to it.

My pastor said it best "Christians shouldn't judge. If they see a problem, they should simply try to get that person saved, and GOD will deal with them. God wants you to come in to his presence with all your crap and he will fix you. Don't try to get fixed before you come to God, cause it will never happen." I haven't gotten fixed, even from being in God's presence, so doesn't that mean it's not wrong?

Anyway, this isn't a religious disscussion, let's stick to simply the original idea of the topic: Names of female game developers from any genre, along with the possibility of a letter from a pro female game maker, though I doubt the last part will happen. You've all helped greatly so far, though, I've got a lot of new stuff to put into my letter now. Thank you all so much.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#31 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:42 am

My pastor said it best "Christians shouldn't judge. If they see a problem, they should simply try to get that person saved, and GOD will deal with them. God wants you to come in to his presence with all your crap and he will fix you. Don't try to get fixed before you come to God, cause it will never happen." I haven't gotten fixed, even from being in God's presence, so doesn't that mean it's not wrong?
You're using the advice of an unqualified individual to rationalize your decision-making process. I'd be very concerned if someone used statements like you need to be "fixed" because obviously he's giving you a skewed perspective from the church's viewpoint. Hypocritically, that in itself sounds like judgment is being passed. Seriously, if you do need real help as you've requested, talk to a good therapist/psychologist and leave organized religion and its dogma out of the equation all together.

As long as a person follows the tenets of the Golden Rule in life (as Broomie mentioned) and doesn't go out of their way to harm others or force their way of life upon them, then I don't think anyone really cares whether they worship, Jesus, Noah, or the Marshmallow Man. What is quite frustrating though, is when people prioritize religion over healthcare. For example, parents of a sick child spending time praying over said child at home, when they should instead be seeking urgent medical assistance first.

You have asked for helpful advice here and in the interests of responsibility, I don't think it would be right to give you misleading information that could result in you making life-altering decisions for the wrong reasons. If it's not what you want to hear or you find it offensive, well, sorry, but with such an issue at stake the inherent flaws of religious reasoning should not be taken lightly. Once again, you should be talking to an unbiased doctor about a huge issue like this, not your pastor. Good luck.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#32 Post by Klytos » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:15 pm

You're using the advice of an unqualified individual to rationalize your decision-making process. I'd be very concerned if someone used statements like you need to be "fixed" because obviously he's giving you a skewed perspective from the church's viewpoint. Hypocritically, that in itself sounds like judgment is being passed. Seriously, if you do need real help as you've requested, talk to a good therapist/psychologist and leave organized religion and its dogma out of the equation all together.
Regardless of your opinion on religion, calling the position of a Pastor an unqualified position is just plain incorrect. A brief look at the websites for any of the major denominations shows the qualifications required for the position. Just because you don't believe in Christianity or religion or whatever doesn't mean that this person's view is skewed. It means you disagree with it.
What is quite frustrating though, is when people prioritize religion over healthcare. For example, parents of a sick child spending time praying over said child at home, when they should instead be seeking urgent medical assistance first.
Good old chestnut this one. Some people take anything too far. Some people have been known to over-exercise to the point of heart attack. People have made indie computer games in their parents basement to the exclusion of a social life and any possibility of romantic interaction. Some awesome old timer made love to a hot 19 year old babe to the point where he died from over-excitement. Just because someone prays for a kid who's sick doesn't mean prayer is bad, praying instead of seeking medical knowledge is just plain stupid.
You have asked for helpful advice here and in the interests of responsibility, I don't think it would be right to give you misleading information that could result in you making life-altering decisions for the wrong reasons. If it's not what you want to hear or you find it offensive, well, sorry, but with such an issue at stake the inherent flaws of religious reasoning should not be taken lightly. Once again, you should be talking to an unbiased doctor about a huge issue like this, not your pastor. Good luck.
I find it offensive that your assume that the advise of a Pastor, who is a person in fact that you've never met and have no idea about his qualifications or life experience, is misleading. That is just your opinion. If religion is an important part of your life you're going to talk with someone like your Pastor. Just like you talk to people about any problem to get different view points. I think it's plain wrong to discount one particular avenue of advise just because the person giving it happens to be a Pastor. That's not to say talking with your Doctor is a bad idea either, but as the old saying goes, "the more information the better."

