The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1901 Post by Brainiac » Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:43 pm

Lady Pyro wrote:Okay so I don't know if this a plot point or just something strange and stupid, but why are there two Cids in my Final Fantasy?
According to the developers, Al-Cid Margrace is NOT the official Cid. Indeed, both titles he appears in (FF12 and FFTA2) have another Cid filling that role. He's closer to an incarnation of the historical "El Cid" than the typical FF Cid. In truth, he was just going to be a throwaway role, but then Norio "The Man" Wakamoto wound up as the character's voice and his presence in the game grew as a result.
Lady Pyro wrote:...I think I already ruined the game for myself. I just started the Shrine of Mariam and I already hit 100 hours and have all the license grids filled out. Now I just look at enemies and they die. I dunno, I think I destroyed the challenge.
One word: Yiazmat.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1902 Post by Angelus3K » Mon May 04, 2009 1:52 pm

Brainiac, Lady P, some tips, if you please!

Ok, I've just started FFXII (looks quite nice upscaled on the PS3, although the damn second digit of the MP gauge is cut off the screen so I don't know whether I have 3 MP or 34 MP lol!)

Anyway, general jist of things, the damn camera! Why oh why is there not an option to invert it in the options menu, such a simple fix for such an annoyance!

I'm not used to this real time battle malarky, whats the best approach, target someone go in for the hit then run away while the ready meter fills back up or just stand there and let it hit, fill, hit, fill??

Ta ta!

Edit: I've got around the screen cut by changing PS3 display resolution to 576p and kinda got round the camera problem my using L2 in battle to lock on and R3 to centre camera behind player!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1903 Post by Brainiac » Mon May 04, 2009 5:21 pm

Angelus3K wrote:Brainiac, Lady P, some tips, if you please!


I'm not used to this real time battle malarky, whats the best approach, target someone go in for the hit then run away while the ready meter fills back up or just stand there and let it hit, fill, hit, fill??
You need to use your Cajun X-Men for the "best approach." :p

If you have specific questions, feel free to PM/AIM/ICQ/YIM me.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1904 Post by Lady Pyro » Mon May 04, 2009 7:02 pm

When I was first starting out I was running away from the baddies when they targeted me, then turning back when my meter filled. This worked especially well against slower enemies (physically) like cockatrices, but was useless against the faster ones, like wolves. As you get better though, I find I only really move when I want to get a good look at the enemy, if he's running from me, or if I'm trying to lead him somewhere specific.
But if you do choose to lead an enemy about on your invisible string, watch where you're going! Several times I ran right into a group of stronger enemies due to inattentiveness on my part.

Also to Brains: Thanks for the heads up on the 'Cids'. I don't like it, but I can live with the duel name use. And I may have been a bit dramatic when talking about ruining the game for myself, most hunts are still challenging. It's just killing the Trickster so easily was a bit disappointing, since the game seemed to make such a big deal out of him.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1905 Post by Angelus3K » Wed May 13, 2009 9:11 am

Thanks for the advice, I got my PS3 back this morning so all the hassle I went to over getting my saves from PS3 to PS2 memory card don't matter now lol.

Anyway, Erpy I know you'll love this!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1906 Post by Erpy » Wed May 13, 2009 10:03 am

Looks interesting. I do wonder about a few things...will it be based on the Sega-CD version or the Saturn/PSX version? (they majorly changed some things around in the "Silver Star Story"-versions...personally, I thought the changes made the story a little deeper and the main antagonist somewhat more sympathetic)

The biggest question will be...will it be worth checking out without Working Designs to do the translation/localisation? What made the PSX-games so good was the superb english text by Working Designs and Lunar Legend on the GBA just didn't have the same "feel" to it. A major complication is that Working Designs no longer exists. We'll see how things turn out.


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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1907 Post by Brainiac » Wed May 13, 2009 12:37 pm

Erpy wrote:The biggest question will be...will it be worth checking out without Working Designs to do the translation/localisation? What made the PSX-games so good was the superb english text by Working Designs and Lunar Legend on the GBA just didn't have the same "feel" to it. A major complication is that Working Designs no longer exists. We'll see how things turn out.
Well, there is Gaijinworks, but they've been inert ever since Victor Ireland announced the company shortly after WD's dissolution. This might be the time for them to get into the spotlight.

The issues I'd like the remake to address (especially if they go for Lunar 2 as well) are the continuity issues introduced due to the alterations Erpy mentioned in Silver Star Story Complete. In particular, the location of the crash of the Grindery and the exact point that Althena sacrificed her immortality need to be dealt with. In addition, despite how disliked the game was, the continuity established through Dragon Song should also be incorporated in some fashion.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1908 Post by Angelus3K » Fri May 22, 2009 5:43 pm

UFC 2009 totally rocks!!!!!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1909 Post by Brainiac » Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:09 pm

Other than the massive news concerning Monkey Island documented elsewhere, other news is coming out of the reborn E3...such as Ozzy confirmed for Brütal Legend. I await the cameo by Dethklök...

Another piece of news: Team Ninja is making a game for the Wii entitled "Metroid: Other M" which is believed to dig into Samus Aran's backstory. Considering that an Alien prequel is coming, I find I am not surprised by this (or rather, not surprised the game is coming, just suprised it's being made by Team Ninja).

It also appears that Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear fame may wind up working character designer Ayami Kojima (no relation) on a new Castlevania game titled "Lords of Shadow." This may or may not be the PS3/360 game that was teased last year as information on this new game lacks any mention of Alucard so far. There will probably be more info tomorrow at Konami's press conference. Honestly, I'd like a new game in the series, especially with the film getting staked.

Oh, FF14 was announced as being online and released in 2010 (along with FF13, of course) and FF7 is officially up for download via PSN. Go watch Sephiroth kill Aeris all over again. Oops, spoilers. :p

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1910 Post by Lady Pyro » Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:28 pm

ANOTHER online Final Fantasy? Grrrr >:

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1911 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:57 am

Go watch Sephiroth kill Aeris all over again. Oops, spoilers.
Why does everyone hate her. I thought she was one of the most kind hearted sweetest purest and just plain hottest Final Fantasy characters ever. I even had dreams of dating her and when she got killed I absolutely broke down and cried. But I hear somany people put her down.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1912 Post by Lady Pyro » Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:49 am

Where did you get 'everyone' from that? Actually, on that note, where did you see anyone put her down? I figured it was more of a 'FF7: here we go again' comment. Most people I know adored her and her death came as a serious shock. But come on, it's been like a decade. I think it's been long enough that we can poke fun at this point.
Personally, I'm a bit tired of FF7 and especially of Sephiroth. Sure, his brand of crazy was fun the first time through but I've moved on. There have been much better villains, but I guess they just didn't have long enough hair and enough of an hour glass figure for the fangirls. :lol

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1913 Post by Erpy » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:17 am

Maybe he wasn't poking so much fun at Aerith herself, but more like the way that scene was lauded by millions as the most tragic moment in video game history (completely missing the point of the word tragic), not so much because it was something that was never done before (it wasn't...console RPG's have been killing off main characters way before the PSX-era), but simply because this was the first time many folks witnessed a major character's death in an RPG.


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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1914 Post by Angelus3K » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:22 am

Yea I was totally shocked when watching the conference when FF14 was announced! Hopefully it will be alot better than FF11!

Sony's motion controller looked quite cool but I think MS and Sony are being too reactive to Nintendo's success.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1915 Post by Broomie » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:59 am

I must admit, Sony's motion controller was actually really good. Especially for something that's still a work in progress. Just imagine how far they'll get in a year. I hope this is what the new Wii Motionplus is similar to because Sony have got the virtual axis spot on in that video. Microsoft's one was pretty meh but could probably be a lot of fun.

I was hoping for a few more announcements from Sony, especially regarding a price drop maybe. I'm not that much of a fan of the new PSP Go either, the button placement doesn't feel right.

Overall, I was a little bit disappointed with this year's E3. Nintendo's press conference was once again terrible, with the exception of Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid but what I really wanted was a new Zelda game. I had so much fun with Twilight Princess I was hoping they'd be in development with the next installment. And I'm aware of Spirit Tracks but it's not really pulling me in. Microsoft had a pretty good conference, especially when Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr made an appearance. Left 4 Dead 2 looks pretty awesome as well! Sony had a decent conference as well but still not enough to make me go out and buy a PS3. Maybe when God of War III is released I'll buy one.