What bothers me is that it's socially acceptable to accommodate any life view, religious view and personal view except the Christian view that there is one God and He happens to know the best way for you to live your life. A view which I might point out is held by 33.32% of the entire planet (according to the CIA world fact book). The single largest religion. So I think that there are a lot of people out there who would disagree with your position. Discounting advice from a person with a Christian world view simply because it's a Christian world view is very small minded.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#33 Post by Anonymous Game Creator 2 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:39 pm

Just because a view is held by a large number of people, or even a majority, doesn't make it right (or wrong). Religion in general has a nasty habit of meddling in the affairs of science and progress and while people are free to believe what they want, I don't want what I'd consider misinformation spread on these forums when it comes to matters that can affect someone's life in such a drastic way. Nothing in the world divides people faster and more efficiently than religion does, and that's why such topics are usually off-limits here.

The fact remains that the person who posted this should be talking to a doctor when making these decisions. True, talking to a pastor about it is the individuals' prerogative, but if that pastor starts his sentences with "God will fix you...", then I refute that he's not qualified to be offering psychological advice at all, as that's a skewed perception which is dangerous and could lead the person into false hopes and depression without addressing the root cause of the issue. On the other hand, if the pastor can PROVE beyond any doubt that A) The God he's referring to exists and B) This God can actually sort things out by following a certain path (as therapy sometimes can), then I'll concur that the pastor is just as qualified as any therapist. But if the pastor can't base his claims on proven facts, then he should never replace or take precedence over talking to a therapist.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#34 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:59 pm

O.K. I'd like to finish what I've started. I'm sorry and it is my fault. We have been good friends here for as long as I've joined this forum and as much as I'd like to spread the word of God I believe AGC2 is right on one thing to be exact in fact. I believe if my memory is correct someone at my church once told me even the Bible says there is a time and place for everything meaning this is not the time or place for me or anyone to preach the word of God and the best way to minister to friends is to just be good friends and not preach till their ears pop and if they come to me or anyone else that believes in God by PM or any other means of personal not public contacting methods then thats fine but to hurt each others feelings and ruin friendships I don't think that even Jesus would want that so again I am sorry for starting such a big argument and I hope we can all still be friends and continue having the fun little conversations that AGD Interactive forums has had since I started posting.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#35 Post by Emily_Konichi » Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:43 am

I agree with Seraphim. The original topic of this topic was not religion, and while it has slid into religion, it is obviously causing a problem. So, let's just get back to the original topic here. I request that no one else makes posts about religion, and that the next posts made follow the guidelines below:
1. Names of female game makers
2. A place where I can FIND said names
3. A possible letter directed towards my parents that can help with the argument my parents and I are having
I'd like to note that while my parents ARE religious, that is not the main point of this. The point is simply to obtain help by getting a list of names of female game makers. Thank you, and if the religion topic continues further (no matter WHO posts about it) I will request this topic to be closed, as it is moving into e-drama. Keep in mind, E-drama never happens with just one person, it takes many. So, anyone posting to continue the E-drama is at fault, and E-drama always leads to flaming...one reason that the forum I run has a rule against it, and even E-drama causes bans, warns, etc. even with high ranking forum members.

That aside, once again, please return to the original topic of this topic. Again, the original topic is as follows:
1. Names of female game makers
2. A place where I can FIND said names
3. A possible letter directed towards my parents that can help with the argument my parents and I are having
Nothing more then that. Thank you.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#36 Post by Maxor127 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:09 am

Dani Bunten was a transexual and made one of the greatest games of all time: MULE.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#37 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:46 am

I was curios about Dani Bunten and looked up her name and found another transsexual Rebecca Ann Heineman That made some games I forget which ones it said she made but the article was on wikipeadia.

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Re: I need help...maybe from an AGD?

#38 Post by Maxor127 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:25 am

Yeah, Bill Heineman... I forgot about him. He made Bard's Tale III among other games. Bard's Tale III was a great game. I never knew he had a sex change until I caught that link from Dani Bunten's profile. I found out about Dani by accident too a few years back when I was trying to find new versions of MULE.

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