Best news however, and my personal favorite was new MONKEY ISLAND games! :D

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1916 Post by Brainiac » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:12 pm

Actually, if you'll note the last two words, the joke of the statement was directed towards the fact that the huge spoiler of this major character's death is pretty much a well-known fact. It's kind of the poster child for a statute of limitations on spoilers. Much like Rosebud was his sled, that's actually a man, and Soylent Green is people.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1917 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:17 pm

No biggie. For one I guess I let my feelings out too much on the forums.Second I need to grow up some even if he was poking fun of which I know now he didn't mean it the way I took it. Aeris\Aerith was at least a fictional character and not a real person. There for I guess I should get use to both sides of the Final fantasy fans opinions. Sorry for overreacting.

Oh by the way I was just wondering What should I get this month I have a tough decision
Rampage Total Destruction wii
Samurai Showdown Anthology wii
Sonics Ultimate Sega Genesis Collection ps3
Capcom Puzzle World psp

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1918 Post by Brainiac » Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:54 pm

Well, not only is Lords of Shadow indeed a Kojima Productions Castlevania game (not to mention co-developed by Mercury Steam, a Spanish developer), Patrick Stewart is in it.

I found it interesting that the headline tag for the coverage of Heavy Rain on the escapist stated that it "will make you look forward to quick-time events. Seriously." Think it might have a chance to change Yahtzee's mind when they tie him down and force him to review it in 2010?

I must admit, I am intriguied by the possibilities for Dante's Inferno. The story does lend itself well to a game's level dynamic, after all. It will be interesting, but whether or not it will be good remains to be seen.

And finally, on the hardware end of things, check out Microsoft's Project Natal. If the developers manage to avoid this thing becoming kitsch, it could be a very interesting development in gaming.

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1919 Post by Angelus3K » Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:52 pm

Brainiac, what are your thoughts on FFXIII/XIV? Also strange how nothing was shown of Versus XIII do we even know what type of game it is or seen any gameplay?

Seraph, I would go for the Sega Collection on PS3, so many great games to play and also I imagine some cool hoops to jump through to earn some trophies! (its also probably a bit cheaper now with it being out for awhile and a complilation, although I'm not sure on that lol).

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1920 Post by Brainiac » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:38 pm

Angelus3K wrote:Brainiac, what are your thoughts on FFXIII/XIV? Also strange how nothing was shown of Versus XIII do we even know what type of game it is or seen any gameplay?
Thirteen I look forward simply due to the fact that I feel a defined leading female protagonist is long overdue for the series (Six lacks a defined lead and though Twelve is really Ashe's story, Vaan is the protagonist).

Fourteen is irrelevant to me as I don't play MMOs (I can't accept monthly fees).

Versus is probably being kept in the background since it's the Kingdom Hearts team and they've got 358/2 Days coming out at the moment. In addition, it will be out after Thirteen, Fourteen, Dissidia, Crystal Bearers, and My Life as a Darklord (not to mention the just-released first episode of The After Years). As far as gameplay system, Versus has been called an action-RPG a la Kingdom Hearts (obviously).

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1921 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:52 pm

So Picard is going to be in the next Castlevania. Cool beans!

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1922 Post by DrJones » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:54 am

seraphimdreamer777 wrote:So Picard is going to be in the next Castlevania. Cool beans!
And the game is being done by a spanish team! I just saw it in the news, weird as it sounds, general newspapers covering E3 for the first time just because we have people working on one game! :lol

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1923 Post by seraphimdreamer777 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:15 am

I know but still Patrick Stewart is awesome Jean Luc Picard,Professor Xavier,Scrooge and now Caslevania. They should put a borg in the game as a special enemy after all they are the vampires of the Star Trek world if you think about it. Resistance is futile! :lol

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1924 Post by Brainiac » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:40 pm

seraphimdreamer777 wrote:They should put a borg in the game as a special enemy after all they are the vampires of the Star Trek world if you think about it.
That was exactly what went through my head when they premiered the assimilation tubules in First Contact.

"Two injections into the neck and in a little while, you become like them...great, they're cyber-vamps."

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Re: The Gamers Thread: PS3, PC, Wii, 360... pick your poison!!

#1925 Post by Angelus3K » Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:12 pm

Brainiac wrote:
seraphimdreamer777 wrote:They should put a borg in the game as a special enemy after all they are the vampires of the Star Trek world if you think about it.
That was exactly what went through my head when they premiered the assimilation tubules in First Contact.

"Two injections into the neck and in a little while, you become like them...great, they're cyber-vamps."
Brainiac, surely they had the tubules way before First Contact??

Re:FF, Oh yea I forgot the KH team where working on Vs XIII. I'd much rather they actually make a KH3 for PS3 though!

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